Twin Tormentors By RARE

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40


“Will you just sit down already? You’re making me dizzy.” Verzi yelled from the couch where he was sitting chugging down his whiskey.

“Is that whiskey?” I stopped in my tracks and pointed a finger at a glass in his hand,

“Nah! We ran out. It’s vodka.” He informed and tipped off one swig. I walked to him at the speed of lightning and yanked the glass from him, then tossed the whole liquid down. I winced as the scorching hotness burned down my throat, settling painfully in my stomach.

“What is wrong with you?” He asked bewildered.

“This shit burns,” I replied slamming the glass in front of him. “No shit. What the hell is wrong with you?” He asked getting up from the couch

“Everything is wrong.”

“What do you mean?” His brows furrowed as he eyed me like I had gone crazy.

“Just sit down for a second okay? Sit down for one second and think of last night. Then tell m e which part of that felt right to you.” I yelled pointed to the door that was closed. His eyes widened for a second before he took a big gulp of air, and then slowly sat down.

“I know you feel it too. I know you do.” I called out again and continued my pacing.

“It felt… Empty.” He said after a long moment of silence.

“Exactly. It lacked emotions. she did that because she felt obliged to sleep with us. She fucked us literally, she fucked us so that we don’t get mad at her. That’s what last night was about.”

The more I thought about it, the more the chills ran violently down my spine.

“How do we correct it?”

“I don’t know, like book Burj Khalifa or make love to her while we are dropping off the plane with parachutes written “I love you Ari” on the back.” He reclined at his seat and scoffed.


“You are being sarcastic.”

“Well, yeah, sorry. But I am out of ideas. To her, we’re just a bunch of possessed assholes that stole her life from her, then continued to rope her on us and drag her with u She has no idea why we do things, why she got spanked yesterday. You saw it, she was happy when we weren’t there. She was having the time of her life because for once, we weren’t obsessing over the air she breaths.” Hard furrows formed on his forehead as the truth settled

“What should we do?”

“I don’t know man. I don’t know. But we have to fix things before we lose her.”

“No shit! We ain’t losing her.” He cursed tearing from the seat as if someone was already outt o get his girl.

“Then we should fix this. We should make love to her, not fuck her like she’s one of the bitches at Dark Woods. This is Ari, our girl, the one thing that makes sense in our lives. We cannot lose her.” I spoke in a very convincing form, only because I needed it more than he did. What happened last night did not sit

with me at all. Not that the Being inside her felt like home, it felt like everything I have always wanted and more. But it was not enough. There were no emotions, no strings to it.

Like I had mentioned, she was just fucking us so that we sweep everything under the rug and just get done with everything.

“Let’s attend this party and then we’ll take it from there.”

Verzi pulled me out of my head and I nodded.

“You got her dress?”

“Yeah! Raquel did.” “Did you see it?”

“No, I didn’t. But I know she made a perfect job.”

“She should. Because if not, those fuckers are going to know who she is and things won’t go pretty.” Just the thought of those hungry dogs seeing her beautiful face made my skin crawl painfully.

“Everything will be alright brother.” I can’t believe he was consoling me right now, like how

fast the tables had turned.

“I hope so. I fucking hope so.”


“So you went in and had sex with them.”

“You are judging.” I pointed out looking up from the big black box that was lying on the bed.

“No, I am not. I am just…”

“Hey, this was your idea. You said I should get on good books with them. And I did. They fucked me okay? Like they banged me so hard I feel like my cookie might drop at any moment.” I barked causing Laura to double up. I found myself laughing with her because

everything was just… crazy!

“Okay fine. I am not judging. But I didn’t think you’d actually get down with it and sleep with them.” She pointed out holding out a big black mask.

“Is it a masquerade?” She asked with one brow lifted up. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, I guess.” I threw the arm length gloves at her and she caught them,

“Do you know what happens in those parties?” She placed them down and stared right into m y eyeball..


“Orgies. Those rich fellas have sex all around the floor with rich wives and they cuckold each other in there. The president is holding the billionaire’s wife and the wife is holding the bachelor. It’s a mess.” She explained throwing her hands around. I placed the silky dress back in the box and looked at her with thinned eyes,


“And how do you know all this?”

“Well, I watch tv.” She shrugged off like it was no big deal. I smiled and then shook my head. Laura was just a whole work of art.

“Guess what?” She squealed and jumped off the bed.

“Nope. I can’t guess.”

“Boring. But you need to guess.” She rolled her eyes before placing her hands on her waist and looked at me,

“What? My vagina is about to fall off.”

“No you swine! Not your vagina.” She threw her hands in the air defeatedly and walked off to the couch where she pulled a big black box.

“I am tagging along.” She sang as she held the box up.

“No way!” She ran to the bed and opened the box to reveal a beautiful emerald green gown with a black mask. Unlike mine, her mask was nice and small,

“Yay.” we rejoiced because the idea of having her around was so great, especially when I had n o idea what the hell was about to go down in there.

“To the masquerade party,” I screamed holding out my mask,

“To the orgy with the president.”

“Where are you taking us?” I thinned my eyes in the mask and stared outside at the moving scenery,

“Burj Khalifa,” Vernero called out shifting carefully in his seat of a limo.

He was clamped in a black suit with a big floor-length cape that was secured with diamond and white gold brooches on his chest. His tattooed sternum was slightly revealed up at the undone buttons of his dress shirt, He had his mask pushed off to the top of his head and his tattooed fingers were decorated with expensive rings.

His twin was dressed the same, but he had a tie on. The guys wore something close to 500 grand and they knew it. The strong scent of their cologne was heavy in the air and they were, super yummy.

“Your marks are covered well.” Lorenzo pointed out with his finger and I reclined in my seat, then refixed the neckline that was secured safely around my neck, covering each and every single hickey on my front and back.

From there, the drive was filled with Laura’s crazy whispers and my snorts of laughter. She didn’t dare speak out her mind in front of the twins. Nope! They just silenced her with a glare.

Soon, the limo stretched in front of the renowned tallest building and it was breathtaking. The red carpet was rolled outside with gazillion guards in black standing at the edges of it. Crime and money could be smelled in the air from how tense and he was. You didn’t need to guess, just one look at it, and then you know that things are shady inside. Because it was insanely opulent. That’s right, it was insanely rich!

Our door was pulled open and out stepped Enzo who stood aside to create room for his brother. They extended their hands out and I took them, then began walking with Laura trailing behind us.

“Hey!” She whined as she tried pulling the heavy gown that was pooled at her feet.

“Got a problem?” Vernero turned and asked,

“No! No! Not at all.” Her eyes were snapped so wide that I found myself laughing.

The second limo stretched by and out came Ciello who happily took her on his arm and strolled behind us.

We got into a big hall that had a million chandeliers and people that were dressed just like us, with flashy gowns and jewelry, and masks. I couldn’t make out their faces since they were all hiding behind their masks and heavy makeups and lipsticks.

“Remember, do not talk to anyone.” Vernero turned and started lecturing me.

“It’s not like I know anybody here.”

“No really, Tesoro. You don’t talk to anyone here. These people in here, we’re all enemies, but we love to play it cool. If they knew who you are, what you are, they wouldn’t hesitate to snap your neck into two.” Whoa! It was really intense because he managed to speak more than 5 words.

“Okay. I will behave.” I nodded rapidly, still looking around.

“You don’t leave our side. If we leave, there is Valerie and the others. I don’t trust Laura. She makes you stupid.” Lorenzo added up and I shot him a death glare. How dare he say that about my best friend?

“Fine.” I scoffed and turned back, and there she was, my girl with Ciello. She spotted us and pulled Ciello along, then came and stood where Vernero had stood before, looped her arm with mine, and looked ahead, completely ignoring Vernero and Lorenzo.

“It’s not an orgy.” She said in a hushed voice.

“Thank God.”

“Pity. I thought I was going to bang the president.” That yearned her a stink eye from the twins. She raised her hand to her lips and made a zip motion, causing me to laugh so hard I had to heave out a few times.

One day if I died, then it was all going to be on Laura.


The hallway was dark, with no shadow or soul around. The chattering could be heard from the big hall which was just a good distance from the little hidden terrace.

The sound of shoes clicking against the hard floor made a sound as they approached where I was standing

“You look fancy today. Love that piece around your neck.”

“Hi, Xander. Good to see you.” I said looking around to see if someone had spotted him, or us. Because if they did, well…

“Hmmmm. What’s this about?” He looked up with that corky smirk that was enough to melt the ladies’ panties.

I pulled a photograph from where it was stuffed securely and handed it to him.

“She’s beautiful,” he announced studying the picture.

“I want you to get rid of her.” He looked up like I had grown an extra pair of eyes. “What’s in it for me?” His lips tugged up in his usual smirk, “You get the East back.” That captured his attention and the smirk dropped.

“Who is she?”

“Leigh-Ari Montreal. The hostess of Dark Woods and the woman to the Cattanios. She is always heavily guarded. She has a mercenary as her bodyguard and maid, then she has 8 guards tailing her. There are also some hidden hitmen who are always ready to burst your brains out if you dare take a step near her. Most importantly, the twins are always around

her. She is never alone!” I informed in a shaky breath. But I had to do it.

“Dang! She is somebody. Why do you want to get rid of her? She looks decent.” Seriously?

“You want the East back or what?” I snapped at him and he raised a brow at me,

“Of course, I want the east. They stole it from me.”

“Good. Now get rid of this girl here, and the east is yours.” He kept quiet for a second, silently assessing the picture in his hand.

“What did she do?” One could ask why I hated her. She was good, honestly. But she couldn’t live. She had to be removed from this earth. As soon as yesterday.

“She stole my boys from me!”

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