The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

End of the Beginning

Selene Pov (the Moon Goddess)

As I step through my portal, all I can think about is how much pain I have caused my children. All of my children, because of who I fell in love with. When I first met Endymion, he was such a handsome man, inside and out. His beauty was so radiant. His mother poisoned his mind and tried to convince him that I only loved his beauty, but I loved him for everything he was.

I should have walked away from him the day we met and rejected him for my lover, but I felt bound to him. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He was prepared to spend his life with me, and I was grateful for it after being alone for so long. Where did it all go wrong? I suppose it’s my fault, as I had to keep watch in my realm, making my wolves bless their mate bonds. In turn, I spent less and less time with him.

The fates hated the fact that I made a human immortal based on my desires, so they cursed Queen Amara, the very first version of Elena. Queen Amara was a princess in her time, and I blessed her with my powers to defeat evil. I wasn’t going to let her suffer any longer because of fate. Ares PovProperty © of NôvelDrama.Org.

When I passed out while training with Cayce, I was visited by Selene. She told me Elena and Roland were both going to die soon, but it would be done while saving our family, which is why I wasn’t surprised Roland was in Endymions Castle. Castle. He looked at me with a knowing look. He must have known too. He gave me a small smile before closing his eyes and dying. My heart went out to him. I knew Elena would be joining him soon enough. I could not feel sad, as I knew they would be reborn together someday. They are perfect together.

After we all said goodbye to Elena and Roland, we buried them. We went back to the hospital, where our beautiful mate now lies. She has been in a coma for a while, and we have been doing everything we could to wake her up. Sam told us that it had been a few hours since she collapsed. The doctors say her body is just overexerted from everything, and she just needed time to come too. I couldn’t wait. I was impatient, and so were my brothers. We need a mate. We need our Bella. Selene Pov (Moon Goddess)

I turned her wolf Snow into the very first female Lycan, making her extremely powerful.

Her husband, King Role, who is the very first version of Roland, turned into the very first male Lycan. They were a powerful couple and a force to be reckoned with. I’ve watched different versions of Roland and Elena finding each other and falling in love. I don’t know how, but King Role is a dead ringer for Endymion. So, it’s Roland. They look just like him. I guess that’s why the fates seemed fit to curse the couple. Since Endymion and I are immortal, they wanted a version of us that they could punish.

This is the real reason Elena and Roland are reincarnated in each lifetime, but they surprise me every time. Each lifetime, their love stays pure. Through the heartache, through the pain, and through the issues, their love outshines them each time, which is why I make sure to give them all the help I can. A rule made by Zeus, however, is that no godgod or goddessgoddess shall interact with humans, which is why my being with Endymion was such a huge deal. Zeus planned on killing Endymion because of it, but I begged him to keep him alive. In turn, Zeus banished Endymion to a deserted island. Many stories are going around about us, but this is the truth. He cursed Endymion, so he might never leave the island.

I tried to spend as much time with him as I could, but my duties took up more of my time. Over the years together, we had 50 children, though they had to be raised by humans. I created wolves and brought some humans to the island. He was cursed too, so he would have company. Imagine my horror when, on my visit, I came back, only to find out he had been drinking the blood of my wolves for years. My precious babies. Their deaths were so violent, it enacted a curse on itself, turning him into the very first vampire. He couldn’t walk in the sun and was cursed into the shadows, along with the vampires he created. Even with this, I loved him.

I did what I had to do. I left him there with his vampires. I could have found a way to set him free and remove his immortality, but I chose not to. I hadn’t counted on the witch Raven finding his location and teaching him spells, along with finding a way to leave, which requires the blood of Arabella. He used her to teach him spells he channeled, creating portals and setting his vampires free to roam.

I should have killed him long ago, but I couldn’t risk Zeus’ wrath as I had fought hard to keep him alive in the first place. My children need me more than ever, and they will no longer suffer because of my mistakes. I will right this wrong. My only regret is the way I needed to do it. Endymion Pov

After the portal closed and Arabella went through, I saw Brianna and Cami following her. The portal closed fast behind them. This bitch was thinking she could get away from me. I hadn’t planned on killing her after I took most of her blood, just turning her, but now I will tear her to fucking pieces. Her fate pales in comparison to what I would do to Selene, though. The bitch-goddess who left me with immortality and a blood curse. Made me feed on her wolves and left me here. Oh yes, my plans for her will make her suffer beyond comparison.

I’m seething with rage as I watch my two top generals fight alongside the mutt scum. The fucking traitors. I took out my swords, preparing to kill them. I was about to rush to them when I felt something holding me down. Some sort of blue energy. I turned around and saw a witch at their side, casting a spell on me and pinning me down. A man is in front of her, protecting her as my wolves advance against them. Most likely her mutt of a mate, as I sense they are both wolves.

“You fucking Bitch,” I yell, and she smirks, maintaining the spell on me. My vampires are dying fast, but more keep coming in. The traitors will soon get tired, and then my vampires will gain the upper hand. All I have to do is wait. I tried to reach out to my daughter, Camilla, but she wasn’t answering. Where the fuck is she?

My numbers are diminishing as the wolves and traitor vampire scum seem to overpower them. I command all vampires to come and kill them. They will soon die.

At once, 300 more of my soldiers come through portals. I can tell that the lycans and the vampires are getting tired. Good. It will mean a quicker death for them.

“We need to fall back,” the wolf protecting the witch says.

“Aim for the witch,” I command the vampires. All at once, they rush the wolf who is protecting her. He is beaten down instantly, and she creates a shield surrounding her and her mate. With her concentration on her shield, I am freed instantly. The two mutts and my traitor generals form a line in front of the shield to protect the witch and her wolf while she tries to heal him.

I ran to both of the twin lycans and raised my hands, ready to rip out their hearts, when two hands gripped my arm. I am thrown to the other side of the throne room.

“NO!” I yelled as I saw who grabbed me.

“You’re supposed to be dead.”

All three of the mutts that were killed earlier have been brought back to life. The power that rolled off of them was unlike anything I’ve ever faced before. Even my vampires have stopped fighting, stunned at the appearance of these triplets. They are still in their black clothing, but their eye sockets have all been burned out. In place of it are flames.

They seemed to have sprouted wings of flame from their backs. All three of their gazes are locked on me.

“Attack them,” I command, and at once the hall is filled with everyone rushing to the triplets, but they are dropping all of my soldiers like flies. They are burning them inside out. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I jump up to attack them, but the three of them send a blast of power at me, knocking me down.

“Fuck!” I yelled, as I had burn marks all over me. I stay down to heal, but I need blood, and I need it now. While they are all busy, I sneak around the battle. By now, that has let down her shield. I’m behind her before she can even process what’s happening.

“Bitch,” I said as I sunk my teeth into her.

She screams, drawing the attention of the twins and the triplets. I’m yanked from her before I can drink enough to kill her, but I feel myself healing enough.

“You motherfucker,” the twins yell, throwing punches my way. I punch them both, and they fly back. More of my vampires are coming through a portal that has just opened. They attack. I smirked, seeing that they seemed to be getting tired. I can’t handle all that power, hunh.

“Serene, get out of here!” one of the twins yelled while fighting off the new wave of my vampires, but she didn’t move. I am pretty sure my venom is seeping through her. Very soon, she will either turn or she will die. Being half-wolf and half-witch already, her blood will most likely reject the venom and kill her. No magic is strong enough to save her. I smile at the thought. One less person to have to worry about.

The twins are back to fighting new vampires, and I sneak up behind them. I punch my way through their stomachs, and they drop. As I raise my hand to make the killing blow, a portal opens, and she steps through. She is what has made me the monster I am today. She has cursed my existence. She stole my heart and ripped it into pieces.

Selene was here, and I was out for blood. Selene Pov

As I enter the castle through the portal, there’s a blood bath. I leave the portal open for my children to escape. The vampires here run for the portal to leave. They feel my power. They know they are no match for me. I blast them all back towards Endymion and create a wall around them, trapping them. He looks just like I remember him. Beautiful, but now deadly. I froze him in place so he wouldn’t interrupt me.

“Mother”, Ethan and Aiden yell and run to hug me. A pang of sadness hangs on my face as they hug me. I hugged them back. I release my full aura as I do, and their lycans recognize me instantly. They dropped to their knees.

“Goddess,” they say together. I look toward my other children. The three of them are kneeling. They make me so proud. I knew they would take after their mother. I mated the triplets with her to keep them safe for this very reason. They look at me, and I smile at them. A coughing sound took my gaze away. My children, Nate and Serene, are hurt. I rushed to them quickly and touched both of their heads, getting angry as I saw the vampire marks on Serene’s neck. They have both fainted.

“Arise and take them back to the packlands. You will be safe,” I promised them. They move at once to grab Nate and Serene, picking them up.

“Will we see her?” Ethan asks. I nodded to him, and he smiled. They take Serene and Nate through the portal with them. The vampires, Shawn and Allen, follow them through. I walked over to Ares, Ash, and Adonis. They are all still kneeling.

“Arise, my sons,” I told them. Their flaming wings are beautiful as I gaze upon them. My warriors. Their wings retreat, and their eyes turn back to normal as they stand up. They took me in my eyes.

“Luna,” they all say together, and I bow my head to them. I know they sense who I am.

“We want to help Luna,” Ash says. I smiled at them. Of course, they do.

“I know my young, brave Lycans, but this is my fight now. Your fight is over. Your luna awaits you,” I told them, and I hugged each of them.

“I am so proud of you three as well as your mate,” I tell them, and they smile. Ares looks at me.

“Will we get to say goodbye?” He asks, and I nod.

“Yes, but I must deal with this first,” I promised him, and he nodded. He grabs Adonis and Ash’s arms and runs to the portal. I can feel the confusion rolling from the other two, but Ares knows it will be explained later, as I have already visited him. Once they are through, I close up the portal and focus my attention back on the vampires, mainly Endymion, who has a look of the utmost anger on his face.

I let down the wall, and vampires came towards me. I wave my hand, and they all disintegrate. The rest of the vampires back up, either out of fear or seeing my power and knowing they are no match for me. I raised one hand to Endymion and unfroze him, letting my power flow through Elena’s body as I formed a ball of energy through my fingers. I could feel her body getting weaker and weaker as I channeled it. Nobody, not even one made from my essence, can handle all of my power, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Elena Pov (a few months ago)

I’m dreaming. I already know this, because how else would I be here? In the moon goddess realm. She is still as beautiful as the day I met her. Here in this garden, in fact. It has been so long since I’ve seen her. I knew at that moment just how much I missed her.

“Daughter,” she says, and I run to her, hugging her.

“I’ve been meaning to come here for a while now, mother. There is a dangerous enemy attacking members of my family, and I need to gather all the information I can on this enemy. Would you happen to know anything that could help me?” I asked her, and she nodded.

“I know this enemy all too well,” she says with a sad look in her eye.

“Let me show you,” she says, touching my head, and my vision swirls.

It’s nighttime. A man is standing on the balcony, gazing at the moon. The stars in the sky twinkle, and the moon is bright and full, lighting up the sky. Suddenly, a flash of light appears from the moon to the sand, and I see the moon goddess flying down it in a flowing white dress, looking stunning and radiant as ever. The light disappears as she flies down it. She lands on the sand near the water of the ocean and walks down the beach with her toes in the sand.

No one is around, and her eyes are closed. I saw the man with blonde hair gaze at her in absolute wonder. He jumps off his balcony and climbs down the walls until he is on the ground. He runs to her.

“Hey, wait up,” he says, and Selene stops and turns to him. She is about to leave, but as he gets closer, she is struck by his beautiful features, and, I admit, so am I. He looks just like my darling Roland. I can tell she doesn’t want to leave, but she is struggling against it.

“Who are you, angel?” He questions her, stopping only a few feet from her and taking in her form.

“I am the moon goddess Selene, you human.” She tells him, and I can see the fear in his eyes. Everyone knows the gods are unable to interact with anyone on earth. She levitates, getting ready to go back to her realm.

“Please, please stay,” he says, and he grabs her hand as she goes upward. She pauses and looks down at him, taking in his beauty. She searched his eyes. He has eyes that feel as if he is staring right into your soul. She sets herself back on the ground. I can tell she feels a connection with him.

“What is your name?” She asks.

“Endymion,” he says.

“I have to say, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on,” Endymion says, and Selene turns red. Wait. Is she… Blushing? My vision swirls, and I see Selene standing side by side with Endymion in her realm, talking to a huge, bulky man with white curly hair and a long beard. He is wearing Greek robes. The power from him must be incredibly massive, and he was angry.

“I don’t care how you feel, Selene; you know my rules are forbidden.” He roars at her, but Selene doesn’t flinch. She stands her ground. Endymion keeps his head down.

“Zeus, I love him. Allow this one exception, please. I have never asked you for anything before. I’ve done all you have ever asked of me. Allow me this happiness,” Selene begs, and Endymion grabs her hand, trying to comfort her.

“I should kill him where he stands,” Zeus threatens, and Selene panics. She knows he will do it.

“Please, Zeus,” she pleads to step in front of Endymion. Zeus calms his anger down. I can tell he has a soft spot for her.

“He is a human, Selene. How would this even work?” Zeus asks, and Selene stiffens. She had been asking herself this question for a while.

“Make me an immortal,” Endymion says, stepping in front of Selene. Zeus looked at him, amused by his suggestion.

“No, Endymion, he is right. Besides, a life with me would bring you misery, as most of my focus would need to be on my wolves. I love you, but I will need to let you go. You will find a human girl who will make you happy,” Selene says, tears coming down her face.

“No, Selene,” he said, taking her face in his hand. “There will never be anyone else quite like you. Selene, I love you,” he tells her and kisses her. I can feel the love they share as it hits me in waves. It’s the same love I have for Roland. If I didn’t know this was Selene, I swear I was watching myself and Roland in one of our past lives.

“And you’re sure this is what you want,” Zeus asks.

“Yes, sir. All I’ll ever want is Selene. I want to be with Selene,” Endymion says.

“Very well,” Zeus says, striking Endymion through his heart with his lightning rod. Endymion falls. He is alive but has passed out.

“He will be fine. It will take him a while to adjust, but he will be fine,” Zeus tells her, and she hugs him, tears of joy coming from his face.

“I have two conditions if you wish for him to stay immortal, Selene,” he says, and she waits.

“I am sentencing him to be condemned to a private island. He will be cursed to remain there for all eternity,” Zeus commanded.

“But why?” she asked.

“When I look into his eyes and his soul, I see a darkness that lurks there. I will not have him out into the world killing humankind,” he explains. Selene knows it is pointless to argue. She will have no choice at this point. She nods her head.

“Second, should he ever give in to this darkness, the immortality curse will only allow you to end him. You brought him into this life, and you will be the one to take it if he ever embraces his dark desires,” he demands. She only nods. My vision swirls again, and I’m on an island with a huge castle surrounded by lava, fire, and ash.

A witch is helping him practice magic. As I take a closer look, I can feel Snow growl, as it is none other than that bitch, Raven. I hadn’t thought about Raven in years, but each time it makes my blood boil. It looks like she wants his help in getting her lover during that time, who I can only assume is Roland of her time. I remember looking into her past life and seeing her in this state.

Some years go by. Outside, near the back of the castle, Endymion was bent over a fallen wolf. At first, it looks like he is trying to help, but as I get a closer look, my stomach flips as I see he is drinking blood from the wolf. I see other dead wolves piling up. He is making the humans there with him drink the blood of the wolves as well, even children. I see him and the others fall to the ground and change. Their teeth are becoming longer. Their skin is becoming paler. The violent deaths of these wolves have caused them to be cursed as vampires.

Selene arrives, catching him in the act. I can feel her heartbreak as she sees what Endymion has become.

“So, this is the monster you have turned into. Killing my children,” Selene says, tears pouring down her face.

“This is the monster you have made me, Selene. You and your fucking love. I am cursed upon this earth by this fucking island, with no contact with the outside world. You have cursed me to live this way. I now curse the day I ever met you, Selene, and I swear once I find a way out of here, I will make you pay for this shit.” He threatens.

Selene finally saw the darkness Zeus told her of, and she knew what she had to do. She raised her hand as it shook, and he ran to her to stop her, but instead, she flew upward back to her realm, leaving him there on the island. My vision swirls, and I am brought back to the present.

Selene had tears streaming down her face as she released her memories for me. I can tell it was painful for her.

“Over the years, he has been planning an escape, and he now has it. It was my duty to kill him then, but I couldn’t. I still loved him. I still do, but he must be stopped, and only at the right time. I have visited the fates. In a few months, I will need to come to earth, but Zeus has forbidden any more contact with anyone in our forms. Which means I will need to channel a form.” She says it, and it clicks for me. She needs my body.

“You don’t even need to ask the goddess; you know you are welcome to use it.” I told her, but I can tell it’s something more.

“Your body will not be able to withstand my powers, but you are the only one who I can channel long enough to kill him,” she says. She gazes at me. I can tell she is asking for my approval. The fate of my family hangs in the balance if I say no. I can’t afford to be selfish. I’d never risk it.

“No matter the cost, use me. I will spend time with my family before you take me over.” I tell her, and she nods.

“You must tell no one of our plans, Elena. If anyone finds out before it is time, it will be the end of everything,” she says.

I nodded my head.

“When you are ready for me, goddess, I will be ready for you,” I told her. She smiles and touches my head, sending me back to my body. She visited Roland a week later, but she never told me what to expect. All I know is that he wanted to spend as much time with me as possible. A few months later, I heard Selene’s voice in my head.

“I am ready, my child,” she says, and I kiss Roland goodbye. I feel like he knows because he kissed me and promised to protect our family before letting me go into the forest alone. I closed my eyes.

“I am ready for you, mother,” I whispered, and I felt myself fading from my body.

“Until we meet again, Snow,” I say to my wolf before I fade into the blissful darkness. Selene Pov

“So, this is it, hunh?” Endymion taunts.

“You knew it would end this way,” I told him, a tear streaming down my cheek.

“Fuck you, Selene. I don’t see how I could have fallen for a bitch like you. You’re pathetic. You were always pathetic.”

I search his eyes to see if he means it, and I can see he does. I can see the monster that has taken hold, and I know now he cannot be saved. I gather the full extent of my power.

“KILL THE BITCH,” he commands. His vampires rushed me at once. I gathered the full strength of my power.

“Endymion, I am sorry,” I said with a tear rolling down my cheek and raising both my hands, channeling my full power and killing him and the oncoming vampires in an instant. I portaled out of the castle after burning the entire island with it. I took Roland’s body and buried him on the packland. I create a tomb with the flick of my hand. I created a headstone above the tomb. I visited Roland and told him about his death, as well as Elena’s. He accepted it. His exact words were…

“No matter what, I know I will find my Luna in the next life,” is all he said to me. I smile. After I finish everything, I link Ethan, Aiden, Elle, Ares, Ash, and Adonis. They are in front of me instantly. I can hear the fates petitioning an audience with me. I pulled Elena and let my spirit flow back to my realm. Elena Pov

I felt Selene give me control back. I see she has dug an area and created a headstone with a casket that my beautiful Roland is in. He looks as if he is sleeping and is incredibly peaceful. He is in a black tux that complements his dark hair neatly. His skin is so pale, but I am thankful for the moon goddess touching him up for my sake. Who knows how long it will be until I see him again? The reincarnation could take up to 1000 years. I kissed him on the head.

“See you soon, my darling,” I told him before turning my attention back to my family. I can feel my lifespan drawing out. I close my eyes and melt off my clothes, letting a flowing silver dress appear in its place.

“Endymion is dead,” I tell them. I knew they would want to know.

“I am so proud of every one of you,” I told them. “You have all given me this wonderful life, and I shall remember it always.” I smiled and kissed each of their heads.

“We love you, mom,” my twins say.

“I love you, mom,” Elle says, her blue eyes in tears.

“We love you,” the triplets say together.

“The moon goddess gave your mate a few special gifts. I think you will be quite surprised. Take care of her.” I tell them, and they nod.

“In our lives, we will,” Ares says. I stagger a little, and Ares grabs me. I can tell death is close for me. He lifts me and sets me next to Roland.

“Thank you, my baby,” I told him, and I turned to Roland. The sky shone on us, and I held on to Roland and lay on his chest.

“Epic” is the last word that comes to mind as my breathing slows and I embrace the arms of death.

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