The Wright One

David 2


When the barista calls my name I am pleading for the caffeine in the cup to wake me up even a little bit. I drove six hours last night to get here, only for my best friend to wake me up four hours later. I could have slept a bit longer. I even pleaded with her to get just a little more sleep, but she is one of those people that never sleeps so she really didn’t understand. She asked me to meet her at this cafe on main street and I am yet to see her. I could still be sleeping. I am pretty sure I am halfway there already.

It’s a cute little cafe, with tables on the inside and a few outside on a patio as well. For a small town it is quite busy and it has charm too. If I was more awake I am sure I could really appreciate it.

When I turn around with my cup in hand I bump into the most gorgeous wall that I have ever seen in my life. He reaches out to steady me. “Hey there beautiful, wouldn’t want you to fall over.” Those dazzling pearly whites are flashing at me. I swear I am going to faint. He is tall, like at least ten inches to a foot taller than me. His broad chest fills in that t-shirt better than any man ever should. His jeans hang low on his waist and I would love nothing more than to curl up in this guy’s lap for the rest of my life. Yep, I am definitely still half asleep. Or maybe I am dreaming. A guy like this would definitely be in my dreams. One of those fantasies where I am whisked away by the strong gorgeous man that wants to love and take care of me. Not only in life but in bed too.

He pulls his hands back and brushes a lock of his dark hair out of his face. “So, do you have a name?” He seems to look me over with appreciation. Not that I really think that’s it. I mean guys like him don’t look at girls like me like that. Guys like him might be polite and ask if I’m alright when I fall on my face. Which lets be honest happens too many times. Then they look around for an escape. I am sure that is coming. There is no way this guy actually wants to talk to me. Hell, he’s probably married. The look of appreciation is probably just my sleep deprived brain making things up.

I feel myself blush as I curl my straight red hair behind my ear. “Megan.” I need to back out of this conversation. I need to pretend to have something to do. Anything to be anywhere else but here.

He holds out his hand for me to take. I take his hand to shake while he continues talking. “David. So Megan, you seem new around here. Do you happen to need a guide? You know, someone who can navigate the dangers of the cafe.” Is it just me or does that sound like he is flirting with me? It is probably just me. I am just imagining it. That is the most logical conclusion. Because there is no way a guy like him is flirting with me. He has a small chuckle with his words and that damn sexy smile. I definitely need to go back to bed. My brain isn’t firing on all cylinders.

I laugh a little at his joke. “I think I’ll be fine. I’m meeting a friend.” There is my out. I am meeting someone. I can’t hang out and talk to the incredibly gorgeous guy because I need to meet someone.

His smile falls a little. I am sure he is being polite. I mean he is a god and I am just a chunky girl that hasn’t even achieved anything in my life yet. “Well, I hope to see you around.” He gives me a little smile again and I am starting to wonder if I am the one that is imagining it. Or if it is real and I am just an idiot, who thinks no one likes her so when someone does, they just push them away unintentionally.

“Well, I’m supposed to start work tomorrow, so I may not be as free as I am today. But I appreciate the offer.” I decide that he is just being friendly and it’s ok to banter a little with him. Heck, I will probably never see him again.

“Oh, yeah, where do you work?” He gets a curious expression on his face, but also that he’s relieved. I am pretty sure I am imagining it again.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Before I have a chance to answer, Jasmine leaps on me. “Oh, Megan, I am so happy you are here.” Jasmine is one of those girls that is always hyper. Honestly I can hardly keep up with her. She turns and sees who I am talking to. “Davey, what are you doing here?” She knows him. Well, shoot, he is probably someone that she has known her whole life and will think I am just like her. Look, I love Jasmine, but we are nothing alike. Not that there’s anything wrong with Jasmine. She’s just really outgoing and adventurous, that just isn’t me.

He looks at the both of us in shock. “Um, just getting my coffee.” I can see this wall going up around him that wasn’t there before. Suddenly I am on the other side and there is no crossing that barrier.

Jasmine smiles. “I told you Megan was great.” Only now do I realize this must be one of her brothers. Not the youngest one, I am guessing one of the older ones. “So, you are going to show her around later right?”

I cough and clear my throat. “Um, actually I got in really late, maybe it would be best if I just caught up on rest for tomorrow.” I feel so embarrassed. I actually thought that he was flirting with me for a minute. Hell I was flirting back. Now I can see he was just being nice and I am embarrassed. It was different when I thought it was a guy that I probably wouldn’t see again, but this is something else. Hell, half the time I thought I was dreaming and it wasn’t real. Now it is all too real and I want to bury myself alive to escape this torture.

Jasmine waves me off. “Don’t be ridiculous Davey took time off work for this. He is the CEO, but it is still a pain to take time off.”

Holy shit, not only is he Jasmine’s brother but the oldest and essentially my boss. This man is a god and I am but a pion in his little army. I have screwed up big time this time. “Um, you shouldn’t have asked your brother to do that. He has more important things to do than babysit me.”

He scoffs. “That’s what I told her.” I can see his attitude has changed up. He doesn’t seem as hospitable as he was a few minutes ago. Clearly he does have better things to do than to hang out with me today. Even though he was just asking me if I wanted a tour before his sister showed up. Would it have been different if I wasn’t his sister’s best friend? I doubt it. Like what I said, guys like him and girls like me, they just don’t mix. Anything that was there, it was just in my head. He was being nice and now he doesn’t have to, because I am just his little sister’s best friend.

I try to hold back my temper a little. I know he is just agreeing with me but he could have been a gentleman about it. “Well, you could always go back to work. Like I said, I don’t need a babysitter.” Suddenly I would rather be around anyone else than him. I would rather he just pretend that he never met me.

David seems resigned to his fate. He sighs. “No, I said I would show you around, I’ll do it.”

Jasmine claps her hands. “Good that is decided. You two have fun. I have to go meet our parents.” She hugs me. “Don’t worry, he isn’t as grumpy as he seems.” It is not settled, I don’t want David to show me around. I would rather just go back to my apartment, sleep a little and then unpack. Jasmine can show me around town when she isn’t busy. I don’t even need to know that much. I could google what I need. The town isn’t that big, I am sure I can’t get that lost.

“I would rather not do this.” I try to quietly plead with Jasmine, I know it is futile, when she has her mind set on something she has no problem following through with it, and she always drags me along. Right now for some stupid reason she is determined that David needs to show me around. I don’t want David to show me around. At least not anymore. I do not want to be an obligation to anyone. I have had enough of that in my life and I will be damned if I am going to start out an obligation in a new town.

“Nonsense.” She just waves at the both of us and walks off. “Behave you two.”

Once Jasmine is out of sight I turn to David. “Look, it would be best if you just go back to work. As much as I think she had good intentions, it isn’t necessary.” He seems to be more reasonable than Jasmine. I mean he is older and mature. I am sure he has to have a good head on his shoulders.

He shakes his head. “She would never let me hear the end of it.” Or not. Is he seriously that worried about pissing off his sister? I thought he was the eldest brother. Shouldn’t he be making more of the rules? I saw it in school the way that Jasmine would command anyone around her. Not in a mean way, but she just has this way of getting things done. I just thought he was immune to her charms.

I cock an eyebrow at him. “How would she know?” This is a logical question. If I don’t say anything and he doesn’t say anything. Then there is no way for her to know.

“Jasmine knows everything.” David just shrugs. Like this is some fact of life that we all need to face and move on with our lives. “Let’s get the show on the road. The sooner we get started the sooner we will be out of each other’s hair.” That phrase alone is enough to raise my hackles. I don’t think so.

Honestly at this point I want to slap him in his way too attractive face. “You know what, I’ll deal with Jasmine, go back to work.” I push past him and leave the cafe in a huff. I really did not have enough sleep for this crap. I don’t need some wishy washy man acting like he is doing me any favors. I know perfectly well how to navigate a town on my own. Hell, I have been on my own more often in my life than not. Just because I have a best friend now, doesn’t change that fact. I don’t need a sitter and I will be damned if Jasmine is going to saddle me with the worst one.

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