What Separates Me and You

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 How Could You Be So Cold-Blooded? From NôvelDrama.Org.

Josephine had received the same phone call as well. The caretaker had told her Mrs. Jinkins wasn’t going to make it. She wanted to ask what the situation was, but she couldn’t speak and could only helplessly worry. Mrs. Jinkins was still fine when she left yesterday!

“How do I refund the money to you?” the caretaker continued without regard. “How about you come and meet me tomorrow? No, that’s not right. It’s best if you come to the hospital now. I think the old woman…”

Josephine clutched the phone tightly, her frustration mounting as her inability to speak left her flustered. The moment the call ended, she swiftly texted the caretaker, detailing her communication struggles and requesting a comprehensive explanation of Mrs. Jinkins’ state. With a glance cast upstairs, she found herself caught in a prolonged dilemma before ultimately relinquishing any intention of approaching him.

Walking over to the couch, she had a vice-like grip on her phone as she waited for the caretaker to respond. She glanced at the clock on the wall, which showed that it was already 10. pm. Her head began to hurt again, perhaps due to her anxiousness. The pain resembled sharp needles piercing her brain, accompanied by a buzzing sensation that reverberated through her skull. Dizziness overwhelmed her, causing the room to spin around her.

She held her head and curled up on the couch. Pulling on her hair, she gritted her teeth and bore with the pain.

“Just get through this, and you’ll be fine,” she thought as she hugged herself tightly.

The passing minutes dragged on, stretching before her like an excruciating eternity. Eventually, her phone buzzed, forcing her to muster the energy to sit up and retrieve it from the floor where it had

tumbled. Grappling with her pounding head, she trembled while unlocking her phone, her fingers visibly quivering.

It was a response from the caretaker. “Mrs. Jinkins’ son had stopped by. He said to stop treatment, and he wanted to take her with him, but the medical expenses that were paid for hadn’t been used up yet, so the doctor wanted to continue treatment for her for two more days. Patrick kicked up a fuss in the hospital and insisted that the hospital refund the money. She fainted, probably because she was too upset, and was rushed into the emergency room. The doctor immediately shook his head when she was wheeled back out. Patrick got scared and no longer insisted on a refund and allowed her to continue receiving treatment. He has already left, so Mrs. Jinkins is alone. I was worried that the responsibility of decision-making would fall on me should anything happen to her and that I’ll end up being burdened, that’s why I’m telling you I don’t want to continue taking care of her. The doctor has already declared that her life is fading, so it’s unlikely she’ll be able to pull through.”

Josephine felt her heart race as she read the very long text that the caretaker sent her. Finding it getting harder to breathe, she tugged on the collar of her turtleneck.

She asked herself, “Why did Patrick appear at the hospital? Why was his appearance so coincidental?”

In a desperate bid to find some inner peace, she delivered a firm slap to her own head, hoping to quiet her anxious mind. She waited until the pain in her head subsided before slowly. ascending the stairs, wondering, “Would he really…be so cold-blooded?”

She hugged her frail body as she headed towards the study. Her body protested with each step, and she felt like she would collapse at any moment. Without knocking, she pushed open. the door to the study and entered.

Lewis was lounging languidly on the sofa with his legs crossed. He had his phone in hand and was listening to someone over a call. Cocking a brow, he looked toward her and instantly furrowed his

brows when he noticed her pale complexion. He then turned his attention back to

the call.

She slowly walked up to him and gazed fixedly at him.

“Noted,” he said and ended the call before turning his attention again to her.

Josephine looked him dead in the eye as she signed. “Why?”

He looked at her hands but didn’t respond.

“I’ve already complied with your demands, so why…didn’t you spare her? I just happened to realize after I regained consciousness that I was in the same hospital as Mrs. Jinkins yesterday, hence why I paid her a visit. It wasn’t as though I intentionally went out of my way to see her.”

He suddenly reached out and pulled her to him.

Josephine fell into his lap as she lost her balance. Lifting her gaze, she found herself locking eyes with his emotionless ones.

He extended a finger and stroked the corner of her eye before softly saying, “Everyone’s life will come to an end. Moreover, I had nothing to do with this.”

She looked at him with tears in her eyes and tried to gauge whether he was telling the truth from his expression, but she couldn’t decipher anything from it.

Shaking her head, she signed, “Then why did Patrick appear at the hospital?”

“I told you, I don’t know anything about it.” His voice was composed as usual, sounding like

he didn’t care about this at all.

Flexing her fingers, she didn’t know if she should believe his words, given that Patrick had already decided to forsake Mrs. Jinkins. Why did he show up at the hospital just after she had paid the treatment fees and even intentionally upset Mrs. Jinkins? Didn’t it all align with what Lewis said to her yesterday about not even thinking of seeing Mrs. Jinkins again?

Josephine involuntarily shuddered at the thought of this. This man was becoming more and

more foreign to her. She struggled out of his lap and onto her feet before squatting beside him.

Lewis seemed to know what she was going to say as she grabbed her wrists. “Don’t do anything unnecessary, Josephine, or you’ll only be bringing harm onto yourself and everyone around you.”

Stunned, she fell backward onto the floor, landing on her butt.

He stood up and left the study without turning back to look at her. He even locked the door. Hearing the sound of the lock being turned, she scrambled to her feet and tried the knob, only to find that she truly was locked in. She pounded on the door with her fists but didn’t hear a response. She slowly slid down to the floor with her back against the door. He had locked her up again. Hugging her knees to her chest, she felt as though she was intoxicated as her head felt heavy and her consciousness was fuzzy.

The next day.

Daphne met with the middle-aged man again at the same café but this time without Lewis.

“Please sign here on this agreement if you’ve made up your mind, Ms. Alvarez. I’ve already prepared the funds.”

She took the agreement from him and flipped through it even though she didn’t understand anything written in it. She was merely putting on an act. She felt very insecure without Lewis by her side.

The man patiently and quietly waited for her to finish, which she did a few minutes later. She hesitated over the dotted line for a moment before gritting her teeth and placing her signature. He watched as she did and grinned against his will but still maintained his


She then placed her thumbprint on the document. “It’s done. When will the money be transferred to me?”

Taking the agreement from her, he checked her signature before replying with a smile, “It will be transferred shortly, but given that the amount is quite large, it will take some time before it’s reflected in your account, so please be patient.”

Daphne was hesitant as she was worried that he would delay the transfer.

“You can ask President Alvarez directly if you have any questions since he and I are very close, “the man added.

A weight lifted off her chest when she heard this. Right now, she’d have to trust Lewis. ” Alright, please do not dilly dally.” She grabbed her purse and left, not bothering with the formalities.

The man exited the café and entered a Bentley when he reached the corner of the block.

“The agreement has been signed, President Alvarez. Please have a look.”

Lewis took the agreement from him and flipped through it.

“Do I proceed with the transfer?” the man asked.

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