The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 17


I stood at my bedroom window listening to the guys talking in the woods. They were a far distance from the house, but not far enough that my werewolf senses couldn't hear them. When Koda told him that there were creatures hanging around the border, I had to call Jasper and then Daisy. Since she was my contact to the fae's. I knew that she would be able to find out who the hell was hanging around.

I needed to know just in case they came any closer and actually tried to attack.

Species that aren't werewolves aren't going to respect the rules of the border and they will attack whenever they feel the need to.

Whenever they consider the triplets to be at their weakest.

Daisy assured me that they didn't have anyone in the area. Which meant, whoever was hanging around weren't friendly.

I heard Evelyn get home and she went to the kitchen and started slamming s**t around straight away.

Henry woke up from the couch and stomped into the kitchen to yell at her for waking him up and she started yelling at him for not doing the dishes. Now she couldn't make dinner because nothing was clean.

The argument went on for a while before Evelyn finally grabbed her s**t and left again, saying that she was going to get something to eat in town and that Henry could go hungry.

Henry was still yelling after she left and he started coming up the stairs so I quickly raced to my door and locked it.

He walked towards my door and started knocking on it, but I was sitting on my bed and trying

really hard not to make a sound. Which was really hard since the bed that I had was horrible

and squeaked with every movement.

He started rattling the door knob but I still didn't answer it and then it sounded like he was

trying to kick the door down.

So I grabbed my bag and I walked over to my window and I climbed over to the tree that was just outside my window, the same one that Koda had climbed earlier, and I climbed back down 1/5

+5 Bon

I walked across the small yard that we had and just as I was about to walk into the forest I

saw a car pulling up in our driveway.

It didn't look or sound like Evelyn's car, so I stopped walking and I stood there to see who it


I saw a man get out of it and he looked up at the house and then walked up the stairs and started knocking on the door.

I walked around the side of the house and I peered around to get a better look at the guy and I couldn't believe it when I saw him standing there.

Henry had burst open the door angrily and he practically yelled at the guy, which caused him to take a step back. But I came running around the front of the house.

"Logan." I yelled and he turned around just as I jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"Wow. I miss you too, kid." He said, hugging me back.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked as he put me down.

"Well, I came to see your mother. But it doesn't look like she's here." He said.

"No. She's somewhere in town. I don't know where." I said.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked, looking at my bag and then I looked back at Henry.

"Just going for a hike." I sneered.

"Is the forest safe at night?" Logan asked.

"Probably not. Who cares? Come on. Let's go into town and get something to eat." I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him back to his car.

He got in the car and I sat in the passenger seat and he backed out of the driveway and we started heading towards town.

"So, that's the husband." Logan said.

"Yeah. He's a real step down." I said.

"I could tell that you don't like him." Logan said.

"He's a pig." I said, looking out the window.

"Does he treat you alright?" He asked.

"Him and Evelyn fight a lot." I said.

"That's not what I asked. How does he treat you?" Logan asked. So I turned to look at him.


+5 Bon

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to." I said.

And immediately I could see the anger in Logan's eyes. Especially when he was looking at the stitches on my face.

"Evelyn gave me the stitches. Not him." I said.

"She drinking again?" He asked.

"Of course she is. Did you really think she was going to stop?" I asked.

As soon as we got to town we stopped at the diner to get something to eat and I was surprised that Evelyn wasn't here. It was pretty much the only place that was open to get something to eat. But then I thought that we might have just missed her.

Maybe she was already gone or she just got a take-away order or something like that.

But Logan and I sat down and we ordered our food and got talking about everything.

"So, why the hell would you come all the way to Alaska?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you guys. I missed you." He said.

"You and Evelyn ended on really bad terms, Logan. Why would you ever want to see her again? "I asked.

"Alright. I came here to make sure that you were alright. You were always like a daughter to

"Well, you were one of the nicer guys that she brought home. That's probably why it didn't work out. You two were so different." I said, looking out the window and I saw Izzy standing out there watching me with a few friends of hers.

I then looked back at Logan and his slicked back blonde hair and his leather jacket, looking like a bad boy. Honestly, Logan really is only about 8 years older than me. He's a lot younger than my mother and I saw Izzy taking a photo with her phone that she would no doubt be showing the twins tomorrow.

"Friends of yours?" Logan asked, looking at them.

"Hardly." I said.

"They're probably just jealous." He said. And I scoffed,

"If only they knew the truth." I said. And he started laughing.

"Yeah. Do you think anyone would believe that I was your mother's boyfriend and not yours?" He asked.noveldrama


+5 Bonu 

"Honestly, I don't know. Everyone in this town is so closed minded because they've never been anywhere else. And what you see outside this diner is practically the whole town." I said.

"Damn. So, they really wouldn't think that the age gap would be possible." He said.

"Probably not. And they would think that it's disgusting and unacceptable. You know, what assholes like to think when they want to paint a person in a bad light." I said.

"Well, I don't care about the age difference. You were still the closest thing I ever had to a daughter." He said. And I smiled at him.

"And you were the one I was hoping my mother would marry." I said.

"Why is she taking photos?" Logan asked. And I looked out the window again.

Izzy gave me a malicious smile and waved at me as she took another photo.

"She's probably going to send them to everyone at school." I said.

"And why is that a problem?" He asked.

"It's not. Everyone is going to think there is so much more to me than they realize." I smirked. And he started laughing.

"You're loving this." He said.

"She's been at me since the first day I started. And now she's just digging a bigger hole for herself because us being seen together isn't embarrassing for me." I said. And he nodded his head.

"It's good to see some things haven't changed. I don't want you mother or that other asshole changing the person you are. Because I think you're awesome. Just the way you are." He said. And I smiled at him. Logan and I got something to eat and then he took me home again and this time Evelyn came out of the house to see who was in the driveway and Logan got out of the car.

"What the f**k do you think you're doing here?" Evelyn yelled, walking down the stairs.

"I'll see ya later Nova." Logan said.

"Yeah. I finish school at 3." I said.

"I'll be busy until just after 7." He said. And I nodded my head as I pushed past Evelyn and I went inside.

I went straight up to my room and I locked the door.

I pulled my phone out and I didn't realize that it was on silent. I saw messages from Lexie


asking who the hell the guy is and that I needed to call her back straight away. It was really important.

I knew the triplets had gotten the photos and they didn't want me to think something was up with them so they had Lexie do it for them. And since they are her Alpha's, she couldn't say no. She has to do what they say.

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