
Chapter 062

Iris’s p. o. v.


” It’s our problem freeeee… Philosophyyyy… HAKUNA MATATAAA!!”

” Someone should remind Jules never to leave her kid with Cheryn anymore”

Claudette and I burst into laughter at Jenny’s complain because of Louisa and Cheryn’s newly profound joy.

I wouldn’t blame her, they’ve been singing Lion King soundtracks ever since they came in here.

Don’t get me started on their imitation of the monkey in the beginning.

” Don’t listen to her Louie, she’s just jealous” Cheryn patted Louisa’s head and smirked at Jenny.

” Nuh-uh… Mommy said jealousy is very very bad” Louie scolded and folded her arms to send a disappointed look to Jenny.

” Testify angel” Claudette barked in laughter as she applied a layer of concealer underneath my eyes.

I was currently getting ready for Mr Reid’s event tonight and I’m surprised Hunter wanted me to come in the first place.

” Louisa maybe you should take a little rest, you’ve used up every ounce of energy in your body to sing” I quietly tried to advise.

” Noooooooooo!! Aunt Cheryn are you tired?” Louie screeched and I literally saw Jenny bury her head with a pillow to muffle the sounds of her groaning.

” No honey. Let’s continue!” Cheryn said with a little too much enthusiasm that sent a bolt of energy through Louie.

” Yay! In Upendiiiii! Where the passion fruit grows sweet”

And Louisa carried on.

” I know a pharmacist who could sell you a sedative. Jules you need it” Jenny says and attracted a chuckle from me.

” Tsk tsk.. no laughing” Claudette scolded before she started to draw a winged liner on my lids.

” Aunt Claudette, do you know Simba?”

” Oh yes Louie. He’s from Africa. In fact, he lives in the zoo near my brother’s home”Claudette smoothly lied and from my angle, I can see the awe in Louisa’s expression.

” That is awesome!! Mommy can I go live with Aunt Claudette’s brother? Pretty please?”

Louie’s plea sent everyone laughing, including me but Claudette scolded me once again.

” Okay, Louie honey let’s go get some cupcakes” Cheryn suggested and Louisa wasted no time in jumping on her so she would be carried out.

” To the infinity and beyond” were the last words of Louie as they went down to hallway.

Everyone chuckled, excluding me though. I’ve had enough tsk’s for tonight.

” I should go too. I need a Tylenol for the migraine those two miscreants caused” Jenny followed suit, leaving only Claudette and I.

” What color of suit is Hunter wearing?” Claudette asks, finally breaking the silence after a few seconds.

” I don’t know. Didn’t really bother to ask” I shrugged and she hummed to my reply.

” I picked out a black for you. I had a feeling he’d like it” she sent me a mischievous smile and I couldn’t help but laugh.

” Okay. I’d personally prefer white or yellow. I’m not looking forward to impressing him”

” Uhun.. I hear you” came her only reply as she tinted my cheeks with a little blush.

” Claudette what are you thinking?”

” Oh me? Nothing. Nothing. at. all”

She still has the smile.

And to be honest, watching her try to pretend she ain’t smiling is amusing.

” Okay. Suit yourself” I shrugged once again and let her finish up with my make up.

It took a total of fifteen minutes before she was done and she assisted me in packing my hair into a neat ponytail.

” C’est fini” she gleed ” he wouldn’t want to keep his hands to himself tonight” then she winked.

” I will prefer if he does” I rolled my eyes at her and went to view myself in the mirror.

Claudette was truly a pro. The quicker I change from my present towel to the gown she got, the better I’ll look.

” Jules stop with the pretense, I’m not blind. No one is”


” What exactly are you referring to when you say blind?” I quickly turned to her direction.

” Okay, explain this. Your current spending of time alone with him in his room? Oh and I forgot to add, especially at night?” She was smirking.

She’s smirking.

Smirking is never good!.

” I have a good reason before you jump into conclusions. I’m currently his massage therapist so you wouldn’t blame me. He’s mostly around at night”

” And his room is very convenient? He’s got a gym room that has been untouched for a while now”

” Well it’s what he prefers”

” Of course you should know what he prefers”

She’s still smirking!!

” Claudette.. I’m serious, nothing is going on”

” Alright, then explain Louisa. She’s his kid and I know” she folds her arms across her chest and gave me a winning smile.

Meanwhile, my face should look blood white.

” What?”

That’s all I can ask. What else would you say in a situation like this?

” I’m not blind Jules, neither is Cheryn or Jenny. We know.”

” How did you-”

” I had a hunch from the start. We all did, including Edward and Guillermo. The two men would never say a thing but they couldn’t hide their suspicion, sometime after they felt unnerved about it. Just for me to eavesdrop on one of their conversations and find out that my suspicions were right”

” Claudette you wouldn’t understand”

” I heard everything and I mean everything. I learned that he used to hit you and Louie was a result of rape which is terrible so I understand why you don’t talk about it much. But what I’m not quite getting right is Hunter. Sometimes he acts like he doesn’t know”

” That’s because he doesn’t”

” What do you mean by he doesn’t?”

” He thinks she’s dead”

” What? Why would he?”

” Louie was a twin, her brother died and he got to hear about it. He never just knew that she was a twin”

” And he doesn’t still have a clue?”

” Yes, so please don’t tell him”

” I promise I won’t but I swear he is dumb”

We both laughed at her declaration before she came up to give me a hug.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

” I’m so sorry love, but you’ve got a huge heart even living with him”

I chuckled once again.

” He’s apologized. We’re okay, I think”

” I know you are” she patted my head with a smile on her face.

” Not like that.. I mean.. you know what I mean”

She laughed out loud then took deep breaths to steady herself.

” I know. I only played that little game at the beginning so you’ll pop about Louie”

” You criminal!’ I fake gasped and she laughed again

” You know that kid needs a dad at some point in her life right?”

I nodded at her with a sad sigh.

I really know.

” How did you even end up here? You know, with Hunter.” She speaks up again.

” His dad transferred me and gave me the accommodation. That was before I knew who his son was” I shrugged, everything did feel strange.

” Wow.. Mr McConnell has never been one to keep his son and a lady under the same roof”

” Well he trusts me then” I grinned and both of us chuckle once more.

” Get dressed sweetie, he’ll soon come in here to drag you himself” Claudette advised and walked out of the room leaving me by myself.

I walked up to the mirror to observe my features again.

Claudette did a good job covering up my scar, it’s almost invincible.

I tried pouting and making a few faces at the mirror just to get a glimpse of myself at all angles.

After a few minutes, I laughed at my childish behavior and decided to change.

I took hold of the edge of my towel and as soon as I was about letting it drop, my door was swung open.

Revealing a shocked Hunter.

I quickly tightened my grip on my towel and prayed that clumsiness wouldn’t make it slip.

It was pretty obvious how he was trying to avoid his eyes from roaming.

” Uhm.. sorry.. hurry up. I’ll be by the bar” he hurriedly said and shut the door within seconds.

I was actually meant to feel awkward because of what just happened.

But Hunter’s face was entirely priceless.

I had no idea when I burst out laughing.

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