Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 50

Chapter 50


Arabella Rivera

I couldn’t feel the heat anymore. Everything was just now so, cold. I knew i t had something to do with Haiden’s sudden mood change and I definitely knew his silent treatment affected me more than I let on.

It was too late to start up a conversation now anyway. Haiden was already slowing down beside the curb but still left the ignition running

My bag was wet and so was the sacred place between my thighs. I was ashamed t o admit it, but Haiden’s presence invoked something that had been dormant for quite a while now. In fact, I couldn’t remember the last time I was so aroused.

I didn’t trust myself with him anymore. I grab ahold of my wet bag and opened the door. The rain was now a slight drizzle but the thunder had not quite lessened yet.

I didn’t go yet though, I sat there for some ticking seconds, waiting to see if he’d say anything

He say anyuwung

He doesn’t

I swallowed my pride, turning to face him. His head was faced front, eyes glued outside, yet they glistened oddly. “If you change your mind, I’ll be here.” The words come out restrained from how much he intimidated me without even trying

Haiden’s eyes snap to mine, piercing me with an unknown look that had me shivering. “Change my mind for what Arabella?!!

I squeezed my thighs together as my name rolled off his tongue. Crap.” Tutoring.” I squeaked breathlessly.

His jaw ticked and he swiftly ripped his eyes away from me.” I won’t.” Came his stiff curt reply.

I nodded. I didn’t exactly know why I was hell bent on conversing with him when h e clearly wasn’t interested. He didn’t give a shit, point-blank.

I let out a defeated sigh and finally got out of his truck. Before I could close the door, the door to my house opens rapidly. I held my breath, lungs crying for air as I

held my breath, lungs crying for air as I stayed frozen, waiting to see who it was.

Gertrude’s face came into clear view, her worried eyes twisting into one of shock a s she fixed her gaze on Haiden. I slam the door shut quickly ” Bye.” I let out through a constricted throat, not waiting for an answer. I highly doubt he’d answer anyway, seeing as I seem to annoy him now.

I jogged up to my house, careful to not slip on the wet concrete. Gertrude had not torn her eyes away from Haiden’s black truck. Purposely, I ran up to her, blocking her vision with my body and forcing her t o focus on me

I heard the sound of Haiden’s truck skidding to his house and clenched my fist to stop the urge I felt to look at him.” I’m surprised to see you still here Gertrude. Mother hasn’t arrived yet I suppose?” The words came out rapidly, like a whip lashing at skin.

Her shocked eyes pinned me and I’m stunned to feel the strength of her tug as she ushered me inside. “Arabella are you out of your mind?” She screeched faintly, eyes darting around as she shuts the door.

eyes carumy around CIS STILISTLUS LINE TOOLOriginal from NôvelDrama.Org.

I’m not confused by her words, knowing exactly what she meant by them. She continues, fingers wrapping around my arm tightly. Her eyes dart down to the hoodie and a hand lifts to her forehead to wipe it roughly. “Aye yai yai. You, child is giving me a headache.”

Her worried eyes flash up to mine. “What were you thinking getting inside his truck and wearing his hoodie?” She questions without taking a breather.

Gertrude drops my arm and pats at my stomach. “You are wearing clothes under there right?” Her terrified eyes looked at me for confirmation.

I nodded swiftly, getting uneasy by her probing. “I’m fully clothed. Haiden just borrowed me his-”

Her finger pushed on my lips, forcing my words to gobble back down. “Shhhh. Do not say his name out loud. Your mother is here!” She hisses, eyes darting to the kitchen area.

I nodded, heart pounding at her revelation. “Do you know what would happen if your mother were to find out

Teveranton. you know what wouTC Oppen if your mother were to find out that you were in that boy’s truck? Wearing his hoodie while he’s practically naked?!” She screeched, before pressing her mouth shut.

I rolled my eyes. “He had pants on Gertrude. He wasn’t fully naked.”

Her eyes narrowed. “And that makes it so much better?!”

“You’re in so much trouble young lady!” She hisses and ushers me to the stairs while her eyes dart to the kitchen area in panic.

“Will you tell mother?” I winced thinking of how vocal her disappointment would b

Gertrude faces me, features schooled together really good enough to not get even a flicker of emotion. “No, I won’t.” She turns to the stairs and motions up.” You better move out of these wet clothes before she sees you.”

I nodded quickly, the weight on my chest easing. “Thank you Gertrude, I really owe you one.” I breathed out, clasping my bag.

Her brows dropped into a frown. “Don’t

r brows dropped into a frown. “Don’t thank me yet. Now get going before you catch a cold.” She scowled pushing me towards the stairway.

I nodded and jogged up the stairs.” Gertrude, has Arabella arrived yet?” Mother’s voice pierced the heavy silence i n the house.

My jogging slowed until it was just a snaillike walk as I listened to the two.” Yes, Mrs. Rivera. She’s just going to change into something warmer.”

“Good. Come cook dinner. Mr. Rivera won’t be joining us tonight.” Mother’s voice was clipped and stuffed with anger.

“I like the feel of your skin.” Haiden whispers as his fingers trail a burning torch across my skin.

I sucked in a sharp breath, heart pummeling so loudly that I can hear it in my ears. “Haiden.” I breathed out as my hands wrap around his big wrist to stop him. I don‘t. Instead, I gasp when his “fingers snake their way between my


Haiden slowly unzips my shorts, taking his leisure time doing so. I’m a panting mess as I wait for what he’d do next. He surprises me by crawling his way inside m y panties, fingers seeking the warm wetness

between my legs.

“Mmm.” I moaned when his fingers finally brushes my sensitive clit.

Haiden chuckles, liking how he affected m e. “Oh you like that huh? You like me touching you? You’ve been craving it so bad, weren’t you Bella?” He sighs in delight, as if finally getting the best dessert.

His fingers pressed unto the sensitive bud, making me shiver as I nodded. Haiden hums, pleased with my answer.” You’ve been wanting me to taste you, huh Bella?” His fingers started circling my bud, having me gasping out moans.

Without knowing, my hands had seemed t o draw towards Haiden’s jeans. He chuckles in amusement, groaning when I squeeze him through his jeans. He was hard as a rock. “Or maybe I was wrong. You were the one who wanted to do the tasting.”

“Yes.”I gasp, waking up from yet another wet dream starring non-other than my calculating neighbor.

I blinked, looking around my room. It wasn’t dark much, seeing that I left my night lamp on tonight. It was also raining and like usual, my windows were wide open.

I was thankful that the rain didn’t enter i n. Somehow I couldn’t fall asleep with my windows shut. I knew it was a bad habit that I’d eventually need to stop but for now, I’ll enjoy that little rebellious side. Even though it technically wasn’t really rebellious at all.

I sighed, shifting around after feeling the pulsing wetness between my legs. I huffed. In sleep I can’t get away from him now he haunts me awake too.

The pulsing wouldn’t stop, not when I keep thinking about Haiden’s fingers on my skin. I throw the covers off my body and lifted the oversized shirt a little to reveal my pink colored panties.

I chewed my lips looking between my legs. I groan and looked at my ceiling.

InWeu nypruung Way cs. I groan and looked at my ceiling. Fuck it, I need relief. And I desperately needed it now.

With that thought, my fingers worm their way to my pulsing clit.

I cannot believe I was about to masturbate to Haiden Cross. Gwen would surely be proud, that is, if she doesn’t know who I had in thought while touching myself.

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