My Bully’s Love

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

I‘d like to be able to say that I’m shocked to hear Mason’s name, but I‘m not. I‘ve known all along that he’s had something to do with all of it, but never in a million years did | think that my own sister would be involved. The thought of Elise working with Mason makes my blood boil, but the more ! think about it, th e more everything makes sense. Her change in attitude toward me, her disappearing whenever I was around, even the whole Prom thing with the upper classman. I should have put two and two together then, but I never thought my own sister would betray me like th at.

I’m forcing myself to stay as calm as I can after taking in this new information. I need to hear her out, I need to know every detail of every moment that she has spent with him. I won‘t get any of that if I lose my shit on her now, and it really looks as though she is truly remorseful.

“I need to know everything, Elise.” I keep all emotion off my face and out of my voice.

“I can start from the beginning, and tell you everything, Ella. I don‘t want to keep anything out, and who knows, maybe some of it will help you figure things out somehow.” She grabs another tissue and blows her nose before starting.

I use this time to grab us both a bottle of water and grab my phone from the kitchen counter. I go into th e app that has the voice recorder and press record. I‘m not sure if I will ever need it, but it won‘t hurt to have it just in case. I return to the couch and hand her one of the bottles of water and then sit back


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“Okay, El. Whenever you’re ready.”

“Well, it started right after you left. I was so mad at you for leaving me, anu so I started going to small gatherings where there was alcohol and sometimes, even weed. I didn‘t do any of that stuff at first, but then Madison befriended me and started talking about how her brother was innocent in all he was being accused of and telling me how he was really into me, but he was too shy to approach me because of everything

going on.

Finally, a few days later, Madison picked me up and we went to a private house party, only a few were selected to come. That‘s when Mason first approached me. We just sat and talked for a long while, and then he offered me a wine cooler. When I finally agreed to having one, he kept bringing me another, and at one point, he offered me a gummy bear, telling me that they were t he best around; I didn‘t realize that it was an edible.”

She stops and takes a drink of her water before continuing, “Mason took my virginity that night. I can‘t s ay that it wasn‘t consensual, because he made me feel good and, in the end, I was begging for more, not r ealizing that he was going to take everything, I never said no,” she wipes a tear that slips out, “Anyway, he played me every time I was around him, treating me like I was the most special girl in the world. He even told me that he loved me. I was so under his spell that I didn‘t realize what he was doing every tim

e he dropped little hints that something needed to be done before he had to go to court, otherwise, he may go away for a long time and not get to see me.

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I‘m the one that came up with the idea of blackmailing you, though. In my eyes, Mason was innocent. He told me that he was trying to stop the others from doing what they were doing to you, but they wouldn’t listen.”

“Mason is the one who gagged me that night, and then molested my breasts while Brandon hit my ass repeatedly. The only thing he did to help me was when he pulled Kaylee away from me because she kicked me continuously. Mason was the last to leave, and do you know what happened before he left me there, beaten almost to death? He told me that he could have been good to me had I only given him a chance. He then removed the gag, only to spit in my mouth and then replace the gag. That‘s how much that piece of shit helped me!” I can‘t help that my voice rais ed by the time I finish. Reliving that night is making me feel everything all over again.

“I‘m so sorry that I listened to him, Ella…” Elise whispers as tears now flow down her face. She doesn‘t even bother wiping them away anymore.

A single drop rolls down my own cheek and I quickly swipe at it. I will not allow them to have any more of my tears, “I just wanted you to know my side of the story; the true story, but please, continue.”

She nods, “It wasn‘t until mom told me that you went to lunch with Jace, that I thought of how we could get you to drop the charges. I called Mason and he had me meet him around t he corner from our house and gave me a tiny camera. I had told him how you and Jace have been reall y close and that I suspected that you were having sex, and so he asked me to set the camera up in you r bedroom. So, since you were gone all afternoon, I had time to set it up.”



“You never once thought about my feelings, what this would do to me if it got out?” I ask incredulously.

She shakes her head, “All I knew was that you didn’t care about me since you left the way you did, and that now you were ruining the one person that did care for me.”


She holds her hand up, stopping me, “After he got the video, he slowly started to pull away from me until he ghosted me all together. By the time the court hearing was over, so were we. I was so ashamed of myself for letting him manipulate me like that; I was too scared to say anything.”

I‘m not really sure what to say or how to react. Of course, I’m hurt that my own flesh and blood would do this to me, but at the same time, she‘s young and an old er boy took advantage of her. Is she innocent? Not at all, but should I, as her older sister, who knows how manipula tive those assholes are, make her pay for her actions? In a sense, but not by disowning her or anything. I was in a bad place, a nd I left her without even telling her everything. I‘m not

placing blame on myself, but I can understand why she would turn to others who showed her the attenti on that she was craving. I just want my baby sister back.

I look her straight in the eye, “Is Mason the one stalking me?”

“I really don‘t know, Ella. I do know that the first time I heard dad talking to Jace about someone being in your apartment that next morning, I know Mason was here in town. I had snuck to another house party a



“Why didn‘t you tell dad, or even Jace?”

She looks at me sheepishly, “Because I was hoping that Mason would get accused of it and go to jail. I wanted him to pay for what he did to me.”

The chuckle that comes out of my mouth is unintentional, “That‘s understandable, but you still should have said something, so we could have started looking elsewhere.”

My sister‘s blue orbs are wide as saucers, “Oh, my God, I didn‘t even think about that! I‘m so sorry!”

“You know what? It‘s done, we now know, but you need to come clean with mom and dad as well. I have a feeling that they are going to want something done a especially dad.”

“I‘m scared, Ella.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“As you should be, and you will probably be grounded for a very long time, so I suggest we enjoy your freedom while you are here.” I give her a half of a smile.

She throws her arms around my neck, “I love you, Ella! You are the best sister that a girl could ever ask for, and I will be

Thug her back, “You‘re not completely forgiven, you know, but I‘m sure we will get through this, together. I love you too, El.”

There you have it, Elise‘s story and part in all of this. Now, if only we can figure out who the stalker is! H

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