Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Ch 27 Goddess Gifted

A few minutes later, they were in the Alpha’s office. No one was talking. Thea pulled out her phone and texted Lizzy.

“Hey, be careful. There was a rogue on the pack lands. They’re doing a sweep of the whole property. Everyone is okay. I’ll keep you updated as I find out info. Keep your senses up. Let me know you’ re okay, or if you want me to send someone to escort you home.”

Lizzy texted back immediately. “I’m fine. Are you okay??”


“Hmm. I guess we’ll talk when I get back?”

“For sure. Seriously, be careful.”

Just then, Liam walked into the office wearing a different pair of basketball shorts. “Alpha, sir.”

“Have a seat. Let’s go over yesterday’s report,” Alpha Ulric said.

“We spotted three rogues and two wolves watching Thea yesterday,” Liam said.

The triplets sat up straight and leaned forward. That got their attention.

Thea sat back and folded her arms across her chest. She didn’t expect this. Why hadn’t she noticed? Honestly, she wasn’t looking for anything. She didn’t think it was a possibility.

“We had to dispatch two of the rogues,” Liam continued. “They were particularly vicious. The third managed to escape. The two affiliated wolves didn’t give up their packs. They each claimed not to

know her, that they happened to notice her and take an interest. Lewd things were said I won’t repeat. Two of my men are tracking them as we speak.”

His eyes glazed over.

“Sir, my team just reported. The rogue on pack lands masked his scent. They followed his tracks to the highway, where they lost the trail. It looks like he got picked up by a car. Given how quickly the rogue got away yesterday, I think that’s what happened there too. It suggests an organized collective of rogues or someone hiring rogues to work together. Possibly rogues and affiliated wolves are working together unless multiple parties are looking into her separately.”

“Thank you, Liam. Have your team come to me immediately. We’ll need to start the investigation with them. I don’t believe it’s any of your men, Liam, but I don’t want to believe anyone in the pack could be part of this. No one can be left out.”

“Understood. They know it’s part of the position.”

“You’re dismissed.”

Liam left.

“I’s this because we made our relationship public, Dad?” Conri said. “Did we put a target on her back?”

“They wouldn’t have been able to organize something like this that quickly. This is a long time in the making, which makes it all the more likely that someone in the pack is involved. Someone who suspected Thea was special.”

“Everyone loves her. Who would plot against her?” Kai said.

“It is possible that they don’t know they’re feeding someone information. Could be someone innocently talking to a family member in another pack,” Alpha said.

“There’s also the school,” Alaric said. “Anyone there could talk about her, hear rumors, and spread them.”

“Which would pique interest and spark surveillance. Good thinking,” Alpha Ulric said.

“Again, why are you so sure this is about me?” Thea said.

“Aside from the fact that Delta team found five wolves following you yesterday? And that’s only what they saw. From the looks of it, there were more helping them that they didn’t spot.”

“Why? Do they want to kidnap me because they think you’ll pay ransom money?” Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“It’s not just that you’ re the future Luna, and we would do anything to get you back. Random kidnappers wouldn’t be this organized. Thea, all the things I told you the other day—how we knew you were mates, how you made the triplets strong, even from the womb. Ever consider why you would need the protection of three strong mates? Whose devotion to you is unwavering?” She shook her head.

“Thea, I believe you’re a goddess- gifted wolf.” Thea raised her eyebrows then burst out laughing.

“It’s not a joke, Thea,” Alpha Ulric said.

“I think I would’ve noticed if I had magical powers,” she said. Thea looked over at the triplets and was shocked to see them deep in thought. She turned back to Alpha Ulric. “I thought you couldn’t tell if someone is gifted until they shift,” Thea said.

“You’ve already shown you have magic,” Alpha Ulric said. “The important thing is keeping you safe until you shift and we know what your full powers are. Then we’ll know if we need to up your protection or if you’ll be protecting us.”

Thea pinched the bridge of her nose. “Did I just step into bizarro land? Has everyone gone crazy? This has to be a joke.”

“Thea, goddess gifts are bestowed when something big is brewing. You four are destined for big things. It’s why we’ ve been so hard on you all. We knew we had to prepare you. Gifted wolves are rare and highly coveted. You remember the myths?”

The triplets nodded, deep in thought.

“Then you remember that they get hunted, enslaved, and used for their gifts by power- hungry people. The logical explanation for such an organized effort to look into Thea is word has gotten around that she’s goddess- gifted, about to shift, and someone is interested in her power. Taking her before she shifts would be easier than after when she has access to her full powers. Are you starting to understand the seriousness of the situation?”

“Yes, sir,” the triplets said together.

“Thea, after I vet each member of the Delta team, one of them will be assigned to you at all times. I would prefer that you stay in the pack house.” °

“I'm under house arrest?” Thea said.

“Until we know more about what’s going on,” Alpha Ulric said.

“How am I supposed to get anything done?”

“We can hire you an assistant to run errands for you.”

Thea closed her eyes. It wasn’t her worst nightmare, but it was close.

“Pll have my assistant put out an ad for you,” Alpha Ulric said.

“You can interview respondents and choose whoever you want, as long as they’ve passed the investigation phase and been vetted by me. You’d be needing an assistant soon anyway. We’ re just speeding up the timetable.”

“Like a full-time assistant? That’s their entire job, and they get paid for it?”

“Yes. Just let my assistant know what to put in the ad, what you're looking for in an assistant.” The triplets all put a hand on Thea’s legs which were bouncing up and down.

“What about school?”

The Alpha sighed. “I think you should stay home until we have a better understanding of how serious this is.”

“Yes,” Alaric said. “We can have her homework brought to her. I don’t want her out in the open.”

Thea looked at him like a traitor.

“I agree,” Conri and Kai said together.

Her eyes went wide, but she swallowed her anger.

“Good,” the Alpha said.

“That’ll be it for now. I’ll call you in later when I begin interviews.”

Back in Thea’s room, the triplets sat on her bed while Thea paced back and forth.

“I can’t believe you!”

“Thea, if you take a step back and look at this objectively,” Alaric said.

“You all are the ones that aren’t objective! You're insane! All of you!”

They stood up and surrounded her, started to hug her, but she pushed them away.

“Don’t try to calm me down!”

There was a knock on her door. She walked over and opened it. A mousy she-wolf looked up at her. Thea was taller than most she-wolves, being Alpha blood. Thea tried to calm down so she wouldn’t scare her.


Thea closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. “ Yes?”

“There are packages at the gate for you. Should I have them brought here or—”

“Please have them brought inside the pack house by the entrance. Thank you, Ellie.” Strangers and humans weren’t allowed on pack lands. They would drop packages off at the gate, then pack house employees would deliver them on golf carts. Ellie turned, and Thea shut the door.

“Do you need help delivering things?” Conri said.

“Probably. Am I ‘allowed’ to go as far as Doris’s place?” Thea said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

“We should wait until they finish the sweep,” Conri said.

Thea sighed.

Kai walked up to her and hugged her. Thea growled softly. Kai gripped her tighter, put his mouth by her ear.

“You’re ours, and we are going to keep you safe, whether you want it or not,” he whispered.

She struggled against him, and he lifted her, walked over to the bed, and fell into it, pinning her beneath him. She pushed against him, but he held steady.

“It’s time for you to take some direction from us,” he whispered in her ear.

She felt her anger melting. Something about Kai asserting his dominance over her turned her on, and that was starting to take precedence. She tried to ignore the feeling, wiggled under him, and pushed against him harder, growling.

He pinned her hands above her head.

“Settle, darling,” he said.

Kai’s lips trailed down to her marking spot, and he bit into it. Not hard, but firmly. He held both her hands in one of his. His other hand went under her shirt and up her waist. He brushed his thumb over a nipple, and her growl turned into a whimper. She arched her back to push against his thumb.

“That’s it, darling. Let us take care of you.”

He motioned to his brothers that it was safe to join them. He’d tamed her. Quickly she was undressed, and six hands and three mouths were calming her.

That morning, the triplets needed to be close to her. Now she needed them. They didn’t even get undressed themselves. They just pleasured her until she fell asleep, then snuggled up to her and held her.

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