Chapter 161

Chapter 161

ASHANTI’S POV. TWO WEEKS LATER. I have been spending the night at Alpha Reagan’s chambers for straight two weeks now. The other Ha m girls are not very happy about this. The entire pack is buzzing with rumours about the kind of relationship we have. Some say say I’m a bedroom freak, that’s why he cannot get enough of me. Others say I used a charm on him. Some kind onse have the decency to get love involved in the issue. They say Alpha Reagan has fallen in love with me and I am the chosen one. Meaning, he’s going to accept me as his second chance mate. Oh, how I wish that was true. When I go to his chambers, the only thing we do is have fun the best way we can and have sex and sleep. We never talk about ourselves or bring up the rumours flying around or talk about what we have. The fact that our relationship hasn’t been defined hurts me, but I’d rather stay guessing, than bring up the topic and get the shock of my life. A knock on the room door snaps me out of my thoughts. “Come in.” I signal and immediately, the door opens and Tessa steps in. “Hello.” She greets me cheerfully as she walks in, closing the door behind her. “Hi.” I reply and stay focused on folding the clean clothes before me. She nods and goes into the closet to probably change her clothes. For the past two weeks, she has been acting friendly towards me and it baffles me. However, I make sure to keep my distance and ignore her as much as I can. The last thing I want is to warm up to her and get disappointed in the end. “Here.” Her voice comes through again after a few minutes and I’m shocked to see her walking towards me with a bowl of food and a bottle of apple juice. “I got this from the cafeteria on my way here.” My stomach grumbles and that’s when I remember that I’m hungry, but taking food from Tessa is not a safe thing to do right now.

When she senses my hesitation, she opens the bowl of food, eats three spoon fools of the casserole in it, opens the bottle of juice and sips a bit before putting both by my side on the bed. “It’s not poisoned.” “I didn’t say it was.” “The look you gave me implied it was.” She argues. I sigh heavily and put aside the dress I’m holding and focus my gaze on her. “Wouldn’t feeling annoyed that she has the audacity to try to act coy with me. t you have your doubts if you were in my shoes?” I ask her with furrowed brows, +15 BONUS “I would.” She shrugs. “I’ve been terrible to you for some time now.”” “For some time?” I ask in complete unbelief, almost raising my voice. “It’s been almost one month now since you started ignoring me. Treating me like I didn’t exist. Like I was your worst enemy. All of that without any explanation and today, all of a sudden you’re acknowledging my existence and giving me food. What kind of sorcery is this?” ‘If you’ll just let me explain.” “I would’ve been willing to listen to your explanation two weeks ago. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say right now. Just ride on with being mean to me. I’m used to it.” “They threatened to kill my parents in our pack if I didn’t cut all ties with you.” She blurts out and blood freezes in my veins. I shoot her a shocked gaze and she calmly nods her head. “Yes. And I’m sure you know who I’m referring to.” “Alina?” I whisper. “The one an only. “But why would she threaten to kill your parents. You’ve done nothing wrong to her.” “Apparently, she doesn’t like the fact that you’ve got any friends. She saw herself losing to life miserable.” you on many occasions, so she decided to use other meams to make. I knew it. I had a gut feeling Alina was responsible for this and I was right. She’s never going to stop. trying to torment me. She even had to go to the extent of threatening to kill Tessa’s parents. That girl is a

psychopath.. “I know it doesn’t make up for how b i t y I’ve been these past weeks, but I’m sorry. I felt genuine fear when the man she sent to threaten me called my parents names, the names of siblings, my parents occupations, their day to day activities and even our home address. That’s when I knew she wasn’t bluffing. And knowing Alina’s réputation of not being the type to dish out empty threats, I had to do as she commanded. I’m sorry.” “So what about now? You’re being friendly with me. If she finds out, you’ll be in big trouble.” She shakes her head. I look at her, confused. “No, I won’t. Two weeks ago, the same guy who threatened me came to tell me I could be friends with you again and that no harm will come to my family. That’s why I’ve been warmer to you these past days. I was too ashamed to say anything. I don’t know what happened, but the threat has been cancelled and I’m free to be friends with you again.” She explains and immediately, the conversation I had with Delta Kyle the day he took me out replays in my mind. He promised me he was going to get to the root of the issue. I am sure he confronted Alina and made her revoke her threats. A smile creeps on my face. “What’s funny?” Tessa asks curiously. I calmly shake my head and look at her. “Nothing. I just… you know… “I shrug. “I’m Amazed by the lengths Alina is willing to go to make my life miserable in this castle. It’s scary.” “It sure is. You should be wary of her. That girl has killed before and she won’t hesitate to do it again. You need to be very careful around her.” “I know and I am. And I’m also happy that I’ve got my friend back. Tessa you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” Tears well up in my eyes. “I’ve missed you too, Ash. I’m sorry I threw your bracelet in the thrash. I cried after we had that argument when you confronted me about it. I felt terrible, but I had to make it look real. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. I completely understand.” I’m smiling through tears. “The entire H a r e m is buzzing with the fact that you always draw with Alina during duels.” “Yeah. And I don’t need to tell you that she’s not very pleased about that.’ “Kick her a s!”

“The day that will happen, I’m sure I’ll have to leave this pack else she’ll strangle me in my sleep.” We both burst into laughter. “She wouldn’t dare! Not when you have Alpha Reagan as your backup. And… speaking of Alpha Reagan… you’ve not spent a single night in this bedroom for the past two weeks. Are two a thing now?” “I wish!” I say in dismay. “So you two are just… f**g?” “Yeah.” “Well, do you know what I think about this situationship you two have?” “It’s not a situationship, but yeah, let’s hear what you think.” “I think the two of you are mady in love each other, but too shy to say it.” I throw my back and let out a loud hysterical laughter. That’s a total joke. head Alpha Reagan could never fall in love with me.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

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