Zero and Beauty's Breath (A Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club Series Book 3 - 4)

Chapter 20 (Killer and River)

Chapter 20 (Killer and River)

“Find my daughter Kevin.”

“Yes Sir,” I say into my phone before ending the call.

Marcus Bray is a man that I respect. A man that has connections in places that not even my brother

Michael has, and he is friends with the President.

Three weeks we have searched for Beggar and my sister.

I am on a thread of a needle.

My body beckoning me to join the murderous rampage Vincent is on in search of Kylie.

My last option was Marcus Bray, Kylie's father. A week ago I visited him in his Penthouse, I told him the

truth, disregarding Vincent and Michael's objection.

And like I thought he came through.

I stare at the address I wrote on the palm of my hand then I look at all my brothers and our women who

are all ready to go do murder.

“We got an address,” I yell at them all and the room heightens with vengeance.

Tonight we will shed blood. Tonight we will deliver Judgment and a one way ticket to Satan and his

depths of hell.

“Tonight we do what we are born to do. We don't feel, we don't talk, we deliver our vengeance. We give

them death, no life spared. Understood!” I yell at the men and women in the room. Tracking their eager


“Yes Sir,” they scream, standing with their hands behind their backs.

I feel a tinge of something. Pride. These are soldiers, through and through.

Zero comes to mind and I shoot him a text quickly with the address and to meet us there.

He has been searching everywhere, riding out for days with no rest. He fires off a reply FCK, B THER


River steps forward, as I slip my phone in my pocket taking my position to the back of him.

“When I FIRST stepped foot in the Kanla Chapter, I had the knowledge that you were all Special Ops

and Military. Our government's best operatives. For a while, I only knew that to be true with a select

few. Today I stand here I bear witness to that knowledge. Let's RIDE.”

The room erupts in flashes as everybody gets ready. The hidden gun stacks behind the T.V and the

others in the walls safe start coming out.

I walk through the house and up to my room and fetch my sniper's rifle, three black hunter knives, and

a box of ammunition.

I shove it in my black bag and zip it up, strapping it to my back and I welcome the nothing I feel.

The emptiness of The Ghost.

River (The Satan Sniper's President)

My life has always been a ride for the finish line.

I have watched men bleed until their very souls have twisted and turned, leaving their body.

I have seen death in numbers of a thousand. I’ve faced off with killers who fight for things they know

not of.

I have murdered fathers, taken meaningless lives for a country that will never surrender, that will

always want more.

I have experienced life and love and all those fucking in-betweens’.

I have watched my father die as he took his last breath with so much hate that I wished him to suffer.

Life has always been a fucking ride to the finish line but with my brothers and our women at the back

and the throttle of the bike I have soared breathing in another day.

There is death where I go now, it waits for me, screaming its penance on my sins. I’m choking with the

vibration of the engine between my legs. We ride, as one.

My Kanla brothers having my back.

I never thought my life will be this way. I never thought I will settle for one place. But one we are.

We ride for our souls, we ride for our right, but mostly tonight we ride for our freedom. And we don’t

fucking stop! We never slow.

This is what we are, this is who we have become- Chaining ourselves to each other and we do it as


People always ask us why do we call ourselves The Satan Snipers, today as we unite as one we

conquer, because when we are together it is our enemies we will taint, it is our enemies who will parish.

Tonight on this day we will spill the blood of the ones who have wronged. We will pass one Judgment-

A Satan’s death.

We will be merciless as we punish.

We are The Satan Snipers and tonight we will reap vengeance on those who wronged us.

We stop just outside the old broken down warehouse. I line my bike slowing its speed. It’s a clear view

to the piece of shit dump.

Killer takes his position on my rear as we stop. I pull my helmet off my head and remove my bandanna

off my face.

My knuckles itch for the flesh of my enemy. My heart thumps for the end when we will take our victory.

“It's too fuckin' quiet,” Killer hits my shoulder.

“Feels like an ambush, did you check the fuckin' ammo, I say we go in hot,” Knight suggests.

“Lemme go in first, there's no need waiting around here,” Spade volunteers as fucking always, never

met a man who likes a fight more than the brother.

“Killer, you and Texas mark the windows. Spade you and Knight go through the front.” I stare at Knight

when I say this so he knows to watch the brother’s back.

I don't fucking need another brother’s death on my conscious tonight.

I look at the big meaty brother, Bull who is on my left and rub a hand down my scruff,

“You and me we go through the drain, two meters to the left.”

The two women Mercy and After stand in front of me, waiting for my instruction, I can tell by the shake

of Mercy's leg that she’s itching for a fight,

“You and After will go in first, make it quick and quiet. I want ammo set up in the corners of the block. I

got a feeling we going to need a shit load of crap.”

“Lets move,” I say loud and fucking clear.

After and Mercy duck down, run toward the back.

Texas and Killer go toward the windows.

The rest of us make way to the warehouse.

It isn’t long before Texas and Killer work out the patrol routine and let Mercy and After know that two of

the outfit fuckers patrolling the shit dump have turned their back on the entrance.

Mercy and After crouch down, moving like leopards through the tall glass. Blades ready and thirsty for All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

blood. I stand guard and watch my people at work.

Mercy and After sneak up behind the two fuckers and slit their throats. I hear the gurgles as their blood

flows from their throats like a waterfall.

It's a sight of beauty and I get a sick fucking thrill as one of the men clutches his throat, like that would

save him.

No one can save our enemies, not even Satan himself.

They are quick and effortless as they dispatch of the bodies and take them to the side of the

warehouse. That’s our queue. Killer and Texas set their riffles up by the windows.

Bull and I head on to the drain while Knight and Spade go in with guns blazing and a fever for the death

of our enemies.

I climb down into the drains, Bull following close behind.

The place smells like shit but to us it's just another fuckin day at this fucked up thing we call life.

The sound of guns scream through the air as the souls of our enemies become damned to hell. My feet

hit the water as I run through the tunnels.

I pull my gun from my pants, my feet never failing as I draw closer to my people.

I cock the gun making sure my bullet is already in the chamber and hear Bull doing the same.

We get to the other side in the middle of a gun battle. I sweep my gaze across the floor. There’s like

four fucking outfit fuckers to one brother. Some would say we outnumbered.

Others will convince themselves we're crazy but as I lift my gun and point it at one of my enemies I

would just tell you that shit just got real.

The guy drops as my bullet meets with the flesh of his forehead. Knight takes out two more, one with a

switch blade through his eye and the other with three bullet holes to his stomach.

After is on the floor with a guys head between her legs as she squeezes his last breath out of him.

Mercy is still standing by the door trigger happy.

I put two more bullets in the guy on my left just for fun as I hear the sound of incoming cars. I don’t

worry much about it because The Ghost always gets its target.

I go on my search for the person that started it all. For the woman who I was yet to meet. I go for


I run up the metal steps and see a flash of black.

Zero in front of me, with a gun pointed to me before the bullet goes straight past my ear.

I spin and see the man who snuck up behind me go down and turn back to the man who is here.

“Let's do this,” I tell him as another round of bullets go through this place.

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