The Raven and The Snake

Book 6: Part 27 -mature content-

With shaky hands, Ariadne reached into her bag to pull out her bottle of fire whiskey. She drank it slowly, making her way down into the dungeons. She couldn't bear the idea of trying to go to bed. She would make do with the Slytherin common room sofas again. Going the long way to avoid Filch and Peeves, Ariadne wandered past the kitchens. She wasn't paying much attention. The drink mixed with her physical exhaustion gave her a light buzz so she tottered slightly. "Aria?" A voice called from the kitchen's entrance.

She turned her head, dropping the bottle clumsily. It clattered noisily to the stone floor so she had to stoop to pick it back up. Fred and George were just emerging from the kitchens with food.

"Some Head Girl you are." Fred chuckled lightly. "Drinking and wandering the halls at this time?" "Oh stuff it." Ariadne snapped.

George tutted in mock disapproval. "Now now, no need to speak to us that way, Head Girl."

She raised a hand to slap them upside the head, but Fred caught her wrist. She could hear when he noticed the red around her eyes, realizing that she'd been crying. Even though they could be a little irritating, they cared about her. She felt a surge of warmth toward her two best friends and before Fred could say anything about her crying, she kissed him. It took him a moment to respond, but he did with interest. He kissed her back, pulling her closer. What was between them wasn't the kind of love she had for Snape, but it was love. The moment Fred's arms were around her, she felt a sense of safety. There was a security with him that couldn't exist with anyone else besides her two best friends.

She clung to that warmth now, pressing herself eagerly into him. She wanted to be entirely enveloped in that sense of security. When his tongue flicked against hers, she let out a soft whimper of need, her hands dropping to the hem of his shirt.

George tugged lightly at his brother's shoulder. "Not here."

Ariadne frowned, feeling a little hazy. She didn't care where they were. She just wanted to be close to them. She wanted to keep feeling this warm fuzziness.

She twisted in Fred's arms, pulling George closer. She brushed her lips against his cheek and he turned his face to kiss her back. Her body was growing hotter. It felt good to be so close to them again. If she'd realized how bad she'd been missing them, she'd worked hard to tamp it down. Now, they were here.

The kiss from George let her know that he wasn't thinking of leaving her. The boys led her along several different passages. She wasn't paying much attention, pressing into them every time there was a moment of pause.

Fred pulled her back to him finally once they'd reached the seventh floor. He lowered his head to her, kissing her deeply while George paced a little in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy attempting to teach trolls ballet.

A moment later, a door had sprung into existence. The three off them nearly fell through it with it magically sealing behind them. She was reluctant to pull away from the kiss long enough to look about the room.

This had been the previous headquarters for the DA, the Room of Requirement. Back then, the room had transfigured itself to meet the needs of dueling students who were practicing defense. Now, it was much smaller with little more than a very large bed. The twins must have been planning to sleep here for the night rather than stay in the hospital wing like their parents.

This room was rather cozy with heavy hangings and soft pillows laying around the statement piece of furniture. The lighting was soft and romantic, the air smelling a little of vanilla.

Ariadne gave a little laugh. "This seems comfortable."

George grinned back at her then leaned in to kiss her neck. She trembled a little. Fred also leaning in to press kisses to the opposite side.

With a light groan of need, she slipped her hands under their shirts. They'd been wearing fancy clothes when they'd arrived, preparing to make a business deal in Hogsmeade. Now they were dressed light, preparing for bed in the thin hospital pajamas.noveldrama

She felt them shiver when her hands ran over their abs. Their cores clenching slightly at the touch, making the muscles pop more. They were both very fit still, having both been very athletic during their school days.

Fred was first to slip off his shirt, sitting down on the corner of the bed and drawing her closer. She kissed his lips, her hands exploring his muscular form. George moved behind her, slipping his hands under her robes and helping her strip down to her undergarments.

Ariadne shook her hair loose from its ponytail, slipping out of her bra. Fred's eyes widened slightly. They'd been intimate before, but it had always ended before they could really get naked. This time, Ariadne wasn't putting a stop to the intimacy.

George caught her from behind. He pressed kisses to her neck, his hands cupping her breasts. He massaged her chest, his hips rocking a little against her backside. She pressed back into him, moaning agreeably.

Fred's hand twisted in her black hair, kissing her lips. His free hand dropped to her pants, feeling her warmth through the fabric. She wasn't pulling away at all. It felt too good, too comfortable for her to even consider stopping. The cold indifference she'd been getting over the last couple of months had hurt her. Now she was getting more than she could have hoped for with two people that would never willingly hurt her. She had no desire at all to resist the warmth that was spreading through her.

Fred's fingers rubbed against her while she kissed him. When he hit the right spots, she encouraged him with a moan against his lips. She was getting hotter and wetter.

George nipped at her neck to get a little bit of attention. His massaging fingers lightly pinching her nipples. She ground back against his hardening dick while also trying to keep Fred going. She was getting closer.

Fred slipped his fingers under the cloth and pressed into her. She screamed in pleasure, clenching around him. She reached into his own pants, gripping him a little tightly so he stiffened.

It was a motion of her rubbing and kissing while the two of them rubbed her. Though George's hands had felt nice, she was glad when his hands dropped from her chest to help her remove her pants entirely. Her eyes fluttered and when she looked again, all three of them were naked.

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