The Raven and The Snake

Book 6: Part 26

She felt a little cold when she reached the gargoyle outside of Dumbledore's office and saw Professor Snape waiting. He looked at her with his lips pursed tightly then spoke the password quickly, heading up before her.

"Aw, Severus, Ariadne, good." Dumbledore greeted them from his desk with a warm smile.

Evidentially, the two men had had a fight earlier in the day. Snape wasn't soothed by the smile; he scowled openly and jerked his head toward Ariadne. "Why have you sent for her?"

Ariadne strode past him calmly, taking a seat in front of Dumbledore. She was looking into the older man's eyes curiously. His mind was as silent as ever, she had no idea why he'd called for her so late in the evening. It was nearly eleven and she was completely shot, what could she possibly do for him?

"I have sent for Miss Black because she is an impartial and sympathetic soul. I spoke with Poppy while you were at dinner, Ariadne. She told me you've spent the entire day in the hospital wing taking care of Mr. Weasley. Even at this late hour, you were still with him when I sent the letter. You are quite dedicated to the students of this school." Dumbledore looked at her with a hint of pride.

Ariadne's shoulders stiffened. Of course, she hadn't done it for praise, but it was nice feeling acknowledged. This did not, however, answer the question as to why she was invited. She remained silent, watching.

"I also feel that you have the firmest grasp of your grandfather's mind. You understood the purpose of the ring, confirming my suspicions about it before the start of term and did not argue the future of the Potter boy. Should I fail to adequately answer Severus's questions this evening, I'm sure that you will understand why I am to tell you both what needs to be done."

Ariadne couldn't help it, she reached out toward his mind with her own. What was he thinking? He didn't allow her in, but she got some sort of flavor. Did he want her to be an emotional support? To Severus Snape? Surely, he'd noticed the cold atmosphere between the two of them since entering the room.

"Also, that should anything happen to make Severus unable to tell Harry what he must, that you will take up the position."

She counted out her breathing, willing herself to remain calm and collected. She gave the smallest of nods. If Snape needed her, of course, she would help in any way she could. Regardless of his attitude toward her at the moment. Dumbledore's explanation did not please Snape. He encouraged the man to sit as he himself stood up, seeming unable to stop a level of nervous energy. Snape sat down reluctantly, still ignoring Ariadne whose lips were pressed together tightly.

"You asked me to explain to you why I am giving Harry, of all people, information that I am unwilling to give you, Severus. It is because Harry's mission is different from what I am giving you. You are the one that will protect this school and its students. Harry will probably - definitely not be returning to the school next year as a student." Dumbledore said, pacing slightly.

Snape's lip curled, unable to choose between surprise and disgust. "So you are entrusting a dangerous mission to a boy that won't even finish his magical education?" Dumbledore decided to ignore this. "I do not know how long it will take for Harry to make his way back, but it is necessary that when he does, that you meet him." "And why would I do that?" Snape glared.

"Harry must not know, not until the last moment. Otherwise, how could he have the strength to do what must be done?"

Snape looked perplexed. "What must he do?"

"That is between Harry and me." Snape's look of confusion turned instantly to fury, but before he could say anything, Dumbledore continued, hitting a stride. "Now listen closely, Severus. There will come a time after my death - do not argue. Do not interrupt. There will come a time when Lord Voldemort will seem to fear for the life of his snake."

"For Nagini?" Snape said incredulously.

"Precisely, if there comes a time when Voldemort stops sending that snake forth to do his bidding, but keeps it safe beside him under magical protection, I think it will be safe to tell Harry." "Tell him what?" Snape asked, his expression impatient.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and closed his eyes, though he was already turned away from them. "Tell him that on the night that Lord Voldemort tried to kill him, when Lily cast her own life between them as a shield, the killing curse rebounded upon Lord Voldemort and a fragment of Voldemort's soul was blasted apart from the whole and latched itself onto the only living soul left in that collapsing building. Part of Lord Voldemort lives inside of Harry and it is that which gives him the power of speech with snakes and a connection with Lord Voldemort's mind that he has never understood. And while that fragment of soul, unmissed by Voldemort, remains attached to and protected by Harry, Lord Voldemort cannot die."

Ariadne felt a little sick at the words. She wasn't close to Harry, despite their many interactions. Still, she had essentially watched him grow up. Forever from a distance, she had watched him grow into the wizard he was today with friends and a family of his own making.

Snape's voice was a little distant, his face blank. "So the boy... the boy must die?"

"And Voldemort himself must do it, Severus. That is essential."

There was a long silence. Dumbledore still had his back to them, his eyes closed.

"I thought all these years," Snape muttered, his voice changing slightly into something resembling anger. "That we were protecting him for her. For Lily."

The way he said her name was so desperate and despairing. Ariadne's heart gave a sharp tug. Her eyes pricked with tears, but she remained utterly silent.

"We have protected him because it has been essential to raise him, to let him try his strength. Meanwhile, the connection between them grows ever stronger, a parasitic growth. Sometimes, I have thought, he suspects it himself. If I know him, he will have arranged matters so that when he does set out to meet his death, it will truly mean the end of Voldemort."

Dumbledore opened his eyes, turning to look at them. Snape's face was horrified. Ariadne's face was calm, but she was no more pleased with the prospect than either of them. What the boy was to go through was despicable, even if she was certain he would make it through.

"You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment?" Snape's voice rose with indignation.

"Don't be shocked, Severus. How many men and women have you watched die?"

Ariadne flinched internally. How many men and women had been killed by him? By either of them? The faces of the muggle couple and Karkaroff were still fresh in her mind as though she had seen them just moments before. She, with her own hands and magic, had killed them.

She knew that this wasn't truly meant to be a slight against her. If Dumbledore was aware of the murder that she'd had to commit, he'd never brought it up as a point of derision. He was no less culpable during this time of war for the deaths of many. Even so, it stung.noveldrama

"Lately, only those who I could not save." Snape retorted, rising to his feet. "You have used me."

"Meaning?" Dumbledore replied coolly, looking unintimidated.

"I have spied for you and lied for you. Put myself in mortal danger for you. Everything was supposed to be to keep Lily Potter's son safe!"

Ariadne flinched again, instinctively recoiling from the anger though it wasn't directed at her. Still, something felt odd. She couldn't put her finger on it.

"Now you tell me that you have been raising him like a pig for slaughter."

"This is touching, Severus," Dumbledore said, his tone serious, but a smug light in his eye. "Have you grown to care for the boy after all?"

"For him?!" Snape's voice rose still higher, taking on a hysterical note as he took out his wand from his pocket. "Expecto patronum!"

A brilliant silver doe erupted from his wand, landing on the stone floor, bounded once around the office, before soaring out the window to streak across the grounds. Dumbledore watched after her for a long moment. When he turned back to look at Snape, his eyes were full of unshed tears. Seeing those tears, kept Ariadne from crying herself.

"After all this time?" Dumbledore asked sadly, his voice cracking a little.


Snape turned to stalk out of the room, casting one small glance at Ariadne. She looked back him, not crying or showing emotion as Dumbledore had, but she felt the sting once more.

The door snapped shut and Dumbledore sat down slowly, seeming to shrink slightly. He gazed at Ariadne with an almost apologetic expression. When he opened his mouth to speak, she raised a hand to silence him.

"No need, Headmaster. I have known for a long time that it was hopeless for me."

Still, he looked like he wanted to say something.

"Severus Snape's love has a steep cost, Albus. I have no desire to take from him more than what I have. My role will not change. Should something happen to keep Severus from being able to tell Harry, I will step in, as promised. Now, it's awfully late. I should go to the dorms."

Ariadne rose steadily. She left the office calmly. It wasn't until she alone in the corridor that she allowed herself to cry.

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