The Vampire’s Omega

#2 Chapter 22

Chapter 22.

Carl Rogan was somehow getting tired of Amelia’s nagging, he was beginning to find her taste disgusting and her behavior, stupid especially now that his mate, Luna doesn’t seems to care about their relationship.

Though he still love Amelia, he had it in his mind that she was the one for him but Luna was his mate, somehow, he wanted both the ladies, wanted Amelia for the sex part while Luna for his house wife part because she was beautiful and also looked like someone who can take good care of his heir.

He had agreed with Amelia to make Luna jealous because he wanted to enjoy seeing her jealous face but he was met with a great disappointment when Luna doesn’t get jealous, she even mentioned it to his face ones that she doesn’t care if they get married.

“Is she indirectly rejecting me?” He wondered.

“But you rejected her first, not even privately but you made it known in front of hundreds of well known people, I’m disappointed in you.” His wolf said in his head.

“Shut up you, you know nothing!” Carl replied scoffing.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“I bet the girl is just trying to be strong, she must be hurting inside. And you should never complain to my hearing again, you rejected and hurt our beautiful mate!” His wolf told him again angrily this time.

“Now that’s it!” Carl blocked it off as he was already feeling guilty.

“He is just spilling out rubbish.” He concluded and walked back to his chamber, he knew that Amelia will be there waiting for him.


Rebecca was in her room thinking of her previous conversation with madam Sandra from the day she got released from the dungeon till the present moment.

“I know what you are planning.” Madam Sandra had told Rebecca as soon as she was released from the dungeon, she stared intensely at her.

“What do you mean Sandra? I have learned my lesson.” Rebecca had learned her lesson for real and she didn’t really planned on beating Luna up again because she really didn’t wants to return back to the dungeon.

“Then just in case you change your mind, always remember that I will be around, spying on you.” Madam Sandra had walked away after her words.

Rebecca had snugged her shoulders, believing that she will never think of shouting at Luna again talk less of hitting her.

“And moreover, if Sandra thinks she is smart, I will let her know that I am way smarter than her. She can’t be everywhere at all time right?” She had chortled before taking the thought off her mind.


When Rebecca sent a maid to call on to Luna for her, madam Sandra had showed up even before Rebecca had the chance to give the maid a full instruction.

“What are you doing here Sandra?” Rebecca asked, somehow troubled.

“You leave, and don’t bother to carryout what was asked of you. I’m having a better plan.” Madam Sandra had told the maid Rebecca was sending before.

“Okay madam.” She bowed a little and left.

“Remember what I told you some days ago, I will always be a spy when it comes to things relating to Luna.” Madam Sandra reminded Rebecca as she focused her attention on her.

As Rebecca thought of it all, she was filled with hatred towards madam Sandra, the luna and Luna herself. She strangely began to remember her stay in the dungeon and how she almost lost Amelia who was rueful and the thought got her mad but she only managed to keep it in.

“Are you trying to tell me that I can’t call my stepdaughter here to help me again?” Rebecca asked, her calm face gently began to turn to a frowny one.

“No, you are wrong, I am only trying to clarify something. Look here, you can send Luna on any errand you are having in mind, in fact you can send her to wash your butt but on no means must you raise your hand on her. Oh wait you can raise your hand on her but make sure she doesn’t cry neither is any mark visible on her face. Be warned!”

Madam Sandra had turned back to walk away but she stopped halfway, “I will be sending her over by myself but that doesn’t mean that I won’t be around.” She finally walked away.


Rebecca kept on remembering it all as she waited impatiently for Luna, “What is keeping her so long? Or was she not told that I am waiting?” She wondered, thinking of the best punishment to give her.

Normally, she only wanted to send the maid to call Luna before, so that she would be able to vent out some anger on her but now, remembering that madam Sandra had threatened her, gave her a lot of concern.

Rebecca quickly comported herself as she heard footsteps approaching the door and of course, she knew that it was Luna because she perceived her scent.

“And what took you so long?” Rebecca asked calmly as Luna entered her room.

Luna was surprised at how calm her voice was, Rebecca haven’t been that calm to her before and it was still surprising to her. The stepmother she knew was always harsh to her.

“So why is she calm now? Or is what I heard about them in dungeon true?” She wondered but apologized anyways.

“Was stopped by Amelia on the way, I’m so sorry madam.” She apologized.

Rebecca sighed, she was doing everything in her power to be calm, she never wish to go back to the dungeon neither did she want Amelia to return there. Her greatest fear was to lose her daughter, it scared her a lot.

“Its okay, help me to clean the bathroom, I slipped and spilled some detergent around and you will help me to massage my legs after cleaning.” She said again calmly.

“Yes madam.” Luna walked to the bathroom to clean.

“I hate this! I hate this calmness so much, I wish I can shout at her but then, I know that that witch who calls herself Sandra will be around the corner, spying on me and I never wish for the luna’s anger right now. I know that Sandra can manipulate the luna. Shit! I have to do something real quick!”

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