The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Lauren was beautiful by every standard known on earth. She was tall and slim with a toned body and the slimmest waist imaginable. Although she was slim, it was obvious that she worked out a lot because her muscles were defined and she moved with an air of grace and confidence that can only come from someone who can defend themselves.

Her long blond hair fell to her armpits and she had wide doe eyes. Her lips were thin and highlighted with pink lip gloss. She was wearing black leggings similar to mine but paired with a fitted top that stopped just below her belly button and showed a silver of skin.

“Is this a new recruit?” she asked and her voice was the softest silk.

“No,” Ryker cleared his throat before continuing. “Camilla this is my head general- Lauren.”

I was shocked when he said that. I have never known a woman to train and I have never known a woman to be head general. It is a coveted position and for it to be held by her- as innocent and small as she looks- then she must be as strong as hell and tough enough to keep all the men in line.

“Hi,” I couldn’t help the small whisper I used when I spoke- I was already terrified of her.

“Hey; don’t worry, I don’t bite,” she gave me a small smile then turned to Ryker, “So who is she?”

“This is Camilla; my mate.”

Lauren’s smile fell at those words and she turned to me with barely hidden venom in her eyes. I saw her clench her fist at her sides and rotate her neck slightly before turning back to Ryker with a calm look.

“I didn’t know you found your mate and we spoke a few days ago,” she stressed the word spoke and alarm bells rang in my head.

I looked between Ryker and Lauren and I knew. I should have known the moment she had the slip up and called him by his name instead of his title and the ease and familiarity with which she spoke to him. They are probably in a relationship and he brought me here to reject me in front of her.

“Lauren you will be in charge of guarding Camilla,” I was taken aback by Ryker’s words.

“With all due respect Alpha Ryker,” Lauren began, “I am pack general; not a baby sitter. I can recommend some guards who would be honored to watch over her.” She all but sneered the last part.

“You are the best Lauren and I will have no one but the best watching the future Luna; is that clear?”

She knew she couldn’t argue with him. He all but dismissed their relationship the moment he referred to me as the future. Luna and she couldn’t keep pushing or she would be punished. She must know what he does to traitors and people who cross him because she pulled the fakest smile I have ever seen onto her lips.

“Yes Alpha; when do I start?”

“Tomorrow; you are to be at my house at 6: 30 a.m. and you are allowed to leave only when I arrive. Is that clear?”

“Crystal,” she gave him a short bow and with one last venomous look at me, she turned on her heels and left the room.

Ryker buried his face into his hands in what I assume was frustration and all I could do was stare at him quietly. He finally lifted his face and when he looked at me, he knew that I knew. I saw the acknowledgment flash through his eyes.

“She doesn’t have to watch me,” I said quietly, “I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it will be for her.”

“Don’t speak of things you do not understand.” His voice was cold, “It was not like that between us.”

“I’m sorry,” I pushed myself as far back as I could into the couch, “I apologize.”

Regret flashed across his features and he opened his mouth to speak- maybe to apologize- but I turned my head and stared

out the window. I was right earlier; I can see outside.

Through the corner of my eyes I saw him run his hand through his hair in frustration before standing and going to his desk to probably get some work done.

I sat in Ryker’s office quietly while he busied himself with work. A maid came in and dropped a tray of food in front of me that I pointedly refused to touch. I could see that it infuriated Ryker but he said nothing.

She returned after a while, presumably to take the plate back but when she saw the dish still empty, she froze in confusion. She leaned down to pick it up but Ryker stopped her and asked her to leave. As soon as she walked out of the door, he put his pen down and turned to me.

“Cut the fucking attitude,” I looked up at him in confusion, “Eat and stop throwing a tantrum.”

“I wasn’t throwing a tantrum; I’m just not hungry.”

“Even if I have to force feed you; I will do it. So pick up the spoon and cat.”

I hated the way my body instantly moved to do his bidding. It was embarrassing and demeaning but he had spoken in his Alpha tone and whether I was a pack member or not, I felt the urge to comply.

When I was done eating, I pushed the tray as far away from me as I could and curled up into a ball to face the balcony. I didn’t want to face Ryker at this time; not after realizing that he could literally order me to do anything and I would have to oblige. It made me feel how I felt when I was at Tyson’s pack and I hated it.

“Camilla,” Tyson began but I refused to turn, “I didn’t mean to-,”

“Is it okay if I walk around the pack?”

“You don’t have to ask me.”

“You’re the Alpha,” I whispered, “All my actions have to go through you.”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him clench his jaw but he didn’t speak. He kept his hands fisted on the table and I saw him. mutter a few words under his breath before he closed up his documents and stood to his feet. I watched as he walked past me and towards the door.

“Get up, let’s go.”

I watched him with equal parts confusion and anticipation, “Is that an order?”

“No, it’s not,” his voice dropped an octave and was softer than I ever thought it could be, “I just want to talk.”

Regardless of what he said, I knew it was an order. There was no way I would sit here and refuse to go with him and he would accept it. He probably said that only as a formality and I would hate to see what he would do to me if I were to refuse.

I forced my feet to stand and I slowly walked over to him. I kept my head down in an attempt to not anger him and walked out of the door. He led me downstairs to the carriage and just before I entered, I caught sight of Lauren giving me a dirty look.

I tried to ignore her because a part of me did understand her anger. If my theories are correct then they were together and he just ditched her like she wasn’t worth anything because of me.

The carriage ride was slow and I kept my eyes cast in my lap for the entirety of it. I knew the action annoyed Ryker but somehow I still couldn’t bring myself to look up at him although I could feel his gaze on me the entire time.

By the time the carriage pulled to a stop, I was out of there before Ryker could even get to his feet. I thanked the coach man and all but ran into the large house and made my way into the room.

A maid walked in after me holding a plate of food and I thanked her for it but was about to send her away when Ryker walked into the room. I was not expecting his presence so it forced me to stop mid sentence and stare at him.

Excuse us” he said to the maid and with a quick bow, she was out of the room before I could even speak.

She shut the door behind her and it was just the two of us. I could feel the annoyance rolling off him in waves and I didn’t want to do anything to annoy hum even more so I stood in place, occasionally shuffling my feet and keeping my eyes cast on

the floor

“Is there a reason I’m being ignored?” he asked finally,

“Im not ignoring you,” it was a lie and we both knew it.

Bullshit,” he moved one step closer and I took one back effectively bumping into the nightstand, “Why can’t you stand to be

next to me?”

“That’s not true; I was next to you in the carriage.” I was grasping at straws at this point; I would have said anything if it meant getting him out of my space. “And I sat in your office.”

“You couldn’t even look at me both times,” I knew he was telling the truth so I didn’t bother denying it, “Look at me,


I forced my eyes up to his and it took everything in my power to not look away. The sheer intensity of his gaze had me cowering on my insides and to make it worse, I couldn’t make out the emotions in his eyes so I didn’t know whether he was five seconds away from killing me or just plain annoyed.

He stepped closer to me and I couldn’t help but flinch. When I saw the guilt on his face, I instantly felt bad. He looked genuinely hurt by my reaction and I didn’t know how to respond to that.

“The first time I thought it was a mistake,” he began slowly, “But now; you flinched, I saw it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” he cut me off, “What happened to you? What made you into this shell of a person that you can’t even look at me or be around me without flinching?”

“I’m sorry,” I didn’t know what exactly I was apologizing for, but I was apologizing for everything.

For not being the perfect mate that he probably wanted, for flinching whenever he got close, for making him feel guilty. I didn’t know which it was but I knew I had to apologize for it all because it was my fault.

It was my fault that I was like this and it was my fault that he had to meet me. If I had just ran in the opposite direction then. he probably would have continued his life with Lauren but now he is burdened

and saddled with me and I know that is a fate I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I am so sorry.”

“No, Camilla,” he stopped me, “I’m sorry. I went about this all wrong and I will fix it.”

I didn’t know what he meant by that but from the determined look on his face, I had a feeling that I was going to find out soon enough.

He moved closer to me but he seemed to realize what he was doing at the last moment because he took a few steps backwards. He gave me a soft smile, the first true smile I was seeing on his face and then he turned on his heels and left the


I stared at the door longer than I should have. Part of it was in confusion and the other part- I’m not exactly sure. But I know that even while I ate, while I changed into comfortable pajamas so I could sleep, I was thinking about the weird exchange.

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