The alarm clock on the nightstand rang so loud that it woke Ann from sleep. She groaned out in frustration and sat up on the bed.

“Who the fuck set the alarm?”. She asked angrily as she couldn’t recall when or how she had set the alarm last night before she slept.

She turned her head to the side and saw Silver making a gurgling noise as she rolled to the edge of the bed to find a comfort zone.

Ann stood up from the bed and walked to the night stand before she slammed her palm on the clock which silenced the alarm.

“Great, that noise ruined my sleep”. Silver grumbled angrily as she sat up on the bed and pulled down the blanket from her body.

“Well I’m glad it woke me up”. Ann said as she stripped out from her clothes.

“Where are you going?”. Silver darted her gaze over Ann and began to rub her eyes using her hand in order to see clearly.

“Well, where else?”. She asked. “Order than the sex doctor’s penthouse”. Ann responded.

“Today?”. Silver asked with a frown on her face.

Ann turned to look at Silver,”Yes, why?”. She asked.

“I thought you would have a chance to join me in my family reunion”. Silver said calmly.

Ann scoffs,”Why should I? Diego is with you and besides you told them you’re gonna introduce him during the reunion”. She said before she strode to her wardrobe. She opened it and brought out her luggage.

“Well Diego…”. Silver heaved a sigh while trying to hold back the tears that were tempting to escape from her eyes.

“Diego?”. Ann paused and moved to the bed before she sat besides Silver. “Talk to me, I know something is bothering you and you won’t be free from it if you don’t let it out”. She said calmly as she placed her arm around Silver’s shoulder.

“Well…”. Silver bit her lower lips and buried her face in her palm. She couldn’t bear the pain after reading through the message Diego sent to her yesterday.

“Did Diego hurt you???! Tell me so I can go beat down his white ass”. Ann asserted impatiently.

Silver lifted her face up from her palm before she spoke,”Well Diego sent me a message yesterday…”.


“My phone is in your bag, you can check out the message Diego sent to me yesterday”. Silver said with eyes glistering red due to the tears clouded in her eyes.

Ann stood up from the bed and strode to the table beside her wardrobe. She grabbed her bag from the table and opened. She dipped her hands into the bag and brought out Silver’s phone before she placed the bag on the table. She turned on the phone and swiped through the screen before it unlocked. It revealed a message from Diego and she almost choked on her own Saliva when she saw a picture of him riding on an unknown woman. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she read the message “Sorry Silver, but I got tired of your pussy”.

“I don’t think Diego could send you this”. Ann said, impaled by what she had just seen in Silver’s phone.

“Well he did, that fucking cock did it”. Silver cried out while allowing her tears to gush out of her eyes.

Ann dropped the phone on the table before she crawled on the bed to where Silver was. “He doesn’t deserve you”. She wrapped her arm around Silver’s shoulder.

Silver relaxed her head on Ann’s shoulder as she continued to sob.

“Never cry for a man Silver, that is a number one rule of being in a relationship, never ever cry for a man!”. Ann said while she wiped the tears from Silver’s cheek. “Forget about him, besides, it’s good you found out the truth that he was cheating on you rather than living in a relationship full of lies and fake promises”. She said as she placed her hand on Silver’s hair and began stroking it gently.

“I’m not crying because of what he sent to me, I’m crying because… I don’t know what my mom would think about me if I don’t bring a man home”. She sniffed in before she concluded. “She will think I’m just whoring around”. Silver added.

“Of course you are always whoring around you bitch “. Ann retorted.

“Seriously Ann, you think everything is a joke”. Silver said and rolled her eyes.

“Look… no matter what Silver, I will always be your best friend. Okay not just your best friend but your sister too, I will support you, I will respect you…”

“Okay about that respect…”. Silver chimed in and Ann puff her lips in the air.

“Whatever… the point is… you don’t have to bring Diego to your family reunion”. Ann said and Silver lifted her head from Ann’s shoulder.

“And why?”. Silver asked with one brow raised up for more inquiries.

“Well… you can just order a gigolo to pretend for them”. Ann suggested and Silver laughed hysterically. “Seriously, what is so funny?”. She asked while staring at her.

“This is so funny really, how do you expect me to hire a gigolo after what happened last night?”. Silver asked.

“Since you remembered what happened last night, then it seems to me you have eyes for that hottie “. Ann said inaudibly to her hearing and Silver gave her a playful punch on her arm. “Ouch”. She squeaked in pain as she rubbed her arm.

“You know I’m not into black men”. Silver said while rolling her eyes.

Ann glanced at her,”Are you trying to be a racist now?”. She asked.

“Why would I be a racist when I am just stating my own opinions”. She said, “What I’m trying to say is that, I would never date a black guy, not even close to pretending to date one… ugh..”. Silver said and shrugged.

“And why?”. Ann asked as she didn’t see anything bad about dating a black man.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Well, they’re only good in bed and not good at keeping a woman”. She responded. “Black men are not just my type”. Silver said.

“Seems you enjoyed the sex last night “. Ann teased before she ran out from the bed.

“You bitch”. Silver growled, she grabbed a pillow and threw it to Ann’s path but luckily she dodged it. “Whore”. She cursed.

“Well last night you were a slut”. Ann sneered.

“Well speak for yourself, how about your sex doctor?”. Silver asked.

“That pervert “. Ann said as she swatted down on her knees and zipped the luggage opened.

“Tell me, how was your first encounter?”. Silver asked.

“Well… he has a big cock and when I mean big”. Ann paused and stared back at Silver. “I mean, gigantic”. She emphasized and Silver’s jaw dropped open while she muffled a “wow”. “His cock filled my pussy to the brim and damn it felt so good”. She said before turning to the wardrobe and began tugging out her clothes from the hanger.

“Oh my gosh, for how long did he last?”. Silver asked and Ann scoffed.

“Almost an hour, after tutoring me”. Ann responded while she folded her clothes and placed them properly in the luggage.

“Torture?”. Silver asked.

“Yeah and I tried to make him ride me for a second round but he said he doesn’t fuck twice”. Ann said as her movement kept going on and on until she had filled the luggage with her clothes before she zipped it.

“Goddammit Ann… you shouldn’t go hard on yourself because I believe he is doing everything to help you”. Silver assured her calmly.

“Perhaps “. Ann said as she strode into the bathroom. She unhooked her bra and took off her panties before she entered the tub. “Uhmmm… Silver”. She called out.

“What’s up?”. Silver responded.

“Please bring out some clothes for me to wear, please “. Ann pleaded.

“Sure, why not “. Silver said. She crawled out from the bed and strode to her wardrobe. She ran her hands through her clothes while scanning the wardrobe. “This will be good”. She halted and brought out a red short dress.

“Did you find anything?”. Ann voiced out from the bathroom while having her bath in the shower.

“Yes, a red dress”. Silver voiced back. She strode to the table and placed the red dress on the table. She picked up her phone and swiped it. She tapped on the message box and typed “Meet me in Chumps, beside the street. We need to talk!!!”. Sent to Diego.

She quickly turned off her phone and dropped it on the table as Ann came out of the bathroom.

“Are you okay?”. Ann asked and Silver nodded in response. “Nice”. She said as she walked to the table and stood oppositely facing the mirror. She brought out her makeup kit from the cupboard below the table and placed it on top the table. She grabbed the comb and brushed it on her disheveled hair. She straightened it down to fall on her shoulder before she parked it up in a high ponytail. She collected the lip glow from the kit and smeared her lips with the red lipstick. “Well how do I look?”. She asked while turning her face to Silver.

“The lipstick looks good on you”. Silver said. “You look beautiful”. She complimented .

“Thanks”. Ann grinned at her and strode to the wardrobe. She tugged down her towel and it dropped down, revealing her naked body.

“Flat ass”. Silver chuckled and gave her a back hand slap on her ass cheek.

“Ouch”. Ann groaned angrily and shot her a glare. “Flat boobs”. She said and Silver lashed her another slap on the ass which made her grab hold of her asscheek to dettered Silver from spanking her again.

“Never call my boobs small ever again”. Silver warned.

“And why?”. Ann turned to face her and folded her arm in a challenging way. “Is it because it is small?”. She asked, giving her a threatening look.

“You didn’t dare”. Silver grinds her teeth and before she could attack her a loud knock sounded from the door. She paused,”Did you hear that?”. She asked.

“Yes”. Ann replied in a whispering tone.

“I will go check who is at the door”. Silver said as she turned and scurried to the door while Ann hastened up to put on her underwear before her dress.

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