The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

Bella vs Briana

Arabella Pov

I stared in wonder at Elena. She was so beautiful. Even though I had already seen her once at the summit, I hadn’t gotten a close-up of how she looked. Her silver-white hair complimented her jeweled blue eyes. Her skin was pale but perfect. She did look like the moon goddess. I looked over and saw that Briana had been knocked out. I looked back at Elena and tried to bow my head in respect.

“There is no need for that now, child,” she says with a sad smile on her face. I tried to return her smile.

“I need to fix this,” she said, and she put her hand on my shoulder. “On the count of three, “she said, and I braced for the pain.

“One” POP. I screamed as the pain of my shoulder being put back into place was intense.” She then waved her hand over my shoulder, and, just like that, the pain was no more. It felt healed. I also felt like I had a bit more energy than I did. She fixed me up, and I put my head back down. I couldn’t even look at her. Some Luna, I am.

“Look at me,” she says, and I do. Tears formed in my eyes.

“I couldn’t save them,” I tell her, and she simply nods. I’m not sure how she knew who I was talking about, but I had a feeling she knew I meant my mates.

“I know, sweetie. I know,” she says, hugging me. I pulled back. “Roland…. he is….” I struggled to say the words. Her eyes go back to being sad.

“Can I tell you a story?” She says, and I nod.

“Centuries ago, the moon goddess created a white lycan and a black lycan together and put their lycan forms with a girl with brown hair and blue eyes and a man with black hair and hazel eyes. She blessed them as mates. The Lycan girl and the Lycan boy protected their kingdom from many dangers that came and went until, one day, fate intervened, and they were both killed unfairly and unjustly.”

“It was because of this that the moon goddess reincarnated their bodies, but this time, she put her essence into the reincarnated girl who would channel her powers. The reincarnated boy always found her, and by their lycans, they were still mates. They lived together for many years, fighting wars and protecting the innocent. They became the moon goddess’s favorite couple, and she wanted to keep their spirits together through anything and everything.”

“So, each time they died, they would always come back to each other in another life. No matter what test they face, they will be together in the end, protecting all that is good. Their wolves will always find their way back to each other, and nothing can keep them apart. Not even death. Elena smiled to herself.

I stand up slowly, as my body is still a bit sore. I see movement from the side of my eyes, and I see Briana slowly rising with the help of the tree. Elena starts towards her, but I grab her arm. She looks at me.

“No, Luna, this is my fight.” I looked into her eyes, pleading that she would understand.

“Besides, you’re needed elsewhere,” I tell her with knowing eyes, and her eyes widen. She smiles at me and puts her hand on my head. I feel a powerful surge of energy flowing through me, recharging me.

. “Consider it one of a few gifts. You are worthy of them,” is all she says before walking some distance away. I wanted to ask her what this was, but she seemed busy. She waves her hands, creating some sort of blue portal. Once she did, she looked back at me.

“Do not worry, my daughter; all will be well in time,” she says, her eyes glowing blue, and I feel such a power rush through her until I recognize who is now before me.

“Moon Goddess,” I whispered, and she nodded with a quick smile before jumping through the portal. The portal closes behind her, leaving me alone with Briana, who has her eyes fixed on me with a look of hate in them. I turned to face her, feeling as recharged as I possibly could. I couldn’t believe I was talking to the moon goddess this whole time and didn’t know it, but this is no time to play fangirl. I have to kill this bitch who stands before me.

Not only for myself, but for my mates, for Ares, as I watched his throat get cut. Sadness was replaced by fury. I saw her push something back into place as it was followed by a popping sound. She growled.

“Fucking bitch,” she said. I got into an attack position and wasted no time as I ran up to her and slammed her back into the tree. I hadn’t even realized how fast I had run up to her. Before she could blink, I had already picked her up and thrown her across the pack grounds. Before she could even hit the ground, I caught her by the throat and slammed her into the ground as she was falling. Shit, I’m incredibly fast. That must be one of my new gifts.

I can feel Royal in my head, and she growls, wanting to take over. I can feel another surge of energy, and I feel like I can breathe a little. I got my power back. That must be my second gift from the Moon Goddess.

“Yes, she removed the block she put on my powers. It’s why I couldn’t let you channel them.” I hear Royal growl in my head, but I have no time to answer as Briana screams at me.

“You will fucking pay for that,” she yells. I see people coming outside after hearing us fighting. One of them was Sam, who was swelling with her baby. She has rings under her eyes, and it looks like she has been crying. Kyle holds her, and her eyes focus on me. A look of shock filled her face. As much as I want to run to her right now, I have to concentrate.

It was a little too late, though, as Briana gained the upper hand and kicked my stomach, sending me flying a few feet away, and she rolled over staggeringly as she stood up. At this point, I already knew that once I attacked, she would be dead since I now had my powers back, but she did not deserve a quick death. I’m going to make her regret all that she has done to me and my mates first.

“Get the fuck up.” I spat at her, and she did.

I was in front of her in an instant and kicked her, sending her crashing back down to the ground.

“I’m going to kill you, bitch,” she screamed, rolling around, getting up, and running at me with a knife in her hand, but she wasn’t quick enough.

I waited for her to get close before I ran to her and flipped over her, grabbing the knife away from her. She turned around, but I was in front of her fast, and I shoved the knife into her shoulder. She cries out and staggers back.

I could see Sam trying to run to me, but I turned towards her, shaking my head, to tell her to stay away. This was a huge mistake, however, as Briana managed to take the knife out of her and shove it into my chest. It missed my heart by a few inches. I staggered to the ground as I pulled the knife out. Briana started landing kicks on my stomach.

I grabbed the grass beneath me and shook the ground, causing her to lose her balance. I blasted her with balls of air, blowing her away from me. The cut where the knife was was already healed. How the fuck? I thought to myself.

“It was the moon goddess. Her first gift was increased speed and increased healing. Royal says. Okay, no time to ponder on that.

“How the hell are you even up right now?” Briana yelled, but of course I was not about to tell her. I channel my inner fire and bring out my favorite weapon, my whip. However, this time, they were not made with my usual power. These whips are a blue flame mixed with my flame and something else I can’t seem to place.

“It’s celestial energy. The Moon Goddess granted this to you for protection. You have seemed to fuse it into your powers perfectly. Royal tells me. Interesting. Briana looks afraid for a moment and turns to run, but I swing my whip, grabbing her ankle, and she falls. I hear her scream as my whip burns through her flesh as I pull her over.

I toss my whips to the ground, and they vanish. I can feel myself getting a bit tired, and though I want to torture her like this for the rest of her days, I know it’s not the kind of person the moon goddess wants me to be or who I am. I stand over her as she looks at me in fear.

“Please, please don’t kill me.” She starts to beg. “I was only trying to avenge my sister. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She starts to cry, but I don’t pity her. I create a sword of flaming blue energy in my hand. She tries to plead harder.

“Forgive me. Please. Please. Forgive me” She begged to try to make me feel sorry for her, but I didn’t. I’m fresh out of sorry.

“Ask my mates for their forgiveness,” I told her, and I plunged the sword into her heart. She dies instantly. I let the sword fall from my hand as I turned back to Sam, and I ran to her. The members of the pack cleared a path. She walks fast to me, and I embrace her, careful not to hurt her stomach. I am crying hard right now, and so is she.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Come on, let’s get you both inside,” Kyle says, and Sam takes my hand as we walk inside.

“Find a pit to toss her body,” Kyle commands someone.

Once we got inside, they demanded to know what happened, so I told them of all of the events that took place over the last three months, crying the most when I went to my mates. Slightly choking, I told them how each one died, and I felt like I was reliving it all over again as fresh tears kept falling from my eyes. I was shaking from crying so much until I started convulsing. Sam held me while Kyle called for a doctor. I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head and foam building in my mouth. The last thing I thought of was my mates before I blacked out.

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