Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 105

Chapter 105 Chapter 105

Xavier POV

Alpha Kai was known to be quite perverse, even as an older age pha. He tended to hit on women of all sorts when he visited packs, and it was no secret that he was looking to take a wife. Unfortunately for him, most women were smart enough to see the despicable character he was underneath his false charade and either ignored him or quickly broke things off before things became too serious. I was therefore surprised to learn that the old geezer had taken a chosen mate, wondering at the woman's character and feeling a pang of sympathy for her Was she perhaps new to Alpha Kai's pack and oblivious to his salacious nature? Or was this something she had accepted and decided to use to her advantage somehow? It would serve the old coot right if he was being played by the woman he had marked.

Regan was eagerly craning her neck in a blatant attempt to see who was accompanying the man as he began to enter the function room, holding tightly to a woman's hand as she stayed firmly by his side. However, the woman's identity was unknown to us, for she had chosen to wear a mask that one might wear to a masquerade ball, a delicate black lace one, across her face, her dark black ballgown only adding to her mystery allure. I frowned, raking my gaze over the woman, taking in all of her details. Her hair was cleverly disguised beneath a small hat, hiding the length of it and she wore full-length white gloves on her arms. I tilted my head, Xander doing the same, both of us confused and more than a little bit intrigued. Why was the woman hiding her face? Was there a reason for it or was it simply a way to draw in the crowd?

"She's beautiful" Alpha Nikolas commented from behind us, peering at the woman with a raised brow and a thoughtful expression on his face. "I wonder why she feels the need to hide so much of her face. Perhaps she's disfigured?" he suggested brightening slightly. Regan glanced at him, looking a little angry. "That's not a very nice thing to say" she scolded him, and he immediately Tooked apologetic.

"Still, it's strange" Regan murmured, nodding in agreement, "does anybody else think she looks familiar and yet not at the same time?" she asked, holding her hands out with a shrug.

"What do you mean?" I asked, glancing at her curiously.

This woman did not look familiar to me, but perhaps I had not studied her closely enough. I saw nothing of her that was alarming.

By now Alpha Kai and his mystery woman had disappeared into the thick of the crowd and the rest of us turned back to each other. Regan frowned. "I don't know. I guess the way that woman walks or moves, it seems oddly familiar" she said shrugging and continuing to look slightly puzzled by that fact.

"Do you think it could be...." She murmured out loud and then shook her head, biting her lip. "No, I'm being paranoid. It couldn't possibly be, could it?" she asked, glancing between me and Xander.

We were both lost. Regan's thought process was somehow strange to us. She had a tendency not to finish her sentences, leaving us to fill in the blanks. A lot of the time we could guess what she meant but not in this instance. I shot a look at Xander, and he shrugged at me, looking just as bewildered as I was. I sighed. "Regan, perhaps you could explain what you are thinking?" I suggested with a smile to show I wasn't upset or angry at her.

Most of the time I found this specific trait or quirk of hers quite adorable, even though it could be frustrating sometimes.

"Well," Regan said, her voice rising slightly, as Alpha Nikolas leaned forward, looking intrigued. "What if she's Heather?" she asked us all.

I stiffened. "You think the mystery woman might be Heather Ramona?" I asked doubtfully, trying to picture Heather in the woman's body and failing miserably.



I didn't have the greatest imagination, but it was difficult to think that Heather Ramona would go so far as to let this bastard Alpha Kai mark her. I mean, she would have to be pretty desperate. The man was despicable.

"I don't know" Xander sounded just as doubtful as he eyed Regan carefully. "I mean, it could be, it's hard to tell considering we couldn't really see her hair or her

eyes that closely. I mean her face is covered, but what if she's just shy?" he added, creasing his brow as Nikolas nodded in agreement. "We can hardly just go and rip her mask off to see who she is."

Not without serious consequences anyway. It would anger the other Alphas to see a Luna being so disrespected in front of them. It would be like committing the most grievous of insults.

Regan deflated. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I swear that she resembles my stepmother" she insisted, trying to get another look at the woman who was now hidden by the crowd and impossible to see clearly. "Well, you would know Heather best," I said, as Xander listened. "So we should be listening to you. Any ideas of how we can get her to unmask or give herself away?"

Everybody resignedly shook their heads.

"Right, then we do surveillance" I suggested winking at my mate.

I had the perfect way to set up and overhear any words she or her mate Alpha Kai might be saying. Nobody would be suspicious of us, it was perfect and it meant I would get to touch Regan. It was a win-win situation.

She looked puzzled. "Right now, they are close to the dance floor I explained very slowly, "so how about it Regan" I said with a cheerful tone as she began to look a bit more enthusiastic "how about a dance with your mates? I mean, it would be a waste of that dress not to."

My hands were itching to put themselves on her and maybe even do more. Too bad we were out in public. I had to content myself with the prospect of other possibilities later, my wolf also purring at the thought of what we might do.

"Won't she be suspicious if she sees all three of us at the same time? She could be luring us into a trap" Regan protested, looking dismayed.

Damn. I really wanted to dance with her in my arms, but now she had a point. I creased my brow and then Nik


"Why don't I dance with Regan while you guys get close to Alpha Kai and this supposed Heather woman from behind?" he suggested smoothly.

My wolf was close to tearing his arm off for even suggesting he touch his mate. I calmed him and looked at Nikolas. I trusted him with my mate. We were close friends. Regan bit her lip, looking uncertainly at the two of us, Xander and me and I smiled at her reassuringly. I put a hand on Alpha Nikolas's shoulder and smiled tightly at him.

"By all means, dance with Regan," I said very calmly and very carefully, "but should your hand happen to slip or touch somewhere that's not appropriate, I will tear your arm out of your shoulder and beat you around the head with it" I continued nonchalantly as he flinched. My tone was deadly serious. I didn't make empty threats. He knew that.

Xander joined in. "Should Regan end up injured or distressed in some way, I shall break both your legs as compensation." He grinned evilly at Nikolas who began to look slightly pale as he glanced at Regan.

I bet he regretted offering now Good.

I hugged Regan. "Be careful."

"You too" she whispered "don't let her see you. We'll meet back the corner of the room." She nodded at the area and we all nodded.

Xander hugged her and then shot Nikolas a stern look. "Take good care of her" he growled.

Nikolas hastily nodded.

I watched with a scowl as he took Regan's hand and gently began to lead her to the dance floor, jealousy sweeping over me. It should be me and Xander dancing with our mate on the dance floor, not our friend. But if this was Heather Ramona then this was too good an opportunity to pass up. As we began to turn and head cautiously towards Alpha Kai and his new mate, who were soaking up the attention they were receiving, I couldn't help but wonder in the back of my mind. If this was in fact Heather Ramona, then where was her daughter Isabelle Ramona It seemed unlikely that Isabelle would pass up the opportunity to attend the summit unless this was in fact, another woman altogether and we were simply allowing ourselves to become paranoid in our determination to find the fugitives still at large.noveldrama

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