My Bully’s Love

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Chapter 78: Confessions

settle Elise into our bedroom as soon as we get home. She doesn’t ask any questions as to why we don’t give her our spare room to sleep in, and I am grateful for that. She’s a bit too young to be learning about the things that Jace and I do behind that door, which reminds me that I have to make sure the door is locked at all times.

“Are you hungry, Elise?” Jace asks as he begins pulling out items from the fridge.

“Sure, but you don‘t have to make me anything, I‘m sure I can find something to eat.” My sister states. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Jace cooks every chance he gets,” I chuckle, “He’s always learning new dishes.”

“Okay,” Elise shrugs, “whatever, I‘m not too picky.”

“Alright! Macaroni and cheese coming right up!” Jace pumps his fist in the air.

Elise looks at me and raises a brow, “Gee, you have to be a genius to be able to make that dish.” She s ays jokingly.

“Oh, it‘s not the boxed stuff, and don‘t ever let him catch you eating the boxed stuff,” I say softly as I lean towards her, “He makes his from scratch, and once you‘ve had it, you will never want the box mac again.”

“Alrighty then,” her eyes sweep the apartment, “Do you mind if I jump into the shower quick?”



Book 2 Confessions

“Not at all. You have your own bathroom while you‘re here, so shower away.” I‘m trying to keep a positive attitude and I‘m really hoping that we can work our issues out while she is here.

Once Elise disappears into her room, Jace comes and sweeps me off my feet and presses his lips to mine. He always seems to know when I‘m needing him without me having to tell him. He sets me back on my feet and brings his hand up to my cheek, caressing his thumb back and forth against it.

“Are you doing okay?” He asks with a bit of concern.

Nodding, I smile gently, “Yeah, I‘ll be fine.”

“I don‘t want to leave, just to come back and find a dead body that I will have to take care of.” He kids, of course, but I know he is worried about us being alone together.

Laughing now, I playfully slap his chest, “We will be fine, and you can‘t miss your first night of work, Jac e.”

“Mm, will you be waiting for me when I get home?” He wiggle: his brows.

“You know I will be, and hopefully that room is soundproof

enough.” | quirk a brow.

“It won‘t matter if I gag you, now, will it?” He nuzzles my neck, and I can already feel the heat rising bet ween my legs.

“Stop! I refuse to suffer until you get home! If you get me all worked up, I WILL play with myself and send it to you just to tease you while you‘re stuck at work.”

“Listen, to my little nympho, thinking that she won‘t get

Book. Confessions

punished by touching herself without my permission.” He nibbles on my earlobe as his hand slides between the gap in my legs. Cupping my sex, he reminds me, “This is mine, and nobody touches it unless I say.”

I‘m becoming breathless, “Maybe I should add one more thing to my hard limits list then.”

“Hm, what‘s that?”

“That you can‘t get off either unless I say.”

All of a sudden, all fondling stops and he steps away, “Okay, l’ Il stop.” He places a peck on my nose and goes back over to the stove.

Giggling, I go into our temporary room to clean myself up and change into more comfy clothes.

Elise and I decide to watch the newest season of the Bachelor on Netflix. Jace has already left for his first night at Shameless, but not without making both me and Elise promise to stay inside for the night and not answer the door without looking through the peep hole first. He stayed on the other side of the door until I turned every lock we have, which are two dead bolts and a chain. Yes, we are a bit paranoid.

The silence between me and my sister is foreign to me. We always had something to talk about, even when we were watching tv together. So, getting the silent treatment from her is beyond torture. Picking up the remote, I hit the pause button and turn towards Elise. It‘s almost as if she‘s been waiting for this moment. She‘s still staring at the tv even


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Book 2 Contessions though it’s paused, but I can tell she is attuned to everything that I‘m doing.

After studying her profile for a few minutes, I finally speak up, “So, are we going to do this the whole two weeks that you are here?”

She glances down at her fingers, “I don‘t know, it depends.”


Her blue eyes meet mine, “On whether or not you will be mad at what it is that I need to talk to you about.”

| scoot closer to her and place my hand on her shoulder, “You know you can talk to me about anything, Elise. That last time, it was rough. I felt like you were taking their side over mine, and it hurt me deeply.”

“I know, and I‘m sorry.” Her gaze goes back to her fingers which are picking at a loose thread on her fla nnel pajama bottoms, “I messed up, Ella.”

“You made a mistake, there is a difference.” I squeeze her shoulder.

“No, you don‘t understand. I messed up really bad; I trusted the wrong person.” I notice a teardrop drip from her eye, and now I‘m really concerned.

“Hey, what is it?”

Elise shakes her head, “You‘re going to hate me after I tell


“I can never hate you, Elise. No matter how much you may


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annoy me at times, or how much we fight, at the end of the day, you are still my sister.” I wrap both my arms around her and hug her to me.

“It was me.” she whispers.

“What was you?”

“He said that he loved me and that he wanted to be with me, but that you were standing in our way.” She is still whispering but I‘m close enough to still be able to hear what she’s saying.

Creasing my forehead, I try to make heads or tails of what she‘ s saying but I‘m not understanding it, “I was standing in the way of you and who?”

“You don‘t understand, Ella, he was my first, and I love him. He told me that he‘s never been with anyo ne like me, and that he couldn‘t wait for me to graduate, so we could get married. He was willing to wait two more years for me!” Elise is now working herself up, and I‘m beginning to get a really bad feeling o f what she‘s going to say next.

“Elise, you‘re not making any sense. Who are you talking about?”

She swipes at her tears but still doesn‘t look at me, “H–He said that if I got j–just one, t–then it would b– be enough,” She‘s beginning to stutter, and Elise only stutters when she‘s really scared.

“Hey,” I say, and grab hold of both her shoulders to turn her

towards me, “You can tell me, whatever it is.”

“I just want you to know how sorry I am for everything. I was

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upset that you just up and left the way you did, and he was there for me. I didn‘t realize that he was only using me, I am so, so sorry, Ella!”

All I want to do is shake her until she tells me what she’s trying to say, but I know better. I need to be patient if I want her to continue, otherwise, she will close herself up tight. I‘ve never seen my sister like this before; she’s always been the happy cherub that everyone loves to be around.

“EI, I can‘t help you if you don‘t tell me what it is that you are sorry for. I promise that whatever it is, I will think before I act or say anything. I will look at it from your point of view first, and then decide how to handle it.”

When she looks back up at me, I can see just how sorry she is. Her face is red and puffy from crying, and her continuous sniffles tells me she is in need of a tissue, o a box of them. Reaching over to the table behind the couch, I grab the half– empty box of Puffs and hand them to her.

“Thank you.” She takes a few and blows her nose, before turning back to me, “Before I tell you, I want y

Trying to lighten the mood, I poke her in the side with my pointer finger, “Never say never, men have a w

She gives me a pathetic smile, “Yeah, maybe.”

“Hey, just tell me already. The sooner you get it off your chest, the sooner we can get past it.”



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She hesitates one last time, “I’m the one that recorded you and Jace in your room.” She shuts her eyes tight, not wanting to see my reaction.

I‘m left stunned, not sure what to say just yet. As I sit here, I stare at the girl who used to belt out the tunes to Ed Sheeran’ s shivers, not even a year ago, in my car as I drove her to school. She‘s the only one that has been by my side for the two years that I had nobody else. Maybe I shouldn‘t have kept her in the dark; maybe I should have shared all of it with her, then we wouldn‘t be where we are today.

I make good on my word, and I don‘t storm off. I sit here and think over everything she just word vomited point. My sister: my cute little bubbly, baby sister recorded me, and my boyfriend having kinky sex and then handed it over to someone.



“Who had you make the video?” I try keeping my voice calm but I‘m beginning to break.

“I was in love with him, Ella. He used me, I‘m sorry.”

Through gritted teeth, I ask her one last time, “Who. Was. It?”

“It was Mason…”

Hello friends! I am sorry to say that I am only able to get in one chapter for today. I‘ve had other matters needed taken care of, but I wanted to make sure that I got at least one

Book 2 – Confessions

out for you. I really hope you enjoyed this one. =)

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