Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Chapter 0162 REAGAN’S POV. It’s never a good thing when the elders call for a meeting with me involved. They definitely want to discuss something annoying. Last time, the meeting was about me finding a second. chance mate who will rule by my side as Lama and bear me an heir that will continue my line. True. It’s a good reason to call a meeting since I’m their leader, but that doesn’t change the fact that it annoys me a great deal. Sometimes I wish I could just live my life as I please. “Kyle.” I call when he walks to me from the car he arrived in. My Beta Ronald is doing the same. “My Lord.” He answers with a curt bow. “Do you have any idea why the elders have called this meeting?” “No, My Lord. But my guess is, they’ve called to talk about the mate issue. It’s been a while since the girl’s arrived, but you’ve still not mentioned anything about choosing a mate among them.” He explains thoughtfully and bile churns in my stomach. I turn to my Beta who instantly bows his head to avoid eye contact with me. “What about you, Ronald, any idea or guess?” “No idea, but I’m guessing the same thing Kyle just mentioned.” I sigh in exasperation. “Bloody council of elders.” I mumble under my breath and lead the way into the building. What irks me the most is that they are right to mount this pressure on me. I need an heir sooner or later as tradition demands, but as an individual, I’m not ready for that yet. I’m not even ready to be committed to anyone right now. Everyone rises to their feet and bow their heads the second 1 set foot into the conference room. A chorus greeting follows, which I nod to and signal them to take their seats. I walk to the head seat of the table and make myself comfortable. There are guards stationed at every corner of the room. Kyle and Ronald occupy the nearest seats on my left and right hand side. Once we are all settled in our various seats, I clear my throat and look at the elders who are seated around the table with eager expressions.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this very formal meeting called by my council of elders?” I ask calmly, but the seriousness in my voice cannot be missed. The head of the council of elders, clears his throat and trains his eyes on me. “My Lord, we are here to address an issue… a rumor that has been flying around the pack for weeks now. When it began, we didn’t pay any attention to it because we thought it’ll die down in the coming days, but weeks have passed and tongues are still wagging. That rumour doesn’t appear to be dying down anytime soon.” He explains and there are nods of approval from the rest of the elders. My eyes flick from Ronald, to Kyle who both seem to have understood what the elder is talking about, just like I have. I sigh heavily and look back at the old man. 1/3 +15 BONUS “And what rumor is that?” I ask, eventhough I know already. “There’s a H m girl called Ashanti. Rumour has it that you’ve been spending nights with just her for the past weeks, which is unusual for you. You have taken her out on numerous occasions and you treat her better than you do the other Harem girls.” He stops talking and looks at me. “Well… go on. I want to hear more.” “Hearing all that got us wondering if she’s the chosen one.” The back of my neck heats and I flinch without meaning to. They want to know if Ashanti is the girl I’ve chosen to be my second chance mate. If only they know she’s already the one chosen by nature. “Alpha Reagan, please don’t get us wrong.” Another elder speaks. This one is sitting on left hand side. “It’s been a while since anyone has seen you get deeply involved with a girl since the passing of your true mate. You shut yourself out and never had any relationship with women, but since this girl arrived, things have been different with you. We’ve heard of and seen you do things you haven’t been able to do with any other for many years now. That’s why we thought it wise to find out from you if she’s the chosen one.” The old man expatiates and I lean back on the backrest of my chair. My eyes flick to each and every one of their faces, giving them very critical looks.

A few who can’t maintain eye contact with me bow down their heads. I’m barring my teeth and cursing myself internally. Of course the just had to notice that I’ve been treating her differently. I didn’t plan for any of this to happen, but I keep loosing my control over that girl. The truth is, as it is now, I’m contented with the way things are between us. To be honest, my head jarred within when she mentioned kids the other night. I know what she’s thinking. She wants us to be more than what we are, but that can’t happen. At least not now because it’s going to put her in danger. Things need to cool down a bit between us so they can stay at the stage I want them to be. “You’re being obnoxious and selfish again.” King, my wolves curses me out of nowhere. ” You’re not being fair to Ashanti. You need to communicate these things with her! The poor girl is going through a hard time!” “You don’t know that,” “But I know for sure that you are doing all this because you’re scared to take responsibility. Which is not what a King should be facing.” “Shut your mouth, King. You know nothing.” “What I know is that you are depriving both of us of being with our mates as we should be. You’re having a good time with Ashanti, but what about me? I need her wolf!” He scolds me and I quickly shut him out before I lose my mind and act inappropriately before these elders. King and I do nothing but argue all the time. Now, back to what I was pondering about. In the beginning, I tried not to make my feelings for +15 BONUS her obvious, but jealousy came in and I couldn’t help but try to win her over. Everything seems to be catching up with me. My s u p i d it y and cowardice. I have out a heavy sigh. “My Lord.” Another elder calls. I look at him. “We need a Luna. We need an heir. And we are asking to know if she’s the chosen one so we can get to know her and respect her more. That’s all.” I’m sick of this meeting.

I turn to Ronald and mindlink him to end the meeting. He does as told and accompanies the elders out of the conference room, leaving just Kyle and I behind. I rub my eyelids with my fingers and sigh heavily. The elders words keep ringing in my and I don’t know what to do with myself right now. mind “You know you’re going to have to give them a response sooner or later, right?” Kyle tells me. I groan, totally frustrated by that truth. It is no doubt that I’m in love with Ashanti. I want to be with her, but I can’t. I can’t let them know she’s my mate. There’s a good reason for that. “Right.” eyes “So, is she the one?” He asks out of nowhere. I look at him long and hard and unlike the majority of elders who always look away to avoid eye contact with me, Kyle keeps his glued with mine as he patiently waits for my response. ust Kyle even more than I trust myself. I can trust him with all my secrets. If I tell him how I feel about Ashanti, I have nothing to worry about because he won’t tell another soul. Not even Ashanti herself, but because I’ve always been a stubborn person, I shake my head. “The relationship I have with Ashanti is nothing of that sort.” That lie stabs my heart like a thousand daggers!Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

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