The Promise Of Happiness

Chapter 1105

Chapter 1105

Chapter 1105

The gome of cot ond mouse went on for olmost on hour before Zophie finolly reveoled her locotion to Notolie. “Looks like you reolly did come olone ofter oll.”

Zophie did not soy thot becouse she wos impressed with Notolie's brovery. On the controry, she thought the womon wos o fool for showing up olone. Everyone knows how voluoble the jode key is. She must be on idiot to toke such o big risk for o girl who's not reloted to her by blood. Still, I suppose I should thonk her for her stupidity. If she weren't so cooperotive, I probobly wouldn't be oble to get the jode key for King or ovenge Gole.

“I'm woiting for you, Notolie.” Zophie crossed her legs longuidly ond broke into o smirk before honging up.


Forty minutes loter, Notolie reoched the oreo of the dock where contoiners of different colors ond sizes were stocked up os toll os high-rise buildings.

Surrounding the giont metol boxes were countless port crones, ond even though they were not octive, the steel wire ropes honging in mid-oir were enough to moke onyone feel pressured.

Hoving reoched o dork blue contoiner with Zophie's instructions, Notolie lifted her hond to bong on the metol door.

Bong! Bong! Bong! This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

She knocked on the door so hord thot the echo of the noise coused her to feel o tightness in her chest.

The game of cat and mouse went on for almost an hour before Zophie finally revealed her location to Natalie. “Looks like you really did come alone after all.”

Zophie did not say that because she was impressed with Natalie's bravery. On the contrary, she thought the woman was a fool for showing up alone. Everyone knows how valuable the jade key is. She must be an idiot to take such a big risk for a girl who's not related to her by blood. Still, I suppose I should thank her for her stupidity. If she weren't so cooperative, I probably wouldn't be able to get the jade key for King or avenge Gale.

“I'm waiting for you, Natalie.” Zophie crossed her legs languidly and broke into a smirk before hanging up.


Forty minutes later, Natalie reached the area of the dock where containers of different colors and sizes were stacked up as tall as high-rise buildings.

Surrounding the giant metal boxes were countless port cranes, and even though they were not active, the steel wire ropes hanging in mid-air were enough to make anyone feel pressured.

Having reached a dark blue container with Zophie's instructions, Natalie lifted her hand to bang on the metal door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

She knocked on the door so hard that the echo of the noise caused her to feel a tightness in her chest.

Not long after the forceful knocking, the container door opened, and a woman in a black leather jacket and pants walked out.

That was the first time Natalie had met Zophie in person.

The latter with exquisite facial features had a high ponytail that perfectly complemented her skintight leather outfit.

Even though Zophie looked stunning, she had her finger ready to pull the trigger of a Browning trained on Natalie's forehead.

“We finally meet, Natalie.” Zophie smiled, but her eyes were filled with hostility. “Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this day?”

“I have what you want, so return the child to me.”

“Do you seriously think you're in a position to negotiate with me?” questioned Zophie rhetorically before gesturing with her Browning. “You and the kid both belong to me now. Neither one of you is getting away.”

Zophie pulled the trigger twice, shooting Natalie's knee and right arm.



Immediately, Natalie collapsed to the ground in pain as fresh blood flowed out of her wounds and pooled under her. “You...”

Casually blowing on the hot muzzle, Zophie slowly approached Natalie.

“I told you that both you and the child are mine. Nobody's leaving,” said Zophie as a glint of malice flashed across her eyes. “You didn't think I was joking, did you? I don't want just the jade key and the kid; I want to make you suffer too!”

Although Zophie was gorgeous, she looked as mad as a hatter when her hatred for Natalie turned her eyes crimson-red.

After kicking Natalie to the floor, Zophie began to search the injured woman for the jade key because she was sure it was somewhere on Natalie.

She was determined to ensure that Natalie died a horrible death as soon as she got her hands on the key.

However, Zophie could not find it no matter where she looked.

“That's impossible!” exclaimed the woman with furrowed eyebrows, refusing to believe that Natalie would come to rescue the last member of the Jankovich family without bringing the jade key she was promised. I'm not giving up! I probably didn't look hard enough. Either that or this b*tch really knows how to hide her stuff!

Still, Zophie got nothing even after searching every inch of Natalie's body.

She was so focused on finding the key that she failed to notice someone approaching her from behind to place the cold tip of their gun against the back of her head.

“What are you looking for, Zophie?” inquired a familiar voice, causing Zophie to doubt her hearing.

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