The Royal Maid And The Lost Kingdom



“Stuart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed out his name as I continue to run towards him,

“Alice??” He asked in question, I saw him drop his things and wanted to come to me but the guards stopped him telling him to keep moving forward. I think he might have refused because I saw the guard remove his sword and held it to Stuart’s throat. I stopped and watch with wide eyes filled with tears.

“Let him go, stand down.” I turned to see a stunning knight, she smiled and leaned backwards, and without further ado I ran to meet him.

“I am sorry; I am so sorry. It was all my fault, I’m sorry.” I apologize as I hugged him.

“No you did nothing wrong and even if you did then I forgive you.” He said and I hugged him tighter.

“Oh that just made me feel more guilt.” I said half serious and half-jokingly

“Now will you stop.” He told me and we laughed.

“What will happen now?” I asked him.

“I don’t know, I mean I am not, not completely upset about being exiled because now I could choose to return here and I will have a clean slate and start from the ground up. I will start my dream of becoming a musician, like I had told you before.” He responded. We laughed and I looked around.

“Where are your family and why are they not here?” I asked again.

“Well the Prince forbade anyone from seeing me. Alice promise me you will take care of yourself.” He said.

“Of course, and come back to me in the future.” I told him with a sad smile on my face.

“Really?” He asked as he looked to be expecting something, I laughed as I nodded.

“Of course, you are my friend after all.” I said at him, I saw his smile sway before he looked at me again but he looked way sadder than before.

“Goodbye Alice, thank you for being there for me.” He spoke to me as he bent and gave me a soft peck on my cheeks and hugged me, I returned it.

“That is enough, leave.” The superior said and we let go of each other as he turned to the gate and moved.

I tried swallowing the tears that escaped but the dam opened with nothing stopping it, I watched as he walked till he was out of my sight, I turned to the knight and the helmet removed to see a gorgeous woman who introduced herself as Ambrosia Redwood. Ambrosia offered me a hand and smiled. I stared at her for a while before I took it.

“If it is of no issue then I can take you back.” She said as she raked her eye over me. I looked down and I saw that I was hurt on my knee and arm, the adrenaline was gone and so the tiredness descended. I nodded my head knowing that I would not be able to walk all the way back to the palace. She walked away and then came back on a horse, she held her hands down t hold me and I took it climbing on.

This will be the first time in my life that I would be sitting on a horse yet the jolting back and forth feels extremely familiar, I am in front of a 6-foot-tall knight woman with sparkling black hair adorned with jewellery that was bizarre for the female knights. From the limited knowledge that I had received I knew that only a few women actually made it into knighthood but here Ambrosia was, one of the highest ranked in the kingdom and a close personal friend to the first prince.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

This lady had been the conversations of many kitchen gossips and even I felt that she was a spectacular female knight, according to the little gossip that I have heard it was said that she was so strong, she beats down men in the same rank and even higher than her. Rumour also have said that the only reason why she wasn’t being promoted despite being way above her mates was because she refused to sleep with the Grand commander. After breezing through ranks for five summers, and because of that she had been stuck on second commander for two summers

The horse we were on was definitely a stallion and it was galloping through the city, I looked up to see that the sky was already becoming dark, Ambrosia dismissed the rest of her knights then she turned to me.

“Where do you live hmm…….” She trailed off looking at me.

“Alice, my name is Alice and I work as a maid in the palace.” I said but I saw how Ambrosia cringed.

“Was that voluntary or was it a tick.” I asked but I got no reply, suddenly we made a turn and her hands on the reins was tighter.

“Hmmm…… Miss Ambrosia. Where are we going to?” I asked when we took a dark corner, still I got no respond. We galloped for a small time before we were outside a local pub, she came down from her horse and brought me down too.

“Now here is it, do not say anything, stay behind me and I don’t want to hear a word okay?” she told me, all of this was sudden but since I have no idea where we were and she was the only ride back home so I had no choice but to do what she asked of me. I nodded to tell her that I understood what she had said.

We entered the loud pub and immediately we entered, it turned quiet. Everyone turned their eyes on us, without meaning to I shrunk into Ambrosia’s back. Ambrosia walked up to the counter and pulls out on one of the chairs, gesturing for me to come sit, I obeyed quietly and as quickly as humanly possible in a situation like that. I know first-hand how scary pubs are, I had known this ever since I robbed a man but I later found out that he was a servant for the pub visitors. They had beaten the man nearly to death, thinking that he had stolen their money, I had watched from the side that day, feeling guilty. It was one of my first tries of pickpocketing.

Ambrosia calls the bartender, an old, buff man with scars everywhere, she orders two large tumblers of their strongest drink and the man snorted in response. He leaves to go get it and I shivered, I know that I had never taken alcohol before and I also know that I just can’t take a sip of alcohol because I was incredibly lightweight. I turned around to ask her to change her order at least for me.

“Hmmm……. Miss Ambros………” I never got to finish when one of the pub members that have been watching us quietly since we entered got up and walks up to Ambrosia. He lifted his fist and slammed it on the table but Ambrosia doesn’t turn to face him while I yelped, my eye getting clouded in fear. I felt my life fading from my eye when the man angrily yanks Ambrosia by her shoulder, I mean was he blind or was he a fool or just drunk for trying to anger her. She was a freaking tall knight after all.

“Whore knight” he whispered loudly and spitted on the ground near her.

Finally, Ambrosia stands up when the man called her a whore knight, she told face to face with him, towering over him and her bright golden eyes seem to darken like a storm. Without meaning to I said a word of prayer for the man. Ambrosia leans forward, glaring down on the man. Her muscles seem to bulge out even more from her armour. The man may be big but not big enough to even compare to Ambrosia who is even larger than most men in the force.

“Say that again.” She said to him with a smirk playing on her lips.

“I said you who………” he started but was interrupted by Ambrosia who sent him flying literally with a fist to his face which knocked him right out the door. The bartender came back with two large tumblers brimming with alcohol and sighed as soon as he saw the man lying outside and the broken door he had flown through. He sighed again and looked at Ambrosia

“Oh come on don’t look at me like that, I will pay for the damages.” She said and looked at him.

“Hey Ambrosia you should try to punch less when you come into the pub you know.” One of the men in the pub yelled at her and everyone bursts into laughter, Ambrosia included.

“Well I will but if they throw the first punch am I permitted not to hold back?” She jested back and everyone laughed again.

The pub went back to its noisy and loud self, I still remain frozen in my seat as Ambrosia collected the two tumblers and looked at me, she gave me a huge smile.

“Oh, not to worry sweet.” She said before she said something to the bartender who looked at me and smiled before he returned with a tumbler of milk which he gave to me. He smiled at me and I gave him a wry smile because the milk was a bit too much, Ambrosia downed one of the tumblers in a go and laughs, praising the bartender for his excellent drinks. He brought out a plate of snacks, snorting again he dropped it and left. I continued sipping my drink and looked at her.

“Miss Ambrosia, may I ask why you brought me to a place like this.” I asked when I could no longer contain my curiosity.

“Oh…. Hmm you looked like you needed someone to talk to and no offense but you looked half dead after losing your lover and I needed a drinking partner so it is a stunning coincidence.” She said and I blushed, why do people think that he was my love interest.

“Oh, hmm Stuart was not my……” I blushed fiercely as I was not able to finish it.

“Wow, I apologise for that, but if he is not then who.” She questioned and for a brief second a blond haired man flashed through my mind with his annoying smirk. What he hell was I thinking.

“Hmmmm…… no one.” I said, she looked at me again and laughed.

“You are an interesting one, tell me how you came to work in the palace.” She commanded and like that I spoke, I told her everything about how I lived and how Edward treated me.

“I just do not have the idea of what I might have done to annoy him som much.” I said as I took another sip of something bitter yet sweet. I realized that during my story I had poured some of Ambrosia’s drink into my milk, guess I was that tired and frustrated.

“Edward did all these?” She asked me and I looked into her gently swaying self to see that she was curious. I nodded and smiled at her.

“That big head Prince needs a proper spank on the butt.” Ambrosia said and I stared at her in horror, I wondered how she could dare to insult royalty in public. Ambrosia laughs at my expression.

“Can you stop swaying for a moment though?” I asked curiously, she was moving too much. She tilted her head at my response before smiling.

“Don’t worry about my statement Alice, I have the power to be stupid. And I think its high time I drop you off at the palace.” She said and held her hands for me to take, I took it and stood up but felt like I was walking on clouds. I laughed along with everybody and waved good bye before we entered the cold air again.

“Such a nice and beautiful horse.” I said as I climbed its back again with the help of the knight. We started moving and I rested my head on her back to calm my beating heart for a second, but why do I keep seeing the face of Edward.

“Hey, Alice…… Alice wake up.” I heard, I looked and saw that we had stopped.

“Hmm………. Where are we?” I asked but it sounded a bit slow even to my ears.

“We are in the palace sweet, now come down.” She sid and I came down, I laughed when I stumbled a bit. I turned to her and curtsied before I made my way inside.

I walked slowly but I realized that the halls were quiet so that meant that people had already retired, I walked to my room and I was almost there when I got to see the person who had been plaguing me for a long time resting on the frame. I slowed my steps and I hiccupped which made him raise his head to look at me.

“Your grace.” I greeted performing a rather long curtsey. He looked at me again before he walked towards me stopping before reaching me, his eyes widened.

“So you got drunk because I exiled him?” He asked, is it me or does he sound hurt. Yeah I am very drunk.

“Not just that but you also. What have I ever done t……… to deserv………. ee you treating me like that, it is not funny you know I feel pain and hurt too.” I screamed at him, he looked at me then around before he dragged me. He opened my room and pushed me in following me.

“See. eeeeeeeeeee you do not even want to be seen with me. You hate me so why why do you torture me so much.” I continued yelling

“Because you won’t look at me!” He yelled back, I was stunned and I looked at him.

“What? I don’t understand. How does making me hate you will make me look at you.” I asked feeling more drunk than before.

“Fuck this.” That was the last thing I heard before I felt something cover my lips, I tried to move back but I was held. I lost consciousness and fell on something warm and soft.

“Just look at me, that’s all I ask Alice.” I heard before I fell asleep.

Edward’s POV

I watched as she ran out, it made me sad that all she thought about was him, what was so special about him, I don’t understand. I am a Prince should she not see me or even look at me? I already know quite a number of maids that are more than willing to climb into my bed and even though I have had my fair share yet something dragged my attention on this girl.

First I thought that I just loved to frustrate her and yes her reaction to situations made her more interesting, but now I do not think I was as sure as I was in the beginning, I mean she had already asked me twice now why I treat her the way I do. A question even I do not have the answer to and that irritates me. I made my way to the knight’s training room, I need to let go of some of this frustration.

I got there and I started training, my thoughts traveling in different directions, I just need something to do, anything. I kept on training even when my muscles screamed for rest I continued over and over again. I stood up drenched in sweat and I saw that most knights were done with their training and were staring at me. Although it’s not common for me and Andrew to come here to train they are mostly used to Andrew.

I looked and it was already evening, I nodded at the knights as I left them and made my way to my chambers. I caught some maids staring at me with obvious interest but just that of a red haired girl flashed through my mind, what is wrong with me and why was I feeling this way. I freshened up and got into new clothes.

“Get Alice for me.” I commanded one of the maids.

“Your grace, she took some hours off and she is not yet back.” She replied hurriedly, I’m assuming that my mood showed on my face.

“Where did she say she was going to and who gave her permission?” I asked, who the fuck gave her permission. I know for a fact that Teresa would not have been the one.

“Hmm……… the others said she said she had someone to say goodbye to and it was Madam Meredith that gave her.” The maid said looking down but slowly as if she was trying to remember every details. Meredith? Till now apart from my parents’ no one knows how she suddenly appeared in the palace and became a maid, even though no matter how I looked at it she had the bearing of a noble just like the same feeling I feel whenever I see Alice. I am pretty sure she had no idea she behaved like that, but she does and maybe the fact that she would not bow to anyone also made her more interesting.

“What time of the day did she leave?” I questioned.

“That should be around noon your grace.” She replied me, I nodded and waved her off. It was already dark and just minutes away from the servants to retire, I took a book from the self and sat down to start reading.

I groaned as I slammed the book to the desk, I have been reading a page for the past one hour. I got up and out of my room, making my way to that girl’s room. It already was late enough and she should be back, I got there and knocked on her door. I am still a gentleman after all, I heard no reply so I peeped in and saw that she was not in yet. I stood there and relaxed for a few minutes trying to calm down my mind.

I heard a hiccup and unsteady steps, I looked to see Alice standing there.

“Your grace.” She greeted performing a rather long curtsey. I looked at her again before I walked towards her halting my steps before I reached her, my eyes widened. Did she get this drunk because I sent Stuart out? Does she love him this much? And most importantly why am I feeling so sad.

“So you got drunk because I exiled him?” I asked with the hurt I felt leaking through.

“Not just that but you also. What have I ever done t……… to deserv………. ee you treating me like that, it is not funny you know I feel pain and hurt too.” She screamed at me, I looked at her again then I looked around. It was late and her voice was loud, I had to make sure another rumour does not spread. Without thinking I grabbed her arm and dragged her with me, I opened her room and I pushed her in there following also. Her room provides much more needed privacy than the hallways.

“See. eeeeeeeeeee you do not even want to be seen with me. You hate me so why why do you torture me so much.” She continued yelling, I know that she is drunk but does she gets on my nerves.

“Because you won’t look at me!” I yelled back, I was stunned and I looked at her, did I really just say that I looked at her and I saw her looking at me probably mirroring the look I have on my face.

“What? I don’t underst……… and. How does ma…… king me hate you will m…… ake me lo…ok at you.” She asked as she swayed on her feet more.

“Fuck this.” I said throwing caution to the wind and followed what had been banging on my mind, what would her lips taste like. I walked to her and did just that, I kissed her lips and were they so soft, she tried to step back but I held her. I kissed her, her lips so soft and sweet, I tasted milk and alcohol on them and the taste combined with her lips was addictive as she herself. I released her and she fell on me, her skin soft and her cheek flushed from the alcohol.

I carried her to her bed and laid her down, I knew what I was feeling now but I have no way of making her see if she won’t look at me, she initially planned to avoid and evade me if not for me going to Teresa to get her stationed under me.

“Just look at me, that’s all I ask Alice.” I spoke softly and gave her a peck before I left her room and went into mine. I got in and I started panicking, why on earth did I kiss her? I groaned as I sat down on the chair. What the fuck was I thinking? That was what was on my mind before I drifted to a dreamless sleep.

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