Zero and Beauty's Breath (A Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club Series Book 3 - 4)

Chapter 18 (Zero)

Chapter 18 (Zero)

He leaves me in the basement and I start putting the chairs back. I feel more shitty than I did when I got


Kylie is the one thing I know Killer loves in his own fucked up way.

The one thing we all know he cares about and now she is gone because he couldn't trust us. He sent

Beggar there, to Kylie, the one he trusts. I say this in my mind as the pieces to this puzzle fit.

Killer must have known Beggar would leave. It all makes perfect sense now. Him leaving the day

Beggar put all the men on the ground with darts. Kylie coming around.

Though he said he didn't know she was coming, how could he not when he had Aron.

Like a fucking card game, Killer secured Beggar's escape. He was securing her a backup plan if we

turned, which we did.

His words ring in my head, "Beggar is part of my club. she has my protection." It has played on my

mind for months now.

I leave the basement, running up the stairs. The pain in my body is nothing to the adrenaline spiking

my veins as I rush through the house.

Ignoring all the brothers AND women giving me -' what the fuck happened' expressions, I go from Killer.

I walk right in front of him as the brothers come closer and begin to quieten. Killer sits comfortably on

the sofa with an ice pack on his eye.

"You from National aren't you?" I ask him but it isn't really a question.

He smiles when I say this, freezing me in place with his soulless depths, it is so cold.

"Leave us," he says to the guys and they all go.

Knight looks at me with pity shaking his head.

"Yes,” Killer says.

"Why, why hide it, why do all this? Lie and pretend you a Road Captain from the Mother Chapter, then

lie again, tell everybody you're soldier here. Why the trouble in keeping it under wraps from even us?

What position are you Killer."

"Two years back Snake and I became members of National, we wanted the ride and life that came with

title. River was the one who brought us into the club, so when he vouched for us it sealed the deal.

They patched us in as National. My rank in the government has earned me a lot of respect amongst

our people, so when they needed a Vice, they voted me in. I agreed. Not long after that Snake found

out some of the club secrets were sold to people on the black market. At first, we thought it was Knight

'cause of his connections to the Catellis but it wasn't him, it was someone higher up, someone who

knew a fuck load more than just a soldier. Club then lost a big chunk of change. Snake and I both have

more than we can spend in ten lifetimes, so we decided to cough out the money and replace it, so it

raised no suspicion from the other Chapters. Knight was crossed off the list as we found out he ain't

hurting for cash either. So we dug deeper and started crossing out names. Mercy and After were our

informers, both women are loyal. So we grew suspicious when our trail led us back here to Kanla. Most

of you are special ops so we know you aren't desperate. But others raised our flags. So I decided it

was time I take a closer look. Turned out our suspicion was correct."

"Rounder," I say and I can't believe it.

He is the only one here high enough, the only one who was desperate for extra cash because of his

medical bills.

But why didn't he just ask us?

Why would he do something like this? FUCK. His daughter, what will happen to her? I care about


She is a good woman.

I care about Rounder, the guy earned my respect as River earned Killers.

He was the reason I came to Kanla. The reason Knight, Spade, Texas, and Storm followed us to Kanla,


We trusted him, we followed him through fucking Operations that weren't even authorized.

And Falon, she wouldn't join The Satan Snipers as a member. She's always been a daddy's girl. This is NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

going to kill her.

"I know what you thinking and don't. Falon knew. We plan on leaving her be, but Rounder.” Killer

shakes his head, as he places the ice pack on the armrest.

“A dying man doesn't make him a nonpunishable one, Zero."

I can't say anything to that.

We all said our vows, we all play a part in the club.

My dad always said that no matter how powerful a man is, nobody is above the law and in the club,

nobody is spared from breaking it, not even a dying man.

"Trust is earned Zero, breaking it is almost so simple that rebuilding it becomes a wasted effort. For all

your fucked up choices you earned mine."

He stands up and I take a step back, as his words, coming from the iceman hits me in my fucking


"Now I told you what you wanted to know. So are you going to help me finish this, find my sister, and

bring Beggar's ass home, where she belongs, or are you gonna be a little bitch about it? 'cause I

always thought you're a cunt but I ain't never taken you for a bitch."

The mans words isn't one of a soldier, it is words of our National Vice President. As I stand toe to toe

with Killer I see why the men voted the young man, I see why he has earned their respect, and why he

earns mine too.

“Let's finish this.”

We embrace in a brotherly hug, a truce to find Beggar and bring her home.

Those words ring in my head as I watch Killer walk away, seeing him in a different light. This is Beggars

home, my home, one day maybe Kylie's home.

It is also Killer's home, even if he doesn't want to admit it.

I take a breath and like I did before and would do again I clear my fucking head and close up my shit.

I got two of our women to find. Kylie has always been one of us, she once had my back, and now she

needs me to have hers.

My phone vibrates and I slip it out, “Hey, what's up?”

“Police found another body, I just saw it now, I think one of you guys needs to come check this out.”

Quinn doesn't beat around with small chat which tells me it's bad.

“I'll get one of the guys over there.”

“Is everything sorted with the club,” She asks and this is my chance to make a choice of how I am

going to play this with her. A chance I'm not going to fuck up.

So I give it to her straight, “No, Beggar escaped over a month back, last night she went out with Kylie

Bray, now she's gone. Which means we gotta find her fast.”

“You mean the Kylie Bray? I might be able to help with that. Remember the hacker I told you about? A

few months ago she said Kylie Bray asked her to hack into Lucca Sanati's bank accounts and find all

his offshore accounts and businesses. Only when she finally found something, Kylie told her she didn't

need it any longer, but I think Rudy will still have the stuff maybe we can track them from there.”

“Get her on the phone, give her my number. We'll take any help we can get.”

I clip the call and see Den and the purple haired prospect, Chadley, Falon's cousin.

“Den, Chad, get your asses here, I got an assignment for you two.”

They both give me eager eyes and stand up taller. In another setting I would've smiled.

“There's a dead body at the hospital, I need you to go there and take some pictures, talk to the doctors

and give them this.” I hand Den five hundred dollars.

He knows how to get information, it is one of the reasons he is prospecting for us.

The other is the thirteen different languages he speak.

Muscles didn't always come from body mass. Sometimes the brain was much more of a dangerous

weapon than the gun in your hand.

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