When the Boss’ Lady Became His Sister-in-law

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

The Collins clan had gathered in full force, their voices blending into a chorus of chatter and laughter that filled the modest suburban home. It was a welcome home party for Madge, who had just been released from prison. They said it was to help her turn over a new leaf, to cleanse her of the past.

“Oh my, I never expected our Collins girl to be such a beauty” a relative remarked, eyeing Kristin up and down. “And still on the market, huh?”

Kristin, shy and uncomfortable around strangers, especially under such scrutiny, retreated into silence.

“What are you doing, Jeannie?” Garner frowned, moving protectively closer to Kristin.

“Oh, I’m just thinking of setting Kristin up with a fine match, Jeannie, the middle–aged woman, chuckled. “She’s a looker, even if she has a child. In our town, that would draw some tongues wagging, but since your mom asked me, I’ll make sure to find her someone decent.”

Garner’s frown deepened, his gaze shifting towards Madge, seated at the head of the table, looking rather well for someone who had just spent time behind bars. Madge cracked open a sunflower seed and met her son’s eye. “She’s not getting any younger, and with a child in tow, she needs to settle down sooner rather than later. You want to keep your own reputation pristine for when you find a wife, don’t you?”

Garner’s cheeks flushed with anger ‘Kristin doesn’t need to marry anyone I’ll take care of her and Summer for the rest of our lives.” Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What nonsense you speak, Madge snapped back, clearly irritated. Jeannie’s friends are all well–off. Stop meddling in your sister’s affairs, if she wants to, it’s her choice.”

Kristin, head bowed, said nothing. What did she want?

“Kristin, I know a man, owns a pig farm in our town. Don’t turn your nose up at pig farming – it’s lucrative,” Jeannie said, popping another seed into her mouth. “He’s looking for a second wife, got a kid with some disabilities, but nothing serious”

Kristin’s face turned ghostly pale, still silent.

“Let’s set you two up to meet tomorrow, Jeannie decided on Kristin’s behalf.

“No… I have work,” Kristin objected quietly.

“Work? What job? If that farm owner takes a shine to you, you won’t need a job. You won’t have to earn those peanuts anymore, Jeannie scoffed. “Listen here, a woman needs to marry well; nothing is more important.”

“I can make my own money. I don’t need… to ‘marry well,” I can take care of myself. Your way of thinking is wrong,” Kristin retorted, her voice trembling with suppressed emotion.

How dare you talk back like that?: Madge interjected sharply, “Tre a huge fartuly

sment to have a child out of wedlock How’s your brother supposed to get

berried when you’re here tomishing his image?

When Kristin remained silent, Madge continued. ‘Don’t go to work tomorrow. Go on that date, get married, move out

Taking a deep breath, Kristin looked up at Madge. “You never raised me a day in your life You have no right to tell me what to do

The air turned heavy, the relatives‘ gazes all shifting to Kristin, and then the whispers started “See, that’s the trouble with strays, they never really become part of the family”

“Exactly. She’s already talking back to her own mother”

“Kristin, you’re out of line. Your mom did time for you. She served five years for who? For you! Remember your heart condition? If she hadn’t fought to save you, do you think you’d be alive today?”

Jeannie was laying it on thick now.

“Your life was bought with your mother’s five years in prison. How can you speak to her like that and break her heart?”

Tears welled up in Kristin’s eyes as she looked away. She should have been left to her fate, why was she saved in such a manner, at the cost of hurting so many?

“Mom, you need rest after your release. Kristin has to work tomorrow, I’ll take her home Garner said, his voice low, ready to usher Kristin out

“Garner!” Madge slammed the table, standing abruptly. “Do you know what people are saying about you and Kristin? It’s bad! You’re raising her child are you a fool?”

Kristin clenched her fists, the words stinging like thorns.

“Enough!” Garner raised his voice.

“Fine, fine. Since I went away, the whole world has changed” Madge cried out. “Are you choosing your sister over your mother?”

Garner was frustrated

“Kristin, listen to me. I am your mother. I didn’t raise you because I was saving your life. You may not be grateful, but you owe me,” Madge declared. “Quit your job tomorrow. Stay away from the FitzGerald family. Do you think you’re worthy of them? You had a child with a nobody six years ago. Do you think

you’re good enough for the likes of the FitzGeralds? Stop dreaming, and marry the man Jeannie has found for


After Madge’s tirade, she turned to Jeannie. ‘Even though my daughter has a child, she’s never been married. We won’t settle for less than a customary dowry.”


Jeannie nodded, smiling. They’ve said if he likes her, they’ll give a house over a hundred square meters, in her name, and the dowry is a given”

Madge’s eyes gleamed. “A house near downtown Silvergrove City?”

“Somewhere around there, for sure. But given Kris‘ situation, she couldn’t do better Jeannie boasted with confidence.

“Let’s get out of here, Kristin. Don’t listen to this nonsense, Garner said, frustration lining

his voice as he took a firm hold of Kristin’s hand, ready to bolt.

“Where are you two off to?” inquired Madge, her prying eyes fixed on them.

Neither Kristin nor Garner uttered a word.

“Did you hear what Jeannie proposed? Where else would you find such a sweet deal? Madge beamed with what she believed was a triumph

“Enough already,” Garner scowled, his patience wearing thin

“What’s gotten into you? A whole house, for your wedding, Madge chastised, her gaze hardening as she looked at Garner. “She’s been the belle of the Turners for over twenty years, living the high life. Who do you think gave her that? Mel She owes me, doesn’t she? And here I am, setting her up with such a great match, and she’s ungrateful?”

“A great match, huh? A pig farm, and that comes with a special needs son–he’s name is Hammer, right?” Garner’s face darkened. “Such a fantastic offer. Why don’t you marry into that, exchange it for a house. We don’t need it. Keep it for your retirement”

With that, Garner, with a tug on Kristin’s wrist, led her out the door

“Garner! You’re turning your back on me! Madge’s voice cracked with a mix of anger and sorrow. “Whose sake do you think I’m doing all this for? For whom, tell me! I made her the belle for twenty–one years Without me, her congenital heart condition would have taken her long ago!”

Tears stained Kristin’s cheeks as she silently wiped them away. She was at a loss on how to face these people.

The Turners said she was in their debt.

Madge claimed she owed her

She owed so much to so many, but who owed anything to her?


Just as they reached the bottom of the stairs, a sleek black sedan pulled up outside. Rhett emerged from the driver’s seat, his face etched with urgency as he called out Kristin’s


Rooted to the spot, Kristin felt, for a fleeting moment, as if she had glimpsed a light in the


The suffocating feating that had enveloped her seemed to dissolve into a profou

of grievance upon seeing Phaet

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