Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


Arabella Rivera

Gwen’s button nose scrunchies in disapproval when I entered the car with my regular vegan salad in my hands.” What? ” I asked her with innocent wide eyes as I buckled myself in, already knowing that she was disgusted by anything green and healthy.

It was sort of bizarre and funny that she is a cheerleader. However, days of practice and constantly working out made her burn more calories than a fitness trainer.

“That’s disgusting Arabella. You need some meat on your bones -” She glances at the clear plastic container with the healthy salad inside. “Not grass that smells of cat litter.” She makes another disgusting face before pulling out of the parking space. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

I cast her a side-eye and laughed quietly while moving the plastic lid off the container.” You’re missing out. It tastes great.”

And truly, it really did. The unsalted peanuts, cucumber and lettuce delight was kind of my vice on mornings. I was not sure of what dressing they used but it was not like any other and made one wanting more.

Using the plastic fork the girl behind the counter handed me, I took some of the salad, moaning when I pushed it into my mouth. Gwen made a fake gagging noise. “I don’t think I am. Not when it looks like that.” She faked a shiver and I suppressed the need to roll my eyes. She could be a tad bit dramatic when she wanted to.

“Anyway, thanks for discarding the condom and weed.” I voiced out as I noted the missing used plastic and herb. I could finally not have the urge to jump out of the moving vehicle and relax my feet.

She tapped her purple manicured finger on the bedazzled steering wheel. It was way too pink and girly just like the spray paint on her car. “Well technically I just placed the weed in the compartment-” She stopped when I gave her a scowl. “But……I did give a kid the used condom to hold as a souvenir-“

“Gwen you did not!” I yelled almost choking on a not so well chewed lettuce. I coughed as Gwen laughed. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” She giggles, moving one hand off the steering wheel to slap my back lightly.

“Hands on the wheel Gwen.” I demanded while coughing. Dammit, I should’ve bought a bottle of water or some sort of liquid.


Gwen slows down in the school parking lot and smoothly parks in an empty spot further from the entrance of the school. I sighed as I looked over at the intimidating red-bricked school that glared down at the tiny ant-like students that were scattered everywhere.

“And we’re here!” Gwen’s voice was pitched with excitement. An emotion I did not, not even the slightest feel at this very moment.

“Yeah, we have arrived in hell.” I murmur throwing the white plastic fork in the empty container and closing the lid.

“It’s funny how you are most likely going to be the valedictorian when we graduate but you despise school.” Gwen snorts, killing the engine.

“I do not despise school….” I drawled out before letting out a puff of air. “Fine, I feel like I’m attending a funeral every time I’m in school. The smell of sweaty teen boys, who occasionally fart in a hot classroom does not make me feel like the next Albert Einstein. And don’t get me started on those flowery perfume scents the girls drenched their clothes with. It raises my sinus and my irritation.”

Gwen turns to me, wincing. “Like how you are now?” She asked in a quiet tone.

“Yes, exactly how I am now.” I grumble.

“Is this about the condom? I told you I threw it-“

“Gwen it’s not about the condom!” I shout in exaggeration. Perhaps my voice was louder than I intended seeing that those ant-like students gazes snap our way. I drew in a calming breath, sinking into the seat. Leave it to Gwen to have me making a fool out of myself.

Gwen faced front, glaring at the prying eyes through the car’s windshield. “Nothing to see here! Continue sucking dicks and eating asses!” She shouts. She huffs when the prying eyes tear away from us then she turns to face me with a beam etched on her face.

Surely there were teachers just arriving at school or gawking at the opposite sex that were much younger than them, and would certainly have them spending a lifetime in jail. But Gwen wasn’t one to care if they heard her. She never did.

“Now that we have that out of the way and I saved you from further mortification, we should make the walk to school.” She nods more to herself and removes the seatbelt that strapped her in.

A frown marred my face as confusion sets in. ” What walk?”

She lets out a loud sigh of exaggeration, tilting her head to the sky. “The walk where everyone’s heads snap our way and their jaw drop in awe at our beauty.” She nearly squeals, opens the car door and gets out.

I cringe, turning around to grasp my bag and opened the door. I got out, slammed it shut and peered at Gwen over the top of the car. “It sounds dreadful.” I deadpanned, swinging one strap over my shoulder as my other hand held the empty plastic container.

Her blue eyes narrowed.”Don’t be ridiculous. That’s literally the best way to make an entrance.” She said with a grump in her tone.

I did not want to make an entrance but I feared to voice it out in case she gauges out my eyeballs.

She then pouts when she does not see a change in my decision. “Oh come on Arabella this is our first day as seniors. Let’s make the most of it. We’ll look back and tell our grandkids.”

I very well knew that I was being a mood killer but I just could not find it in me to care about gaining attention. It was not my fort and never will be.

It’s utterly ridiculous and I might get nightmares when I’m safely tucked in my bed but just for a couple of minutes, I’ll make her have her way. Her desperation was enough to lure me in.

“Fine.” I said as she walked around the car with a beaming smile.

Gwen was always taller than me, towering over my height with her long legs that stretched on for miles. Her delicate features made the entire male population kiss her always pedicured feet. She was the epitome of a perfect girl, the one my parents wished for. She was the total opposite of, me.

She links her arm with mine successfully getting me out of my thoughts and tugs me along with her towards the building. She was right, everyone’s attention seemed to draw towards us like we were a bright flame and they were moths. Perhaps wearing that damn bright dress wasn’t such a good idea. Seeing that I did not care about the attention, I threw the empty plastic container in the bin on our way.

Gwen tugged me away, nearly having me topple down on the concrete. “Could you not have done that until we were inside?” She hissed lowly through tight lips. She waved at a red haired boy who called her. His cheeks quickly grew a dark shade of red.

I rolled my eyes. “What, so I can’t throw trash in the bin?”

“Not when we’re making the walk.” She grumbles through clenched teeth as she throws forced smiles at the students that call her. While she was living on her high, I was slowly drowning with anxiety the closer we got to the school building.

It really looked like the definition of hell with its red bricks, intimidating huge black door and old windows that occasionally struggled to open up. Throw in the students that acted like Lucifer’s little

helpers, then there is nothing that can convince me otherwise.

Just then a feeling of being watched overcame me. I was forcefully pulled out of my thoughts by the urge of needing to know who was staring. I found my eyes snapping to where I could feel the penetrating stare. They connected with pools of brown that instantly pulled me in.


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