The Wright One

Isabelle Chapter 1


I can’t believe I am finally getting this chance. I have been applying for high school positions since I received my teaching credentials. They always suggest elementary school positions instead. I have been pushed to elementary because they say that my happy disposition isn’t going to be helpful in the high school environment. Which is just bull shit. Who doesn’t want a happy teacher?

I want to be where I can make a difference. I get that I can make a difference at the elementary level, but I wouldn’t be memorable. I want to be that teacher that really helps people. That people look back on and say, “yeah that was the teacher that helped me see my potential”. That is what I want. I don’t want to do it for glory, I just want to be the teacher that cares.

Apparently that is my downfall. I care too much. But lucky me the teacher that was supposed to teach American History this summer backed out. Not really sure why, but I think it is going to be good for me. My foot in the door. My chance to show them that I can handle high school.

Walking these familiar halls after all these years is a little hard. I can see the memories in the halls that we walk by. The lockers that I used to hang out with my friends. Everything that reminds me of my time here. There are changes sure, but not many. Most of the remodeling that they had started when I was here is now completed. The walls are still that white with a green trim that always seemed weird for high school walls, when there is always some jerk who will write on the walls. But I guess if it was a dark color they would just use white paint pens. Or it would be too depressing.

The superintendent is walking me around campus. “I understand that this was your high school so it shouldn’t be too unfamiliar even with the changes over the years.”

I chuckle. “No, it looks pretty much the same.” I point to a trophy case that we just passed. “Yeah, most of those still belong to my brothers.” There used to be one of mine there too. Not sure if there still is, but I am not going to brag about myself. Doing it about my brothers is just secondary nature at this point.

He shrugs. “They were all over the place. They really helped to build the family name. Not that it already isn’t the most spoken name in this town.” That isn’t wrong. Everyone in this town knows the Wrights and there isn’t anyone that hasn’t talked about us from one point or another. It’s like being a small town celebrity. It is actually the most annoying thing to live with.

I shrug in return. “Yeah, but we are all doing what we want so that is what is important.” I always try to brush it off. I have always hated this side of my family, but I love my family deeply.

“Your sister isn’t still that troublemaker is she?” He eyes me like I am personally responsible for Jasmine and her hijinks. Not that Jasmine is a troublemaker but she does like to make sure that she has fun. She is never one to follow rules that she thinks are stupid. That makes her stand out in town and they have no problem burning her at the stake if they so wish.

“She is still Jasmine. Not really a troublemaker, but a free spirit. At least that is what we call her. She’s never hurt anyone or anything so I don’t think that really classifies her as a troublemaker.” She was actually a cheerleader in school. She wouldn’t have been able to stay on the team if she was so much of a troublemaker.

He humphs. He is a short man, shorter than my five eight. Balding on the top, he does that combover thing that is just stupid, but men still do it anyway. I mean I get that they are self conscious, but still they should realize that it doesn’t look good. Embrace the hair loss. That is far more attractive. He has a bit of a belly, but he tries to keep it tucked back with layers, I can still see it though. “Well, beg to differ. You are going to have to know the difference working here.”

“I understand.” I understand that you are a controlling dick. But whatever.

He points to a classroom, this is the end of his tour. “This is your classroom for the next six weeks. Good luck.” First he passes me the keys to the room, then he pats me on the back and walks off like he just left me in a viper pit. This is who is in charge of our schools. What is our world coming to?

I walked in the room, I came early today so that I could get a tour and set up the room. I have my roster on my desk and what is required to get through during the six weeks of instruction. In my briefcase I have a grading book and extra material that I thought would be helpful. It’s a good thing too, because the list they gave me for this assignment is pathetic. It is like I am just supposed to entertain them for the next six weeks and keep them in the room. Then they have a test and that’s it. What the actual hell?

I am setting up, writing my name on the board when the door opens. I am certain it is one of my new students so I turn to the door with a welcoming smile. Instead I find a frustratingly attractive man. He is wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, and hiking boots on his feet. He has a clear smirk on his face. I say frustratingly attractive because it is clear that he knows he is attractive and has no problems with people looking at him. “So they got the kindergarten teacher to babysit. How nice.” I am not missing the sarcasm and already I don’t like him.

I shake my head, dropping my smile. “What are you talking about?” It’s better just to let him get it off his chest now. I would rather know what side he is on.

He waves the hand that is carrying one of those to-go coffee cups in it. “This is the trouble class. These kids aren’t supposed to really learn anything. They put you here because of your name. The Wright that wants to teach high school. They are throwing you a bone so that they can turn you down later. It’s to get you to back off with applying for high school.”Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“What is your name?” I have a feeling this is just another asshole who is going to tell me that I am wasting my time. He seems like the type, he’s going to tell me I am not cut out for high school and should get my butt back to elementary school.

“Alex Saxon.” He states with a smirk.

“Well, Mr. Saxon…” I started and he cut me off.

“Just Alex is fine.” He smirks again.

I glare. “Mr. Saxon. I plan to teach these kids. That is what I am here for. The next six weeks will be my chance to prove to them and you that I am capable of doing this job.” I am not going to back down because some jerk showed up in my classroom and told me it is a waste of my time. I don’t think it is.

He laughs. “Yeah, right. You can’t reward these kids with jellybeans and get them to do what you want. This is high school. These kids are going to eat you alive.” He seems so sure of himself. I wonder when he got this attitude? Was it over the last couple of years or did he always feel this way?

“Thanks for that lovely information. You can go now.” Just because he is a cynic doesn’t mean that I am going to let it bring me down. That is his problem not mine.

He just laughs again. “I’m across the hall if they try to kill you. I’m teaching math.” Like I would ever run to him if I had a problem. The last thing I would want is an ‘I told you so’.

I just roll my eyes. “The most hated subject on the face of the planet.”

“Oh, I know.” He winks and leaves the room.

“Asshole.” I mutter under my breath.

I don’t have much time before the kids start coming in. They look a little rough around the edges but nothing I can’t handle. I have four brothers and a sister like Jasmine, this is going to be a piece of cake.

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