Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Alora’s POV

The rest of the day passed without any more drama. At least, until we went out to the bikes, Poor

Jaxon, he was red as a tomato. I had suggested the Twins double up while Jaxon took one of their

bikes. They said as my Enforcers they needed to be free to act as such, meaning they needed to be

able to flank me, and my Beta, so that idea was nixed. The only solution was for Jaxon to ride behind


I couldn’t help but smile at how red he was, at the thought of mounting the bike behind me. It was cute

and amusing all at once. “I won’t bite, promise.” I tell him in a drawl, causing him to redden further. His

cousins and Darien were no help, they just kept laughing at the situation. Then I decided to tease him

and Darien. I look over at Serenity and catch her eye. She sees me smirk, I wink and she smiles and

nods, letting me know she’ll back my play.

“We’ll…..” I draw the word out, getting the others attention, and a suspicious look from Darien.

“Serenity could always ride with me,” the smile on my face growing as I was talking. “and Jaxon could

ride with Darien.” I say brightly, then I look at Serenity. She’s smiling, mirth filling her eyes. Darien has

stiffened and was now looking at me with promised retribution, Jaxon in panic. A

Clapping her hands together, going along with my torment of the boys. “That’s a great idea!” she says

with a lot of cheer. Darien is looking at his mate, his look one of disbelief joining the panic already


“What?….But mate…” he tries, trying to find a way to get out of this, but Serenity is thoroughly enjoying

herself now, just as I am. Jaxon is looking even more horrified at having to ride with Darien. “But

mate…I want you with me.” Darien whines. Everyone laughs at his whine. 2

Serenity laughing reached up to his face, she stopped laughing long enough to give him a kiss then

say. “I love you.” before continuing to laugh.

He purses his lips and narrows his eyes at her, he looks up at me, then he looks back at her. “Your

yanking my chain aren’t you.” he growls. She laughs harder. He looks up at me “Now why did you have

to go and pull my mate into your shenanigans.” he snaps at me, I just laugh harder, tears coming. I’m

standing next to Kian, I lean against him, my arm raised to rest on his shoulder to keep myself up. 2

Kian’s laughing then say’s “Sorry to tell ya bro.” he laughs “But she’s bad all on her own.”

Serenity snaps out a “Hey.”

“Sorry sis, but someone’s gotta warn your mate.” said Galen laughing.

“Warn me about what?” demanded Darien.

“That she’s a terrible tease.” laughed Kian.

“And a prankster.” added Galen “There’s a reason we ride with her every October.” he said grimly.

“What?” Serenity asked, trying to feign innocence “I wasn’t ‘that’ bad.” she says, her brothers laugh.

“I call bull on that one.” said Kian, Galen comes up on my other side, I raise my other arm onto his

shoulder. Leaning on both of them, they both have their arms crossed over their chests, making their

muscles bulge a bit. We’re all smiling, Jaxon actually snaps our picture. ‘I’ll have to ask him to send it to

me’ I think to myself. I tune into the story the twins are telling us about Serenity.

“So one October we were both still driving ourselves to school.” Galen starts the story.(This novel will

be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)

“And it’s dark as ‘fuck’ in the morning, that time of year.” Kian chimes in.

“Me and Kian were taking turns driving our Jeeps.” Galen continues.

“And one morning, we were in mine.” Kian tells us.

“And we’re halfway down the drive.” picks up Galen.

“And I look in the rearview mirror,” Kian pauses, dragging it out, I shake him with my arm. He chuckles

“And I completely freaked the fuck out.” he continued, putting the arm I was leaning against around my

waist. Galen put his arm below Kian’s, his hand resting on my hip. Neither being inappropriate, just

resting their arms there, like I was on their shoulders. I think Jaxon took another picture.

“This guy is shouting and slamming on the brakes” says Galen, pointing at Kian “So I turn around in my

seat, and lose my shit.”

Kian chuckles. “The fucker jumped out of the Jeep screaming.” All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“So did you!” Galen points out, laughing “I’m surprised you even remembered to shift into park before


“I didn’t, I’d accidentally slammed the emergency brake when I’d stopped in my panic.” said Kian wryly.

I laugh at that, then I couldn’t take it and had to ask. “What had you two Jumping out of the Jeep”

laughter in my voice. O

“On the middle back headrest.” Galen started “She’s put a damn, severed head mask on it” he growled


“Fucking thing was just floating there in the dark.” said Kian. “And that horrid female caught it all on

camera.” was added in a growling tone.

We all laugh at that “By the time we calmed down to figure it out,” Galen’s tone derisive.

“We’d run halfway back to the house.” Kian’s voice self condemning.

“Everyone was laughing at us for days.” said Galen

“Still laughing.” Kian said, pointing at us all, and yeah, we were all laughing. Serenity had tears of mirth

streaming down her red face as she laughed and giggled. Galen growls at her, she dodges behind

Darien, still giggling and laughing. Darien’s looking down at her with a half smile.

“Okay everyone, lets get going, we can die of laughter later, it just has to be at the Pack House,

daddy’s orders.” Darien claps his hands together twice. We all look at him for a moment, then we’re

laughing. Kian, Galen and I holding each other while we laugh. It takes us all a bit to sober up, but

eventually we do. I look at Jaxon as we all get next to the bikes we’re riding.

“Come on Jaxon, it’s not that long of a ride.” I tell him. He nods, then gets up behind me on the bike. He

seemed confused as to where to put his hands. I grab his wrists and pull his arms around my waist. He

settles against my back. As we we’re starting to leave I look up, and there Sarah is with her phone out.

She must have been taking pictures or recording us. But why? (2(This novel will be daily updtaed at


I didn’t think I’d like the answerer, but that didn’t matter. We were all done with this place. Our exams

done, we had no reason to come back, at least, not until the Graduation Ceremony. But the Ceremony

wasn’t happening for three weeks, and that’ll be my last visit for this place. The Graduation Ceremony

for the University, was in two weeks, I was to walk that one as well. 3

As we’re driving out of the lot, I see Matt standing next to his Jeep. Beatrice Lauren and Agatha next to

him. The girls were all dressed casually again. Beatrice looked like her world had fallen apart. ‘I wonder

why?’ and Sarah wasn’t with them. Even more curious, was the venomous looks they were sending at

Sarah. Beatrice says something to Matt, tears streaming out of her angry eyes. Matt wraps an arm

around Beatrice in a comforting hold. ‘What is going on there?’

Sarah must have done something, and as cruel as Sarah was to me, I was starting to wonder what it

was she’d done. I knew one thing for certain though. Whatever it was she did, it was bound to be

horrible. Sarah was evil to her core, that it was only now really showing just how evil she was, is

surprising. Then I remembered Matt and the girls being at the Pack House last night.

“Selena.” I say, to get her attention.

Yes? she answers.

“You wouldn’t happen to know why Matt and those other girls were at the Pack House last night would

you?” I ask her.

Not at the moment, but I can find out once we get back to the Pack House She tells me.

“Ok, I have a feeling that this information, is going to be important” I tell her grimly.

I’ll let you know as soon a I have the information she says

“Thank you” I tell her, then focus on driving my bike. Having a male body behind me while riding was

not new. Darien was the one who taught me how to drive a bike, he would ride behind me while he did

it.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) So I wasn’t thrown off balance, Jaxon being

about the same weight and size. We were speeding again. I didn’t bother with the jacket, it was warmer

now than it had been this morning in the low 80’s. Some of the cloud cover ebbing away over the day.

“Hay Jaxon” I say to get his attention. We’re werewolves, so I didn’t have to shout.

“Yeah?” he askes.

“Those pictures you took, can you send them to me?” I ask him.

“Yeah, I’ll send them to you when we get to the Pack House.” he tells me.

“Thank you” I say

“No problem” was his reply. I wanted to have the photographic proof that I had friends. It was so new to

me, that having the physical evidence of this moment, was necessary to me. I wanted to get one of me

and Serenity. Maybe I can talk everyone into a group photo.

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