After Flash Marriage, I Found That My Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 24: Even If You Don’t Want to Marry, You Have to Marry

Chapter 24: Even If You Don’t Want to Marry, You Have to Marry

On the other hand, Xia Construction quality has problems, and the issue of unpaid wages to workers has already made it to the media. Tyrone Xia returned to the company only to find a group of workers and homeowners outside the door, holding banners and demanding their money and compensation, making a noisy scene. There were also a group of journalists interviewing and filming nearby.

Mia Zhao had been in charge of the company's finances for years, and she couldn't avoid being involved in the situation. Seeing the chaos outside, she quickly called a meeting with the senior management team to discuss their next steps.

Inside the boardroom, tensions were high. "We need to address the workers' demands immediately," Mia stated firmly. "Delaying this will only worsen our reputation."

Tyrone Xia nodded, though his expression was grim. "We don't have the funds to pay everyone right now. Our accounts are nearly empty."

Mia took a deep breath. "Then we need to find a solution quickly. Perhaps we can negotiate a payment plan with the workers and the homeowners."

One of the managers, Mr. Li, interjected, "But the media is already involved. This could spiral out of control if we don't handle it carefully."Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Mia agreed. "We need to control the narrative. I'll handle the financial negotiations, but we need a strong PR response to calm the situation."

Tyrone looked at her, a hint of desperation in his eyes. "Mia, you're the only one who can save us right now. Do whatever it takes."

As Mia left the boardroom, she felt the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. She knew that saving Xia Construction would require more than just financial acumen; it would need diplomacy and a bit of luck.

Outside, the crowd's chants grew louder. Mia stepped out to address the workers and homeowners. "Please, everyone, can I have your attention?" she called out, trying to project calm and authority.

The crowd quieted slightly, allowing her to speak. "I understand your frustrations, and I promise you that we are working on a solution. We are committed to resolving this issue and ensuring that everyone receives what they are owed."

A worker shouted, "We’ve heard promises before! How do we know this time will be different?"

Mia took a deep breath. "I understand your skepticism, but I assure you, actions will follow my words. We will set up a meeting with representatives from your group to discuss the details of our plan."

The crowd murmured, some looking skeptical, others slightly hopeful. Mia knew this was just the beginning of a long and challenging process.

Back in her office, Mia began drafting a detailed financial plan and a proposal for a staggered payment schedule. She also reached out to a trusted PR firm to help manage the media fallout.

As the day turned into night, Mia worked tirelessly. She couldn't afford to fail, not with so many people depending on her. She thought about Olivia Xia and wondered if her cousin was facing similar challenges. Despite their different paths, they both carried the weight of their family's legacy.

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