The Cursed Human

Chapter 32

My mind stopped working as he said those words. These four words held so much shock and disbelief. I tried to sink in his words but my mind was not working anymore. Marry? Like wedding? Our wedding?

Why the hell does he wanted to marry me? Was this his another way to break me? Or was he trying to conquer me?

Isn’t breaking me wasn’t enough for him that he decided to break my soul and dignity too. How could I marry him? How in the hell could I ever? thought of marrying him?

“No! Never!!” I screamed as I tried to scrambled away from him. I wanted to get away from him as far as possible. A threatening growl reverberated from his chest as he extended his arm and pulled me towards him, making me wince in pain.

“That was not a request! We are getting married whether you like it or not!” He nearly growled in my face. How can he expect me to marry him when he had broke me beyond repair?

Marriage is the beginning—the beginning of the family. Marriage is protruded by love and care and is a life-long commitment. And I will never ever commit my life to this monster.

I was angry. I was not going to marry him. Not now! Not ever!! My brain refused to think anything, only his words were running in my mind. Marriage, wedding!

Anger get the best of me as my hand collided with his face. His face didn’t even moved an inch, instead my hand started stinging with pain. My eyes widened with fear as I thought what had I done. I backed away from him as his eyes looked up at me with so much rage and anger.?

“I—I’m s… sor—” my words remained in my throat as he grabbed me by my hairs and pulled me up. A scream left my throat as he dragged me by my hairs and walked out of the room.

“I did— I didn’t mean….. Ahhhh…..” I screamed loudly as he slammed me against the wall of the hallway and gripped my throat in tight hold. By now I was panicking. My eyes were watering with pain and my whole body was throbbing with the impact.

“One more fucking word and you are fucked!” He growled in my face and leaned down and circled his huge arms around my knees and hoisted me on his shoulder. Whole hallway turned upside down as blood rushed in my brain making me dizzy. I tried to wiggle but nothing worked.

I screamed and cried despite his warnings but he didn’t even paid any heed to my cries. My heart was thumping loudly in my chest making my breath uneven. I feared him, I feared the consequences, I feared his anger. I was clearly and utterly scared.

He kicked opened the door with his foot and my eyes widened in recognition, this was his room, his dark hell. Sight of his room was enough for making me more panicked.

“Leave me!!!!!” I screamed until my voice become hoarse. He loosened his hold and threw me on bed making me bounce. I scrambled away from him as soon as he backed away. My eyes were trying not to look up at him but I did. His eyes were glowing red with fierceness and madness. The veins of his arms were protruding like roots of tree. His veins were black, making me shiver more.

Everything about him screamed danger. His eyes were already making me fear for my life and his black veins were like cherry on top.

I backed away as he moved.

“Wa—wait I… I didn’t mean to..” I cried out, fearing his next move. My throat was already sore by all his choking and my scalp was already burning with intense amount of pain that he made me go through. No words could describe the amount of fear I was feeling.

“Please!!” I almost begged. My voice was shaking with immense amount of fear. His presence was intimidating and dangerous.

“I am not a human, I never was. So why are you expecting me to act like one!” His voice resonated in whole room. I knew that very well that he was not a human. I wanted him to kill me right? Then why? Why am I fearing?

Something snapped in him as he closed his eyes and clenched his hands, like he was trying to control himself. After what felt like hours, he opend his eyes. His eyes flickered between his original color as his black veins vanished.

His blue eyes glared down at me, his eyes held so much anger still. His blue eyes were more darker than brown one I’ve ever seen. I gulped as he smirked.

“Take a bath and go to sleep!” He said and vanished into things air.

What did just happened?

He forgave me for hitting him?

Like, really?

I remaind glued to my spot, waiting for him to come back and start choking me again but nothing, nothing happened. He didn’t come back. I quickly get up and ran to bathroom and closed the door behind me.

I washed away my tears. Maybe he has forgave me. I was too shocked to register what had happened few minutes ago. After taking few deep breaths and making sure he was not coming back, I brushed my teeth and jumped in shower. After taking a thirty minutes long bath, I walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and walked in the closet.

I shuffled through closet as I tried to find something to wear, but didn’t find anything. I sighed as I take out his shirt and boxers and changed into them. I walked out of the closet and get under the sheets. Thinking about all the events that has taken place in recent days. Sinking in all the information that has been told to me.

My eyes watered with all the memories but there was nothing left in my hands. Fate has decided to play cruel game with me and I was a mere pawn in the game. My eyes closed automatically as my body felt exhausted and tired. It didn’t take anymore time for me to drift into darkness.

Third person’s p. o. v

As morning came, the golden sun covered the whole dark sky with its rays of sunshine, converting it into bright blue sky. The trees around castle danced with breeze as large grand garden filled with colorful flowers, blossomed in happiness.?

Sarah groaned as rays of sunshine hit her face. She tried to pull the sheets on her face but her eyes shot opened as someone snatched the duvet off her. She quickly get up and glared at the person.

“Rise and shine!!” Angie chirped like a bird as she jumped up and down in excitement. Sarah frowned at her as she get up from bed and opened her mouth to ask her that what she was doing here but closed as his words resonated in her ears.

‘We are getting married tomorrow!’

Sarah gulped as she looked around the room. Today was her slaughter day. Today she was going to let him slaughter her soul. Sarah didnt said anything to her and ignored her completely. Angie looked at her with hurt filled eyes as Sarah sighed and walked to bathroom and slammed the door shut. She rested her back against the door and sighed as he tried hard not to go back and apologize to Angie.

After taking few deep breaths, she calmed her senses and stood in front of mirror. Her eyes scanned herself in the reflection. Her once bright eyes were now completely dull, her once glowing and healthy skin was now pale with dark bags under her eyes. She brushed her teeth and cascaded her clothes.

She walked leisurely to the shower. As she stepped into the shower, her toes flinched as they touched the cold ceramic floor. Her mind was in shreds—she could never get the image of Matthew laying in pool of his blood, out of her mind. She turned the dial, cold and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening her hairs and trickled down her back. Her eyes fell closed over and over, each time showing her the images like photographs. Steam filled the room. She bathed her skin lightly, taking careful notice not to touch the bruises that scattered her body.

After taking a thirty minutes long shower, she wrapped her hairs in towel and put on a bathrobe and walked towards the door.

Sarah frowned as she saw Angie still waiting for her in the room. Sarah didn’t said anything and walked away towards the closet. Angie barged in after her and pulled her towards the back of closet. Angie pulled out undergarments from drawer and handed them to Sarah.

“Wear them, your dress will be here shortly,” Angie smiled and walked out of closet, giving her a little privacy. Sarah looked at garments with disbelief.

‘Where were they when I was trying to find them yesterday’

She thought but shrugged away the thought. She removed the robe and put on black lacey panties and same matching brassiere. She again put on robe and walked out of closet.

“Come on, hurry up! We are getting late!” Angie said as she pulled Sarah towards the mirror. She pushed her down on seat and started playing with her face, applying god knows what. Sarah was deep in her thoughts, thinking about all the events that had happened and thinking of all the possibilities of what would happen next. Her mind was in chaos, battling with thousands of thoughts that were roaming in her mind.

Sarah looked up as Angie’s hands stopped doing what they were doing and looked up to find Angie pulling her hairs back and security them with bobby pins. Sarah didn’t looked up at mirror, didn’t wanted to see her reflection. She knew if she would look in the mirror, she would definitely broke out in teras and this was last thing she wanted to do in front of Angie. She didn’t wanted to seem weak and fragile.

Angie pulled her up and dragged her towards the sofa. Sarah didn’t protest, she knew that protesting was not going to do anything. In this little time that she had spend here, she had already knew Lucifer so well, she knew that if he wanted anything if he would get that at any price. And now he wanted to marry her and nothing could stop him from doing so.

Sarah jumped as Angie handed her the dress. Sarah frowned in confusion as she stared at the dress laying in her hands.


‘Who wears black in a wedding?’

‘Maybe for your funeral’ her subconsciousness mocked.

She thought but didn’t said anything. And moved to closet and changed into the dress and the heels, that Angie passed her. The dress felt soft and smooth against her body, making her feel lightweight. Angie looked up as the door of closet opened and gasped. Her mouth flung opened as she stared at the girl standing in front of her.

“Wow… You… you are looking magnificent,” Angie whispered in awe. Her eyes were admiring her every inch, praising her beauty. On sensing Sarah’s uneasiness, she diverted her eyes and pulled her towards the mirror, making her look at the mirror.

She almost tripped on her heels as she looked up at herself.

The dress was beautiful with V neckline, starting from her cleavage and ending at her navel, showing her smooth skin. The dress was completely made up of lace and net with flowy bottom. The bodice of dress was made up of lacey flowers adding flavor to the beauty of the dress. The long slit ending at her thigh was showing her smooth leg. Her eyes moved up as she looked at her face, her face was looking alluring, with nude eyeshadows covering her eyes and dark red painted lips. Her hairs were twisted in beautiful bun, making few stands falling on her face.

Angie placed a beautiful crystal made tiara on her head and attached it with a black veil. Sarah blinked her eyes as she tried to blink her tears away. Wedding!! Marriage!!





She wanted to marry, she wanted a family, she wanted her little love life but not with Lucifer, she wanted everything with Matthew, with the love of her life. But now her beautiful love life was converted into nightmare.

Her heart clenched with uneasiness, as she tried to take deep breath but nothing worked. A single lone tear dance down her face and this was the clue for others to follow. Her fist clenched around her chest as she tried to control her sobs.

“Her do y— why are crying!!” Angie panicked as she saw the girl breaking down.

“Matthew,” she whispered between her cries. Her voice was painful and shattered. Angie’s heart clenched as she saw her breaking down. Sarah wanted to let it all out but no one was there to hear her. She was in state of

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ilemma. Angie rushed towards her and made her sit on the stool.

“Shh… don’t worry, everything’s going to be alright,”

Nothing was going to be alright but at this moment she really wanted comfort. She wanted someone to tell her that everything was going to be alright even though she knew it wasn’t. Angie’s hands rubbed her back in comforting way making Sarah lean in against her. After calming herself down, she wiped the tears with back of her hand, ruining the eyeshadows.

After few minutes, Angie retouched her makeup and again secured her hairs. This time Sarah had stopped crying. This time she didn’t looked at mirror.

“You are looking the world’s most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen,” Angie whispered as she straightened her veil.

‘Bride who is ready to get her soul slaughter’ Sarah scoffed inwardly.

A knock resonated on door making both women turned towards the door. Angie walked to door and opened it. A figure entered the door.

“Everything’s rea—” Falcon halted in his steps as his eyes landed on exquisite beauty standing in front of him. His words got stuck in his throat as he tried to pry his eyes off her but couldn’t do so. She was looking like a goddess.

His eyes trailed down her body as he tried to thought that what he should say or better yet what he should do. Angie coughed sensing Falcon’s hawk like eyes raising Sarah.

“I_umm—yeah— I_” he cleared his throat and again tried to speak.

“It’s t—time,” he finally said making Sarah sigh. Angie smiled at him and nodded her head.

“Oh… yeah we’ll be there in—” she said but cut off by Falcon.

“I’m walking here to destination,” he said making Angie narrow her brows.

“What? But—”

Falcon rolled his eyes and said,”Lucifer wanted me to walk her there,”

Angie sighed as she shrugged her shoulders and left the room, leaving Sarah and Falcon alone. Sarah turned her back towards him before he could say something. The air of easiness, that were present two weeks earlier, was now had converted into the awkwardness. Falcon’s chest tightened as he saw Sarah maintaining her distance from him.

“I am—,”Falcon tried to say but shut his mouth as Sarah raised her hand.

“I told you I have forgave you, Falcon. It was never your fault, it was mine. I expected more from you because I was willing to do so much for you. All I wanted was the effort that I gave. But guess what, sometimes we create our own heartbreaks by expectations,” her voice shattered at the end. She knew if she would say one more word she would end up in tears of her heartbreak.

Falcon stood there, processing her words and thinking her every word. He knew he had betrayed her, he knew he had disappointed her. But what he could do at that time, nothing was in his hands. He himself was puppet of Lucifer’s strings, and still is. He gulped as his heart pained listening to her words.

“Come, Fally!!” Alexa yelled from outside the room.

Sarah blinked away her tears and walked towards the door but stopped when Falcon grabbed her arm and jerked her towards him. A gasp escaped her lips as Falcon circle his arms around her waist. Before she could think anything, Falcon gently kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger there for a moment.

“I will always love you,” he whispered. Sarah’s eyes widened in shock.

Before she could push him away, he pulled away and walked out of the room. She stood there, glued to floor. She didn’t knew what did he mean by saying that. She walked out of the room and found Alexa and Falcon standing just outside. Alexa was wearing yellow frock and was holding a basket full of red roses.



“You are looking pretty, Sarah!” Alexa squealed making Sarah smile. Falcon’s eyes were glued on Sarah’s face the whole time. His jaw was clenching and unclenching, he was angry at himself, he knew he has fucked up really bad but now there was no turning back, no forgiveness.

“Let’s go!” Falcon said breaking the awkward silence. Sarah didn’t said anything and started walking. Falcon sighed and followed behind her.

“I want to be like you when I grow up!” Alexa said in excitement, clapping her hands.

“No, sweetheart. You wouldn’t want to be like me when you grow up” Sarah said looking at Falcon. Falcon tensed behind her.

Alexa and Sarah kept talking as they descended down the stairs, with Falcon following behind them. As they reached door, Falcon stopped her.

“Ceremony is taking place in the garden,” Sarah nodded and turned towards him. Falcon grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his arm. Sarah looked at him in bewilderment. They walked towards the large wooden doors and stopped.

“Alexa, sweety, you go first. Sarah and me will follow behind.” Falcon said smoothly as Alexa nodded and walked out of the doors.

Falcon turned towards Sarah and looked down at her. She was still looking tiny as compared to him even though she was wearing high heels. He placed his hand on her cheek and leaned in.

“Don’t hate me for this,” Falcon whispered. Sarah looked at him in confusion.


Her eyes widened as Falcon’s lips touched hers. She was too shocked to process his actions as he gently moved his lips against her devouring her mouth. Her hands automatically moved towards his arms as she tried to break free. With one last peck, Falcon pulled away and walked towards the door. Sarah was too shocked and confused, her eyes were trying not to shed tears.

Her vision blurred with immense lights as they walked towards the grand garden. Loud cheers and claps entered her ears as her lips quiver with cold breeze. When she decided to looked up, her eyes roamed around the large beautifully decorated garden. Beautiful pink and white flowers were decorating the beautiful garden. But fear kicked her senses as her eyes fell on devil disguised with beauty. There stood Lucifer wearing black suit without any tie, leaving upper two buttons open.

Her hands tightened around Falcon’s arm, gulping hard. As they reach Lucifer, Falcon pried her hands from his arm and placed her hand in Lucifer’s. Lucifer tightened his hold in her hand as he pulled her towards him.

Lucifer’s eyes flickered between red and blue as he stared down at her. She immediately looked down afraid that he might harm her. She looked up as she heard someone chanting something in foreign language.

Alatar was standing beside them chanting few spells and words in ancient language. Sarah was sweating profusely. Her breathing was abnormal. She didn’t even look up, didn’t bother to look around.

“tin apodéchesai os gynaíka sou, vasílissa, s? ntrofó sou?” Alatar said.

“déchomai” Lucifer’s voice entered her ears as her ears shot up. She couldn’t understand what they were saying.

“ton paírneis os s? zygó sou, vasiliá sou, s? ntrofó sou?” Alatar said.

“esy?” Alatar said again trying to gain her attention. Lucifer tightened his hold on her hand as she looked up at him.

“Do you accept him as your husband, your king, your mate?” Alatar asked her in her native language. Sarah looked up at him with painful expression. Her heart was beating loudly, she didn’t wanted to marry him but she knew she had no choice left. But again she knew she had nothing left to fear, nothing left to lose.

Lucifer squeezed her hand in warning as his eyes flickered red.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

‘This is it’

And she said what came into her mind.

“I don’t”

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