Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 106

Chapter 106 Chapter 106

Regan POV

As we headed onto the dance floor, I could tell how nervous Alpha Nikolas was. I thought the twins had been joking when they threatened him but glancing at him now, it was evident that he thought differently. He gingerly placed his hand on my waist and took hold of the other one, sweat beading on his brow could practically see him trembling as he tried to keep a respectable distance between us, and I fought back my laughter. The poor man was terrified of Xavier and Xander hurting him. Maybe he had good reason to, but I trusted that my mates had only been kidding. Alpha Nikolas was a good man and no doubt a good friend to the two of them.

"Alpha Nikolas my mates will not hurt you," I told him sincerely as he began to lead, my eyes sparkling as I met his.

He continued to eye me in disbelief, his lip curling as he shook his head at me, a rueful expression on his face. "You don't know them very well then" he mumbled, causing me to look at him with more amusement. The poor man sounded terrified. What had Xavier and Xander done to him in the past to warrant such a reaction?

I kept my eyes on the crowd, my eyes narrowing in on the mystery woman standing beside Alpha Kai, a champagne glass in one hand, her head thrown back as she laughed merrily, surrounded by a small group of people. Whoever she was, she seemed to be enjoying herself immensely and the attention that she was receiving. I studied her closely, trying to see if I had been right in guessing she was Heather Ramona. Alpha Nikolas followed my gaze and narrowed his eyes, also watching the woman, although he probably had no idea just who Heather Ramona was. His information about Alpha Kai had proved to be somewhat invaluable though.

"You think that's her, that Heather woman?" he asked me quietly barely moving his lips so that he wouldn't be overheard.

I studied her for a moment longer, watching the way she moved, the way she gestured with her hand and sipped at her glass of champagne. They all looked familiar to me and resembled exactly the way Heather used to do the same movements. "I think so. I don't know. She moves a lot like my stepmother and she's the right height but with that mask covering her face it's difficult to know for certain. If it is her though..." I exhaled and looked up at Nikolas, "then what? If she's already marked by another Alpha, we can't just apprehend her, can we?"

I was reasonably certain that it was not appropriate to do that at the summit, causing me to feel somewhat exasperated. It would be our luck that we found her here, of all places. Although if that was her, then we would know she was mates with Alpha Kai and what territory she and hopefully Isabelle were now living in. It was all we had to go on. It was better than the lack of leads we had in the past few weeks.

He shook his head. "Not at the summit. That would be a huge no no. You are not allowed to cause conflict here. Even if you have the right, you don't have the right to do it here. Not to mention you will probably find that her mate will defend her. You might have to give up on apprehending her" he told me solemnly "unless you have proof she did an unforgivable crime. But she's now part of another pack with new rules, which makes it difficult for you to do that."

The laws and protocols were a pain in the ass, I thought to myself sourly. I was getting to the point that it would be far easier to just kill Heather Ramona myself, regardless of the consequences.

"She killed our friend" I hissed in anger, glancing over my shoulder and staring with hatred at the woman. "She's the reason he's dead. She put our Alpha under a spell. That should be enough to get her" I said, tightening my lips.

It should be enough to execute her. But we also needed Isabelle's location. Xander was going crazy wondering what had "happened to his baby. I tried not to wince as the familiar pain of that reminder swept through me. I constantly had to remind myself it wasn't his fault. I wasn't some sort of saint. I could still feel betrayed without taking it out on him. Still, it was painful at times.

"Calm down" Alpha Nikolas sounded nervous, his expression anxious.

I gripped his hand even firmer and noticed I was holding his hand so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. My grip was stronger than I realized, my anger getting the better of me.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, ducking my head. "It's just that I get so ad..." I trailed off, spotting Xander and Xavier slowly creeping closer to Alpha Kai and his mate.


They were following the plan. So far Alpha Kai and Heather, if that's who she was, hadn't noticed them. I hoped it stayed that way. So long as they were distracted by the crowd surrounding them, my mates should be fine.

"I don't blame you" Alpha Nikolas assured me as we continued to take a turn around the floor, dancing automatically, "but trust me, you don't want to make trouble here."

I nodded, craning my head to peer back over at Alpha Kai again. To my surprise, the woman and Alpha Kai were now gone. I tapped Nikolas on the shoulder and pointed at the space they had just vacated, scowling darkly.

"She's gone."

They must have moved the moment Nikolas and I had stopped glancing at them. Maybe they were more obtuse than we realized. Had they discovered the twins eavesdropping behind them? Were Xavier and Xander in danger or had they simply slipped away in order to keep themselves safe? I swallowed hard, feeling dread rise inside of me.

We stopped dancing and quickly hurried over but there was no sign of Xander and Xavier either. I could feel my heart rising in my throat. Nikolas looked concerned. "They won't do anything with this many alphas in the room" he tried to reassure

1. me.

Did he mean my mates or Alpha Kai and the woman? Or both? I had this terrible sense that it didn't matter that we were at the summit. That this had all been a trap of some kind. "Then where are they? They aren't where they are supposed to be" I argued, glancing at the corner and not seeing them.

Xander and Xavier were gone. My panic began to rise. I had to find my mates.

"Maybe they got valuable information" Alpha Nikolas tried to say, but I was already beginning to rush through the crowd, almost running, desperately searching for signs of my mates. They were in trouble, I just knew it. I would find them.

I rushed out of the function room and towards the elevator. My mates were standing there, Alpha Kai and the mystery woman standing there confronting them face to face.

"Xavier, Xander" I shouted and saw them turn to me, looks of panic on their faces.

"Regan don't, quick go back" Xavier shouted hoarsely.

Why weren't they moving? They looked as though they had been frozen to the floor. I sucked in a breath and paused, coughing and splattering, glancing up to see the woman's hand-stretched and her palm up. She had just breathed something towards me, and I had accidentally inhaled it in my rush to get to Xander and Xavier. Thad let down my guard and now I

couldn't move.

"Regan" the woman purred, and my eyes widened. "Just the woman I wanted to see."

It was Heather. I would know that voice anywhere.

"Heather" my voice is hoarse. "What have you done?"

She nodded to Alpha Kai who strode towards me as I blanched. He picked me up with ease. Where was all the security, the guards? I glanced towards the front exit and noted they were in the same strange situation, frozen to the floor, only their mouths had been taped close. They couldn't yell for help. I could but as I opened my mouth, Alpha Kai slammed his palm against me.

"Make a sound and we kill your mates before we leave" he warned chillingly in my ear. "I told younoveldrama

they yell out, we will kill you."

mates the same thing. If

No wonder Xavier and Xander were standing so still and quietly. They hadn't wanted me to be hurt or killed. I glanced over my shoulder wondering if I would see Alpha Nikolas in time. I must have managed to lose him in the crowd. I was an idiot. Then again, what would he have been able to do? He would have been drugged as we were and in the same situation.

"Let her go" Xavier's voice is low.

Heather smirked. Or what?" she taunted "You're hardly in a position to make demands."

Alpha Kai lifted me higher and began to walk towards the exit, while Heather followed serenely behind me.

"We'll find you" Xander's voice is a low growl.

Heather laughed. "I'm counting on it. It wouldn't be any fun killing you without giving you a chance to find us. As soon as she got close to me, I smelled it and I knew your mate was pregnant. Isabelle would be so pleased to find that her child is about to have a sibling. Too bad Regan isn't going to survive the birth" she trilled.

"I'm going to kill you "Xavier's voice.

Heather walked behind her mate, her dress swishing around her ankles. "I've prepared for that," she said, looking over her shoulder. "Do you think I'm going to make that easy for you? I have plans for Regan. Isabelle still wants revenge and so do I. Regan took everything from us" she added as I felt my body going tense. "Now we're doing the same.

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