The Cursed Human

Chapter 33

Sarah’s p. o. v

I said, what I wanted to say for a long time. I said what my heart desired, what my soul wished. Thought of marrying other man than Matthew, never sit well with me.

My scalp burned as Lucifer pulled me by my hairs. All the courage that I had few moments ago turned into vulnerability. My heart started racing in my chest.

“What did you just say?” He seethed his teeth in anger. Why did he had to get so angry? I just told Alatar whether I take Lucifer as my husband or not, and my answer was a clear no.

The air around us suddenly became difficult to breath in as the surrounding get cold. He was angry and I didn’t cared, not at all.

“I hate you!” I screamed at him, his jaw clenched, making a wave of fear rushed through my body. My scalp was burning from the grip he had on my hairs.? I was feeling claustrophobic in the little space between us. I tried to remain sane but my mind was already on verge of crying.

“Ask her again!” He growled at? shaking Alatar. Alatar looked down at his book before chanting same words. He was clearly scared? from his anger, that was directed towards me.

“Do y-you take him as your h-hus—”


I left stunned as my eyes widened in shock, not because of the words, but because these words didn’t come out of my mouth.

I didn’t said that.

I looked frantically around the aisle only to see a very familiar face, but? didn’t even remembered when and where I had seen that face.

I screamed as Lucifer held my throat with his other hand as something pierced through the back of my neck. A ferocious growl resonated from his chest as he snarled angrily at me showing his sharp as knife fangs. I tried to gulped down the lump of saliva that recently formed because of fear.

“Leave her, you monster!” Said the same person, who was knowingly unknown to me. Instead of answering her, Lucifer leaned down and looked at me with his red, fiery, rage filled orbs.

“I didn’t wanted to do this but you left me no choice.” He gritted? with venom lacing his voice.

I didn’t understand what he meant by saying that. But before I could thought anything, he leaned and tilted my neck by pulling my hair harshly.

Everything happened in blur as extreme amount of pain ripped through my neck making me scream in agony. It was like thousands of hot needles were piercings through my body, making my insides burn as I felt something warm flowing in my body. A pleasurable moan reverberated from his chest as he tilted my head back for better access. I heard the screams and commotion but my strength to look was wearing away.

“Noooooooooooo!”? A muffled voice rang in my ears but my senses were loosing slowly and painfully. My mind had stopped processing long ago.

His fangs digged deeper as a blood cuddling scream left my throat, I shuddered in his arms as he drew deep, gulping mouthful after mouthful, revealing his true cruel nature. I was feeling like he was not just gulping my blood but he was gulping my life out of me.?

My struggles lessened as I felt myself growing limp as his arms held my body closer to his. He drank and drank, sucking at my neck ferociously. Something trailed down my chest as the floor swayed beneath me. The last thing I saw before the darkness consumed me completely was his red eyes and lips covered with blood.

My blood.

Third person’s p. o. v

Lucifer picked her unconscious body in his arms effortlessly, as thick drops of blood dropped on ground beneath them. His eyes dilated as he looked at her, controlling the urge to suck her dry. Her once skillfully styled hairs were now a mess as her veil was long dropped from her head with her tiara. His mouth was coated with her thick red blood as he licked his lips in hunger.

This sudden feeling was unknown to him as his eyes scanned her tear stained face. He was the one who was known for his control over his senses, but being close to her, and not losing his damn mind, was something he was struggling with. He wanted her in worst possible ways, that it makes his entire body shook in pleasure.

“Wh—what did-” Kyleigh was unable to complete her sentence as her eyes blurred with unshed tears. Her eyes were staring at the girl who was caged in his arms, in arms of Lucifer. She didn’t understood what should she feel, whether she should be angry or she should be disappointed. Her whole world slides beneath her feet as she lost the strength in her knees, and fall on the beautifully decorated ground.

The flowers around them suddenly dried out as a blood cuddling scream left Kyleigh’s mouth. Lucifer stood in middle of aisle holding Sarah in his arms as he took threatening steps towards Kyleigh.

“Seize them!” He ordered as suddenly four huge muscular guards starting moving towards Kyleigh and Cassian. As they neared her, an unknown invisible barrier stopped them as they all went flying backward.

“YOU MARKED HER!” Kyleigh growled with a angry snarl on her face. Her eyes glowed violet as she clenched her hands and strode towards Lucifer. As she reached few inches closer to Lucifer, she started to feel her chest tightened as she grabbed at the air, Cassian quickly ran to her side.

“Mother!” He shouted as he held her in his arms, “Stop this!”

“I should’ve had killed you when I had the chance.” Lucifer said as he narrowed his eyes on duo. His eyes were no longer red but fury was still there, making him looked more deadly. Kyleigh’s eyes rolled back as her body went limp in Cassian’s arms.

Falcon stood there, wide eyes as he tried to sink in what had happened. He had never seen Kyleigh but the similarities, which anyone could easily see between Sarah and her, was obvious. Same chestnut head, same chocolaty orbs. His blood went cold as he saw crazed look on Lucifer’s face. He gulped as he fisted his hands.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. Lucifer wasn’t supposed to mark Sarah, at least not yet. The horrific image of Sarah crying in agony was imprinted in his mind.

He looked up as a violent scream resonated in air.

Cassian fall on the ground, gasping for air. His eyes bulged out of his sockets as his lungs started constricting.

“M-my lord, you wouldn’t like to repeat same thing, you did years ago,” Alatar’s shivering voice fell in Lucifer’s ears as he snarled at him. Cassian immediately breathed heavily as air enters his lungs. His body stiffened as looked up at Lucifer, but before he could moved to attack him, his eyes rolled back and he fell on the ground with a loud thud.

“Falcon!” He shouted as Falcon sprinted over to him and kneeled on ground with head bowing down.

“Take them to dungeons!” He growled as Falcon immediately nodded and obeyed his order. Falcon carefully picked Kyleigh and ordered Michael to take Cassian, and moved towards the back of castle.

Lucifer didn’t waited as he swiftly walked away towards the castle. His long and authoritive strides indulged fear in every single soul present around him.

His kicked opened the door of his chamber as he laid Sarah on the bed. He stood to his full height and looked at small, fragile girl laying on his bed. His jaw tensed as he thought about the words that she said to him.

‘I hate you!’

Her words echoed in his head as he fisted his hands and took few deep breaths in order to control himself. He knew very well that if he didn’t control his anger, he will end up doing something which wouldn’t be very beneficial to him.

He gulped hard as his eyes trailed down her body, looking at her blood covered neck. He felt his pupil dilating as his fangs sharpened with hunger for blood, for her blood.

She was beautiful, but for him, she was looking divine, laying in his bed, bearing his mark, covered with blood wearing a bride’s dress. He liked her like this, vulnerable, completely at his mercy.

He didn’t wanted to mark her like this, he wanted to follow the tradition his ancestors had been following. But nothing worked according to his plan. But he was not complaining, at least it was in his benefit. She was supposed to get marked by him, didn’t mattered if it was now or in future.

She was his.

His throat tightened as he felt himself closing the distance and hovering over her. His icy blue eyes grazed over her face until they fell on her neck again.

He closed his eyes as his lips met the mark on her neck. A groan left his throat as he hungrily licked her neck. His hands fell against her chest, stroking over her ample bosom. He felt himself losing control as he roughly squeezed one of her lace covered breasts.

‘My king, there is a letter for you.’ Alatar’s voice entered his head as his eyes snapped opened.

‘Burn it.’ he replied through mind link as he continued his assault.

‘It’s from your father, My Lord.’

Lucifer groaned in anonnyance? as he stood up and looked at her face.

“You will pay the price of saying no.” He gritted as he vanished in thin air.


Kyleigh groaned as she tried to opened her eyes. Her hands moved towards her sore throat as he she rubbed there.

“Safina,” she whispered as her eyes shot opened. Her eyes scanned her surroundings as every single event flashed through her eyes.

“Oh my god! H-he marked her!” She breathed out as she tried to control her tears at bay.

Another voice entered her ears as she looked up.

“Cassian!!” She shouted as she saw her son laying on the ground of cell, opposite to hers. Cassian groaned as he tried to sit up. Kyleigh called for him again as his senses come back to him.

“Mother,” he whispered as he felt his throat paining. He lifted himself up and rested his back against the wall. His eyes met her mother’s.

“Are you okay? What did he do to you?,” said angrily as her eyes scanned his body looking for any injury.

“I… I don’t remember,” he whispered as his head started throbbing in pain. Kyleigh tried to say something but stopped mid sentence as she felt her surrounding become cold and suffocated. Her eyes scanned the area but to her dismay she didn’t find anyone or anything. She gulped as she realised the position she was in. She felt so disappointed that she couldn’t be able to save her daughter, in fact she had put her son’s life in danger.

She was still in shock that he had marked her, and she wasn’t able to do a thing to stop him.

She jumped as she looked up to find very familiar red eyes staring back at her. She had seen those many time, in her nightmares. These red eyes were the reason her eldest son was not with her. These eyes were the reason her daughter was not with her.

“I guess asking ‘What are you doing here’, would be impractical,” Lucifer stepped towards the cell where Kyleigh was shivering in fear and smiled a taunting smile.

“Asking ‘How did you get in’, would be useless,” he turned around as his loud footsteps echoed in silent dungeon.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Wh.. what are you doing?” She panicked as Lucifer entered the cell where Cassian was kept.

“What does it look like?” He mused as he gripped the metal bar and snapped it in two pieces. Kyleigh was not stunned, she was well acquainted with his powers, strength and especially his anger.

“Don’t harm him, please!” She screamed as Lucifer extended his claws.

“See, here’s the thing I hate about you witches, you scream without any reason,” he chuckled. Waves of fear and anger invaded her senses as she growled in anger. She closed her eyes as deep frowned decorated her forehead.

“Don’t worry, your voodoo shit won’t work” he said without looking at her. Cassian was growling in pain as his mind was not registering what was happening around him.

“Please! Don’t —” Kyleigh’s words converted into scream as Lucifer grabbed Cassian by his collar and slammed him against the wall. Loud groans of agony escaped Cassian’s lips, his body screaming in pain.

Kyleigh tried to use her whatever magic could use to break free, but nothing was working in these four walls of dungeon. She was absolutely? powerless.

“Leave us… My lord, please!!” She pleaded as her eyes shed tears of helplessness. He kneeled down in front of Cassian and palmed his chest.

“Now, why would I do that?” Lucifer raised a curious brow. Kyleigh looked at him startled.

Lucifer swung his arm as his claws digged deeper in Cassian’s chest and blood started oozing out of his body, making him scream in agony.

Her screams and pleas were unheard as he tortured her son in front of her. Lucifer was known for his cruelness and he was doing the perfect thing to maintain his same vicious and cruel nature.

“How will she feel, when she will come to know that you killed her brother?” Lucifer stopped as he retracted his hand and stood to his full height, looking at her with a smile on his face.

“And what makes you think I care about her feelings?” He raised his dark brow in amusement.

“But you know what, I shouldn’t kill your fucking pathetic son, not yet” Kyleigh looked at him as she feared for worst.

“I have some better plans”

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