Chapter 24: THE TRIALS

Chapter 24: THE TRIALS

"It worked, we're here." Abayo says as he, Ngozi and Gboyega suddenly appear in front of a big of a

big gate inside the building is a huge red shrine.

"So what do we do?" Gboyega asked eager to save Tolu.

"You guys wait here, they won't allow you guys enter without access from The Trials and their

receptionist. So I have to find a way to get a order from my father." Abayo says swiftly, hides his head

ban in a pocket and takes off inside. Gboyega steps back a bit from Ngozi.

"Did I say anything wrong?" Ngozi asked confused about why he was moving away from her.

"Nothing, I'll just like to maintain my distance." Gboyega says boldly, this leads to a argument between

both of them as Ngozi complains about his recent attitude towards her.

A lady wearing a glasses leads a group of people towards the shrine.

"We're almost there." She says happily. "Too bad were missing the two other special couples, Fai'zah

really wanted to help them." The lady say sad about the incident, she had read about their issues and

about how they argue a lot, she suddenly spots Ngozi and Gboyega yelling at each other.

"There they are." The lady says and runs toward them.

"I just don't understand you most times, you're so complicated." Ngozi says loudly.

"See who's calling who complicated." Gboyega laughs out loud.

"Your problems are solved!" The lady yells as she runs towards them.

"Who are you?" Gboyega says disgusted.

"I'm Erica, the receptionist of the shrine. I was scared when I didn't see both of you with the other

couples. Fai'zah mentioned that you both somehow have powers so you probably got here by

yourself." Erica says delighted, the two quickly played along.

"Of course, my amulet contains some few powers so we just went from home to here." Ngozi quickly


"Let's go." Erica leads both of them with the other couples to a black gate, the door of the gate opens

by it self and a balls of eyes and mouth pop out of the gate.

"Welcome, I hope you find answers to your problems." The voice of the gate sounds manly, everyone

waved to the gate except Gboyega and Ngozi who were shocked about it, the other couples seemed to

have been there multiple times.

"What is going on?" Ngozi whispers to Gboyega.

"I have no idea, let's just play along." He whispers back to her

Inside the shrine are different crearures from different realms, rooms for different purposes.

"I need to make him fall in love with me." A lady complains to a witch in one of the rooms.

In another room, the witches who faced Gboyega seek therapy from a wizard.

"That beam of light we saw, it was so traumatizing." One of the witches say as they all cry.

"And thats how you create your own creatures." Odi says to a group of students in another room as he

teaches them the acts of magic.

In a chamber, a certain beast bangs the door wanting to escape. Abayo passes the chamber door and

waves to the beast.

"Hi." Abayo waves to the beast, they've been friends for quite sometimes now, Abayo walks down a

hallway and enters a office.

"Dad." Abayo says and bows down to greet Oloogun who was meditating.

"How did you get here?" Oloogun asked, he knew his son hadn't learn the teleportation spell perfectly.

"Well, after I used up all the kola nuts you gave me to transport to other world, I couldn't stay with those

people and wanted to come back home......... So I summouned all my powers and I found myself here."

Abayo says.

"You used the teleportation spell without me helping you, that's amazing." Oloogun gets up and hugs

his son happy that he is finally becoming the wizard he wants him to be.

"You have to show your skills to the students at your class." Oloogun says exicted, he had waited for

this moment to show off about his son to Odi and so many others.

"I hope you guys get back together." Erica says as she leads Ngozi and Gboyega to Fai'zah office,

Fai'zah is floating in the air she has been waiting for the couples. "Good luck." Erica says and shuts the


"Normally I don't do this but since both of you are related to the witches council I have to." Fai'zah says

as she slowly lay her legs on the ground. "I'm listening, what happened?" Fai'zah asked, Ngozi couldn't

say anything but Gboyega quickly thought that this was the perfect opportunity to express how he felt.

"She's a bad person, she's self centered and really rude." Gboyega says and gently sits on a chair.

"I'm a bad person? You've been acting strange since we've moved together, you barely talk to me and

yet say we're all family." Ngozi talks loudly.

"Well, maybe if you actually stopped hiding in your room every good day and start asking people how

they feel you might know." Gboyega says aggressively, the argument was getting heated and Fai'zah

was enjoying it.

"I'm not like every other person that does that, I genuinely care about you." Ngozi says and sits on a


"If you did, you wouldn't have called me monster!" Gboyega says firmly ending the conversation, they

both turn away from each other waiting to hear from Fai'zah.

"Well done." Fai'zah says, she applauds and chuckles. "You think I'll have a couple counsel and I won't

know how the people I want to counsel look like?" Fai'zah says, the two try to run away but Fai'zah

waves her hand around and they both float in the air.

"Now, where is Papa?" Fai'zah says menacingly.

Oloogun leads Ayo to his class and walks inside happy, Odi wondered what was going on he hated

seeing Oloogun happy.

"The students are learning Oloogun, today is a very important day for them cause I'm teaching." Odi

says boldly. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

"I know but their fellow mate will like to perform the teleportation spell without any help." Oloogun says

proudly, the whole class gasp the spell was really hard and wasn't in their level yet.

"Make me proud son." Oloogun says and he pushes Abayo to the center of the class.

"Hi." Abayo says awkwardly.

"Where is Papa?!" Fai'zah shouts at the top of her voice, she tightens her hold on them and they both

scream in pain especially Gboyega.

"We don't know anything." Ngozi cries out, Fai'zah slowly moves toward Ngozi and stares at her


"Your amulet! One of a kind, too bad you're holding yourself down and you can't access your full

power." Fai'zah says fascinated that a young girl like Ngozi could have such rare magical artifact. "If

you tell me where Papa is, I can teach you how to use your amulet and be a master just like me."

Fai'zah says, she was already getting desperate.

"I'm sorry but I can handle it just fine." Ngozi says, Tina suddenly appears behind Fai'zah.

"Let's play bitch." Tina says as she jumps toward Fai'zah.

"We're waiting boy." Odi says, the whole class have been waiting for Abayo to cast the spell.

"Ki...... Ma....... Su........" Abayo tries saying the incantation, he stutters and sweats heavily, Odi quickly

burst into laughter.

"This is the boy that you said knows his incantation, pathetic." Odi says and continues laughing,

Oloogun drags Abayo out of the class disappointed.

"You're such a disgrace, how did you get here? Don't make me ask one more time." Oloogun says as

his eyes glow up.

"Run!" Gboyega shouts out as he and Ngozi leaves Fai'zah office, he slams the door. "How long do you

think your friend will be able to hold her down?" Gboyega asked as he breathes out.

"I don't know but let's quickly find Tolu." Ngozi says.

"Ma zu ka la tu." Oloogun chants a incantation as he moves towards them, Ngozi and Gboyega

suddenly body suddenly freeze. "Both of you are already inside." Abayo says and reverses his spell.

"We need to get Tolu out of here." Gboyega pleads.

"I can't, you guys know where Papa is." Oloogun says.

"You know we don't, I saw you when you saved her life you actually cared, so I'm begging you to

please take us to her. We're not leaving without her." Gboyega says boldly, after considering the

consequences, Oloogun sighs softly.

"This might ruin my reputation and post here but I can't just let her die." Oloogun says.

Abayo walks to his dad's office feeling disappointed and ashamed, he couldn't go back to class cause

he'll be the joke of the century, he stops at the beast chamber.

"Hi dude, it's been a terrible day." Abayo says to the beast, the beast groans and Abayo laughs unlike

the other wizards and witches he could understand what the beast was saying. "Yeah, it's my dad


"Hurry up." Oloogun runs with dashing speed as he leads Ngozi and Gboyega to Tolu.

"Can't you just teleport us there?" Gboyega asked.

"Then Fai'zah will be able to detect form of magic, she'll get where and stop us." Oloogun says swiftly,

Ngozi moves closer to Gboyega.

"Hey, when did I call you a monster?" Ngozi asked, she was quite curious.

"The first day you came to Papa house, that word didn't sit well with me I've been called that thousands

of time." Gboyega says and sighs.

"I'm sorry, I was in a dark place when I saw you that day, I hope we can work on being friends." Ngozi

says, after she had come out of her trip from her amulet, she was trying to be a better person to others.

"We're not friends, we're family but let's still pretend like we don't care about each other." Gboyega

says and they both chuckle softly.

"We're there!" Oloogun says and barges inside a room, Tolu is laying on the bed but sweating heavily.

"The parasite." Oloogun says, he quickly moves to.her and recites a incantation to her ear.

"Fuck!" Tolu says as she wakes up, she looks around and is glad to see Gboyega and Tolu. They help

her get the rope off her body. "Guys!" Tolu says and hugs them, happy they took her away from her


"Get out of here." Oloogun says and runs off before he is caught helping them. They quickly get up and

walk pass the hallway they couldn't move with speed cause Tolu was feeling quite dizzy.

"Nice one." Odi says as he appears in front of them, he claps his hand together causing a massive

soundwave, the wave separates Gboyega from the girls and he finds himself in a room filled with

different magical artifacts.

"Damn it." Gboyega says, he grunts and stands up he then goes through some of the artifacts, he sees

a shinning golden crystal and picks it up.

"This might be useful." Gboyega says to himself and puts the crystal in his pocket. He comes out of the

room and sees Huffcupp and Blitz battling with Fai'zah and Odi. He then sees Ngozi and Tolu hiding at

a corner, he quickly joins them.

"What do we do now?" Tolu asked, she was scared she was going to get captured again and

experience the parasite one more time. Fai'zah and Odi successfully defeat the imaginary friends and

slowly walk towards the team.

"Stay away from us or else I'll break this." Gboyega says, he brings out the crystal from his pocket he

had no other idea of what else they could do.

"Don't break that, it's very important." Fai'zah pleads.

"Well, since you say it's important." Gboyega says and smirks, he hits the crystal on the ground really

hard, the crystal cracks and a ray of light covers Gboyega, Tolu and Ngozi.

"No! They broke the future crystal those things only grow once per year." Fai'zah cries out. A gigantic

green coloured beast who has been causing rampage around the shrine suddenly comes toward

Fai'zah and Odi with full speed.

In a future scene, Gboyega body is covered with flames and a dragon flies around him. He had control

over the fire and dragon, a old man walks toward him and bows.

"Worship the Elemental." The man says loudly.

In a future scene, Tolu is wearing a white coloured leather super suit and is joined by other people with

different suits too, they walk towards a group of citizens.

"Show us mercy." The citizens say scared.

"Let's kill them." Tolu says swiftly.

In a future scene, a man who's face isn't showed runs away from something strange in the forest, he

then trips on the ground and this particular thing gets closer to him. Ngozi suddenly walks in wearing a

purple gown and this time she didn't have her amulet on, she stretches her hand towards the thing and

chants some incantation killing the thing.

In the present, the three suddenly wake up and see that the shrine has been destroyed. "What

happened here?" Ngozi says as she looks around.

"I and a beast happened." Abayo says from behind. "I released a deadly friend to handle the Trials."

Abayo says and smiles, he brings out his head band from his pocket and gives it to Tolu.

"So when next?" Gboyega asked.

"I don't know but soon, I'm going to get out of here and try to experience my own life for once." Abayo

says as he smiles.

"What about your dad?" Ngozi asked, she was worried.

"I was already a disappointment, say hi to Linda for me." Abayo says as he waves to them.

"I will." Gboyega responds.

Back in, Richard walks to the tech room surprised that no one is in the house. Ngozi,

Gboyega and Tolu suddenly appear in front of him.

"Guys!" Richard says and runs toward them, glad that they are back. "Where is Abayo?" Richard


"He stayed but he told us the name of where Papa is." Ngozi responds.

"Good, no one is here for reasons I can't explain so let's take this teleporter home." Richard says

exicted, they were one step away to finding Papa.

"I can't come, I know you guys want to know why but I can't explain. I'll board a bus and head to my

grandma olacey." Tolu says.

In a white room, Essence watches everything that is going on and chuckles. Papa is laying on the

ground beside him.

"They are coming for you, no matter what you do you can't just stop them." Papa says and chuckles.

"Then I'll make them join me." Essence says.

"What do you mean?" Papa questioned him.

"You'll see. Readers, it's been a long ride but I'll advise you to stay tuned the dramas are about to kick

off after several chapters of stupid character centric story, it's almost my turn to rule." Essence says

and lays out a villainous laughter.

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