
Chapter 063

Iris’s p. o. v.


So Hunter has been deathly quiet.

And I have been biting my lips to avoid laughing at his nervousness.

Edward was driving us to the venue and it seemed like forever to Hunter.

” Edward, how much longer do we have to complete this journey?” Hunter finally asked after glancing at his watch in every five minutes interval for the past fifteen minutes.

” Am I hearing a modified adult version of’ are we there yet?’ ” Edward mocked and I lost it.

I laughed out so loudly that I was gasping for air.

But when I want to stop, a quick look at Hunter’s face sends me reeling in laughter once more.

” Stop….. Stop… I can’t…” I managed to blurt in between my laughter.

” Iris you’re insane” I heard Hunter’s voice but it seems to be laced with amusement.

” I’m sorry… I tried” I was still chuckling but it died down soon enough.

Immediately, Edward pulled into a parking lot filled to it’s brim with exotic cars and limousines.

Why drive a limousine to a simple night event?

Rich people.. I’d never understand them.

” Edward you can take the car home, we’ll be back by midnight” he placed his arm on the elderly man’s shoulder before hopping out of the car.

I sent Edward a little wave before stepping out too.

Hunter and I stood side by side in the windy and dark night, watching as Edward leaves the venue before carrying on.

” You look nice” I grinned up at Hunter in a simple black dress shirt and pants.

” I should compliment you or?” He asked with a sheepish smile on his lips.

” You’re unbelievable!” Marching away with a huff only for him to grab my wrist.

” I’m beginning to think you like me flattering you. If I’m not mistaken” his smile turned into a smirk.

And a smirk is never good!

” Let me go” I glared at him but rather than intimidate, it amused him.

” You look amazing Jules” he pulls me close by my wrist and places a hand on the small of my back.

I know I was expecting a compliment but that doesn’t stop me from flushing a tad bit red when I am.

” Remember, most people here are business associates of the Reid’s so you may have met a few” Hunter begins to inform me as we started walking towards the entrance.

” Oh, I think that’s okay?”

” Yeah it is, hence try as much as possible to limit what you say to them. Most people here are media hungry and fame thirsty, they’d do anything to have a say in everything, so try as much as possible to avoid going into your private life and business. You’re free to discuss deals of respective businesses with their partners but never inform anyone of deals made with other companies. Got it?”

I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my forehead and my nerves building up at the instruction.

” What if I mistakenly slip up or something?”

” Firstly you wouldn’t and secondly even if you do, they’ll pry for a formidable explanation. They’re honestly not low-key about what they want”

I nodded but it did nothing to soothe my tension. I was literally beginning to have a fever and fidget.

Hunter laughed once we reached the bottom of the stairs leading to where the party lies.

” Iris you’ll do just fine, you don’t need to become sick. You’ll learn to like it”

I only muttered an ‘ I hope’ in response to his words because most of my energy and concentration was put into not tripping over in my heels.

Once we were at the doors, a chauffeur opened it up for us and yet again, Mr Reid outdid himself with the interior decor.

Purple and gold littered all angles and corners of the extremely large halls. Ribbons, table linen and curtains looked so brushed up like they were made from heaven and sent as a delivery unto Earth.

Heck, even the serviettes were tinted in purple and gold.

I didn’t realize my mouth was open in awe till Hunter placed a glass cup to my lips.

” I think my major worry right now is you looking like a lost puppy whilst staring at the decorations like a bunny” his amused voice mocking me but his eyes were taking in the environment just like I was.

” Puppies and rabbits have nothing in common” I whined and collected the glass from him containing a sparkling gold looking wine.

” I know, that’s why I called you a bunny” he smirked at me.

” There’s no difference”

” Uhun” he takes a sip of his drink before regarding me again.

” There’s the snack table over there” he points out the table at the extreme end ” I know that would be the only useful thing in this room to you. I’m gonna go find Michelle” he grabs my hand and places a kiss to my wrist.

” Don’t get in trouble” he finally says and wanders off.

So I took delight in the snack table.


It’s a few past eleven and I haven’t set eyes on Hunter since he left to go find Michelle.

They must be having a serious discussion.

But anyway, I’ve met with so many of our associates and some their wives or spouses.

It really wasn’t that hard. Hunter really does know how to create tension where there’s no need.

Or was that me?

Either way, I’m standing by the snack table and surveying for Hunter in the room and sadly his shadow can’t even be spotted.

I really want to leave now.

I picked another cupcake to stuff myself in the meantime but someone calls me by my name and I was really shocked at first because I’m known to most people as miss Shawn but when I saw who did, I became a little calm.

” Mr Hayes, it’s been a while” I smiled and extended my hand for a handshake.

” True words Jules, I wish it wouldn’t be so. How have you been?” Returning my shake but not letting go of my hand.

” I’m alright as always and you?”

” Still good I believe. What are you doing here all by yourself?” He moves his hand to my elbow and pulls me closer.

” I’m actually here with Mr McConnell” I try to pry his hand away but his grip is firm.

” Oh.. I’ve never been a fan of that man. How’s working with him?”

” It’s good. Fine really. Nothing really special to say”

” You know, if you work for me you’d be twice as happy” he leans into my ear to whisper his words.

” And what makes you think so?” I lift a brow and still try to break free but it isn’t working.

” Well…” His lips brush against my cheek and that was all the boost I needed.

” Okay, that’s enough. Let go of me Mr Hayes. It was nice seeing you” I pull out my arm with every fiber of energy in me and excused myself.

I kept walking away till I found the bathroom stall.

Going in, I find it empty and silently thank God for the privacy.

I use a few seconds to stare at my reflection in the mirror when the door was thrown open.

And Mr Hayes walked in.

” This is the girl’s bathroom” I warned but instead he bolted the door making us the only people in here.

” I know” then he charged for me.

” What are you doing!!” I ran for the other end of the room but he came after me and took a grip on my right arm.

“HELP!!!!” I screamed and tried scratching and tugging my arm away but he easily overpowered me and grabbed my second arm and pinned them both above my head.

I thrashed in his grip and kicked him in the groin. He only yelped but tightened his hold and pressed himself to me.

” You feel soft” he mocked me an began tracing my jawline with sloppy kisses.

” Please leave me alone! Help!! Somebody please!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried everything.

Kicking, pushing, thrashing but nothing worked.

His hand went underneath my dress and this moment felt like a relive of the past.

I had no idea when I started crying.

” Mr Hayes please! Help!! Someone please help me!”

He used his hand to cover my mouth and muffle my screaming but I wasn’t ready to give up yet.

I bit his palm and attracted a his from him.

” Bitch!” Came his menacing words and raising his arm to hit me, but before he could the door bursted open.

Mr Hayes let go of me immediately he sighted Hunter at the entrance.

” You just broke the lock on the door” Mr Hayes smirked but Hunter had a death expression on his face.

In two quick movements he was before Mr Hayes and landed two punches to his face but wasn’t given enough time to finish up what he started when some waiters ran in to stop what was causing the noise.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I crouched myself at the corner of the wall still trembling what just happened and watched as two men dragged Mr Hayes with a bleeding nose out of the bathroom.

After they had gone Hunter came up to me and handed me his arm to stand up which I accepted.

As soon as I was on my feet he pulled me into a hug and held me tightly against his chest.

I couldn’t be more grateful for the contact right now.

I squeezed him tight and let my tears fall freely, while he stood there saying nothing but rubbing my back in a circular motion.

” How.. how did you find me?” My voice came out squeaky.

” A colleague of mine told me of what happened at the snack table and when I asked where you were he mentioned you coming towards this direction and Hayes following you”

I clutched unto his shirt till my eyes gave out every ounce of tears they had in store and he let me cry unto him.

It was only then did I realize that my make up is probably smeared all over his shirt.

I withdrew from his hold to check his shirt, hopefully not much damage was done.

Sadly the stains were obvious.

” I’m sorry, let me get that” I sniffed and pulled away from him to get a tissue.

” Is it the shirt? Just forget about it, I’ll soon be leaving just need to find Mr Reid” he shrugged and put his arms in his pocket.

He actually looked indifferent towards what just happened and he never said anything regarding it. Not even a sorry.

But why do I even need the apology? It’s not like he did anything.

” Thank you” I whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear.

He arched a brow at me and nodded in acknowledgement of my gratitude.

” Soooo…. Is this the moment where I blame you for getting yourself in trouble?” He smugly asked.

Did he just say that!?

” Ugh!! You’re disgusting!” I tried to push passed him so I can leave this building filled with filthy and rich people but he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me straight into his chest before hugging me tight.

And he was laughing.

” What’s funny!?” My temper isn’t something that should be tested at this hour.

” I’m kidding. Hayes is a douche okay?”

He finally speaks..

” Yes. Hayes is”

He chuckled at my reply and patted down my hair.

” Call Edward to come take you home”

” What about you? You’re still meeting with Mr Reid right?”

” Yeah, but you need to go get a bath. You smell like an extra scented cologne” he mocked amusedly and used his fingers to squeeze his nose shut.

I laughed at his stupidity and slapped his across the chest where he faked a painful reaction.

” Shooo Iris, go away” he said with a smile.

” Fine, but you’ll walk me to the door. I look like a zombie” I whined.

” And if I refuse?” He questioned with a smirk but my glare was enough to make him agree.

” You know what? I think I’ll escort you” he said and handed me his arm which I laced mine through.

And to be truthful, I did smell like an extra scented cologne.

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