The Super Warrior

Chapter 003 Specialized Killing! (I)

Viper eyes flashing bloodthirsty and exhilarated, spare a glance around him four warriors were sniped, but is not let him back, but as if found prey like exhilaration and rise.

If he could be the first to kill the target and get the woman before the others, then he could get a separate 10% of the fee.

In this world, money can make people crazy, even at the cost of their lives.

“Follow me up, the target is up ahead, he’s already wounded and with a pussy, he won’t get far!”

Viper shouted in a low voice as he organized the armed warriors around him and spread them out from each other, diving sharply in the direction where the locked gunfire was coming from.

Of course, in the process, Viper did not forget to contact the beard man, after all, that is his Captain.

the beard man was coming unhurriedly from the rear, and upon receiving Viper’s message, his face was stunned and his thick double eyebrows knitted together.

There has been a fight on Viper’s side?

This is too different from his vision, he had thought that the special forces soldier would flee with the target towards the front and subsequently fall into the encirclement of the fourth and fifth detachment, but never thought that the other side was turning back and targeting the pursuers behind him to attack and kill.


the beard man burst out, he immediately contacted the two detachments of fighters in front of him and told them to speed to come and close the circle, and also informed Scorpion to lead the other armed fighters to support Viper quickly.

In the rainforest, after the sound of four sniper rifles, everything fell back to peace.

Viper led the six remaining fighters around him to dive forward, but everything around him was dead again, without the slightest sound or breath, as if the gunfire that had just resounded was just an illusion.

A dive to see a silhouette, and can not sense the presence of any unusual breath, only the kind of dead silence in the primeval rainforest.

Gradually, Viper’s forehead has been a layer of fine sweat, tightly gripping a AK47 hands palms are also a little damp, he looked hard swallowed, the whole person began to have a kind of cold hair shrugging feeling.

He vaguely felt that in a place he could not see, there seemed to be a pair of cold and unfeeling eyes staring at him.

That’s a pair of eyes of death!

Gradually, the surrounding air seems to have frozen like, every breath will become incomparably heavy. So that a thick pressure enough to drive people crazy crushed to.

Not only Viper, but also the rest of the armed warriors sensed it.

“There is danger!”

Viper couldn’t help but shout out.

However, it was already too slow, just for a moment –


A figure from the side of the bushes diagonal sprint out of a short moment, the sprint speed has reached the point of rapidity, like the wind and lightning sprint up.

Then a blood-colored blade flashed past the throat of an armed fighter in front of him.


This warrior’s throat was immediately cut open a bloody slit, soaring out of the blood like a column of blood, rose to the sky.

The blood-colored blade was raised again, and the blade of the saber, which was covered with a layer of blood, passed through the throat of another soldier on the side.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three sharp pistol shots rang out and the three armed fighters who just reacted didn’t have time to make any counterattack, and their eyebrows were permanently framed with a bullet hole.

The god-like figure once again dashed forward and swept past the last armed warrior, immediately bringing out another shower of blood on the bloody saber in his hand.


Viper finally was reacting, he roared, the AK47 in his hand immediately turned around and was about to pull the trigger for a wide sweeping shot.

Whew!From NôvelDrama.Org.

However, a whistling sound rang out and a sweeping leg kick, like a cannonball, swept across the arm of Viper holding the gun.


A piercing and incomparable sound of arm fracture sounded, the AK47 that Viper was holding in his hand came off under the impact of that huge leg momentum, and his right arm was broken.

Viper was horrified when he turned his head and saw the black hole in the mouth of the gun presented in front of him.

That’s a B92 pistol.


The gun rose and fell, and Viper fell straight to the ground, eyes wide open, dead.

After sweeping this battlefield, Jason took a deep breath, he quickly picked up the tactical backpacks of these militants one by one and looked through them, in addition to some food and clean water, there was ammunition inside.

What made Jason’s eyes light up was that there was actually an anti-personnel mine in there.

Jason took all the anti-personnel mines away, picked up two M16s, filled them with enough ammunition, and with a flash of his body, he soon lost sight of them in the layers of rainforest.

A few moments later, three teams of militants finally arrived, and they appeared at the place where the battle had been fought, and also saw a body lying on the ground, among which was the dead Viper.

Subsequently, the beard man came over, after seeing this battlefield emitting the smell of blood, his face became more gloomy, his eyes flashed with a crazy angry killing intent.

“This damn fool, trying to greedy alone, not waiting for people to come together in pursuit, he took the initiative!” the beard man spoke in a cold voice, then he looked ahead, his nose sniffed hard, as if in the identification of what smell.

Finally, he pointed his hand towards the front and said in a cold voice: “That guy is fleeing to this direction, spread out and chase after him! I don’t believe that in this rain forest, how far he can escape with a woman when he is injured!”

At this point, the beard man’s remaining armed warriors have gathered, about twenty-seven or twenty-eight people, each with a murderous spirit, they follow the beard man’s orders, scattered to form a circle around each other, and this dive forward.

With the previous experience, this militant fighters are extra careful, their identity is actually mercenaries, one has been in the battlefield for many years.

Therefore, in this rainforest, they know how to sneak around with the help of cover and not expose themselves as much as possible.

Even so, after diving some distance, the beard man’s face changed abruptly, and he suddenly shouted –

“There is danger!”


As if to fulfill the beard man’s words, at the same time as he gave the warning, a piercing whistle rang out.

For these mercenaries, they know what it means to have such a whistling sound erupting from the void –

Sniper warheads!


Sure enough, a sniper slug sniped and a mercenary’s head exploded with the sound.

This seems to be a chain reaction, the next second, third … mercenaries one by one under the assault of that godless sniper warheads, simply nowhere to hide, no matter how hidden they hide, dying without knowing how they died.

“Counterattack! Give me a counterattack!”

The beard man roared, he picked up a light machine gun and fired wildly forward.


Led by the beard man, the rest of the mercenaries also swept forward with their guns and fired a powerful fire counterattack.

In the front, a bunker, a figure rushed out, rolled on the ground, the hands of the sniper rifle was placed in his hands on the ground, left and right hands each holding a M16, pulling the trigger in unison, the muzzle of the gun ejected a path of fire, a round of bullets towards the front of the sweep.

This is exactly Jason, the sniper rifle ammunition has run out, the collected ammunition does not have a suitable sniper warhead, so he can only use the assult rifle.

Jason appeared to fire, the front of those mercenaries also locked his position, these cold-blooded and brave mercenaries immediately with the powerful fire suppression, began to close in on Jason’s direction.

Jason’s face was like an ancient well, without the slightest excess emotion, only calm and collected enough.

He began to run in his body, firing continuously as he did so.

At the same time the use of the surrounding staggered forest to cover themselves, sometimes tiger on the ground, and sometimes rolling one after another, countless bullets whistling past his side, and even several times a stray bullet almost grazed his body, a close and dangerous.

Despite the danger, Jason’s counterattack was not the least bit disorganized, and the two assult rifles seemed to be used by him as sniper rifles, hitting point-blank.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Jason suddenly a flip gun counter-attack, the muzzle of the bullet shot out towards the front whistling, the front from the right side of the chase out of the three mercenaries just appear, is that the whistling bullets swept and fell on the spot.

Jason’s face sank, both feet suddenly a stored power, his speed suddenly increased, towards the left front a direction of rapid running.

It was a high ground and a place where Sally was hiding.

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