Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem)

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Always A Loophole .066% 12.07 Lottie POV I stood in the heart of the demonic world, surrounded by the eerie beauty of the cathedral. It felt like time itself had paused within its gothic walls. My nerves pri ckled beneath my skin, but I couldn’t deny the strange allure of the place- or the demon who lurked in the realm. Then, I heard his voice behind me, clenching my jaw, I fought the surge of hatred that coursed through me and turned to face him, Astaroth, the demon who had caused so much pain. The memory of leaving Chase behind on that hilltop to heal alone twisted my gut with guilt. “What do you want?” I demanded, my voice tinged with. bitterness. I felt my gut twist with anxiety when he didn’t respond immediately, instead striding up to the altar with an unsettling grace. He hoisted himself onto it, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. Astaroth’s appearance shifted in front of my eyes, from a casual hoodie and jeans to an expensive suit that oozed sophistication. His tie matched the deep red of the pinstripes, and for a moment, I almost forgot the darkness that lurked within him and mistook him for a gentleman. 1/7 Emergency calls only M… Chapter 135: Always A Loophole 066% 12:07 “I want to help you with your little Moon Goddess dilemma.” he finally replied, his voice smooth and unsettling. “How?” I asked, my worry bubbling beneath the surface. I knew I shouldn’t entertain his offer, but desperation gnawed at me. Time was running out, and the looming decision hung heavy over my head. My hand rested on my flat stomach as I wondered if I could give up the two lives that I held inside of me. “There is always a loophole, I believe the terms of her deal where you give up your fated mate’s, orContent from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

your children… correct?” he asked, his eyes searching mine. “Two bonds of the heart!” he added with a wink when I didn’t speak. Licking my dry lips I nodded. “Well there we go, you give up your fated mate bond.” He expressed, resting his elbows on his knees as he looked at me with intrigue that made me uncomfortable; like I was standing before him naked and he could see my vulnerability. “That. Is. Not. An. Option.” I barked, shaking my head slowly. “Why?” He asked casually, my eyes popping wide as I glared at him unable to fathom how he thought I would ever agree to such a stu pid suggestion. “Because you don’t just abandon family and those that you love!” I insisted his lips twisting into a smirk that made me want to о 2/7 Emergency calls only… Chapter 135: Always A Loophole punch him in the jaw. 2066% 1207 “You abandoned Chase?” He reminded me, my lips thinning into a hate-filled line while my eyes bored into him, suggesting he choose his next words carefully. “Anyway….” He laughed with a shrug. “Who said anything about abandoning them? I just said you should sacrifice the fated mate bond. That is what you are right? Fasted mates?” “Yes!” I replied coldly, silently still seething. I hadn’t wanted to leave Chase but he had given me no choice. “And what other mate bonds are there?” he remarked, in more of a statement than a question. I arched my brow and processed his words, confusion weighing heavy on me. When I didn’t speak he continued. “Second chance, Chosen mates, Contracted mates, Twin flames… F uck the list goes on.” “Your point?” I asked, growing irritated with his bulls hit.

“That the moon goddess has requested you sacrifice the fated mate bond… She said nothing about a second chance bond. And I don’t know if you have noticed but those baboons of yours are hardly going to be out there looking for another mate while you still draw breath. Even less so while you carry their pups. So once the bond is broken, and the moon goddess is content…” “They are not baboons!” I interjected to hide the truth that I 3/7 Emergency calls only Mu… Chapter 135: Always A Loophole 66% 12:07 was pis sed off at the fact he had come up with a way through all this cra p, with something so simple nonetheless. “It’s not simple.” He announced, making me still at the cold reminder he could read my thoughts. Pursing my lips I motioned for him to continue. “You see, the idea of a fated mate bond is that it is in place until death or rejection… and once you have rejected them, a new mate will be generated. And I have a feeling after the way your mates insulted the moon goddess, that mate would be on the sidelines waiting to take her place as their mate and Luna or… well you get the gist of what I am saying.” “She can get f ucked if she thinks anyone will take my place.” I snapped, my lips curled over my teeth at the idea of having another girl even looking at my mates in that way. They were mine, forever! For always! “So, we trick the moon goddess, we use my powers to make her think that you have rejected them and stop any other bonds from springing up.” “She knows I would never do that!” I interrupted him, which earned me a sigh of annoyance. “I am aware. So we will have to be creative and make it seem O 3/7

Emergency calls only Chapter 135: Always A Loophole 066% 12.07 like you would. Once the bond is ‘broken,’ the moon goddess will be satisfied with your sacrifice and the babies will be safe! Then and only then, will I lift the illusion and let a bond snap back in place.” he smiled, like he wasn’t asking me to trust him- a demon, with my future happiness. “No!” I answered, softly but my tone betrayed me, and given the curve to his lips he knew that and that I was considering his offer. “How am I meant to trust that you will keep your word?” I asked, tears pri cking my lashes. “Because if I don’t, you won’t have to pay me.” He admitted with a shrug his eyes trailing over my features and for a minute l thought I saw regret dance through his eyes. “Pay you?” I asked naively, of course, he would want payment, a demon like him wouldn’t just offer to help, out of the kindness of his heart. “Yes. But do not worry your mate has already agreed to the price.” he winked my heart sinking, knowing nothing good would come from this agreement. But also what had Kane or Knox agreed to, because they hadn’t said anything! “Do they know about your offer?” I gasped, worry eating at my brows. “Kinda.” He replied. A Lie, somehow I knew that. A 5/7 Emergency calls only Chapter 135: Always A Loophole 066% 12:07 “I want to speak to my mates, you can’t expect me to make this decision on my own, we are a team! It affects all of us. Take me back to them.” I requested, hopefully. It would be hard for him to manipulate me into agreeing if we stood together. “No can do, sugar t its! You see back on that earthly realm the moon goddess can see everything

we do. Why do you think I brought you here? We could hardly plot against her holiness herself if she is earwigging. Can we?” He laughed, my lips thinning nervously. “Then we..” He cut me off jumping from the altar to stand before me. His finger resting on my lip to shush me. “But, I can bring them to you!” He winked, and just like that… he was gone! Author Note: Hey guys, thanks for the feedback from chapter 133. I waited a few days to give those who wanted to give their opinions a chance to comment. It seems most are in favour of a few weekly updates. Which is fine, but for those like on the last chapter A who have moaned already keep in mind I am a single mum to very needy kiddos, who works 3-4 24 hour shifts a week, it is also half term and I am recovering from my SECOND surgery in a month with on more to go in the next 2 weeks. So I highly suggest you find books with authors without a life and sh it going on if you can not be patient as I only promise a few updates a week! However for those of you who want to wait and read in one go. The last chapter in this book will be called: The 6/7 Emergency calls onlyMU… Chapter 135: Always A Loophole 66% 12:07 End, For Now! When it is up I will comment on your comments so you know that book 1 is done! TIA Much love Pippa X

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