The Omega For Sale

Chapter 42

“Freya, I think those vegetables are diced enough now, you don’t need to completely murder them.” Christie said and when I raised my eyes to hers there was an amused glint in her eyes that also made me smile.

“I’m just making sure.” I replied.

“Of course. Are you okay?”

“Yes I am, why?” I asked

“You just look a little distracted and you keep blushing at intervals.”

At these words, I blushed. Of course, Christie and her observant eyes would catch on to everything that happens around her.

“Yeah just like that.” She teased and I laughed.

“I don’t know what you’re taking about Christie. I forgot to get some spring onions, I’ll be right back.” I said quickly, rushing towards the kitchen door with the basket in my hands to avoid hearing her response just in case it was a tease again.

I could hear her laughter echo even after I exited the kitchen and the sound made me smile.

The last couple of days have been so wonderful, I felt like I was on a high. From the night that I had gone to the Alpha’s room, it felt like a switch had been flipped and it immersed us both into a new world of pleasures that was simply amazing.

Our Master, slave relationship was still the same during the days maybe even stricter but I didn’t mind because at night it was different. Very different.

My mind had even learnt to adjust to the differences and it all seemed perfect at this point to me.

I knew that I was way ahead of myself, but this had never happened to me before so I was prepared to indulge it for as long as possible even if it all came crashing down soon.

I heard a creak behind me and that was enough to put an end to my reverie and send my heart thrumming at a mile per second and I turned in the direction of the gate at the end of the space.

This garden held bitter sweet memories for me and I generally did not enjoy staying in it alone. It just reminded me too much of the night that Jessy had gone missing but at the same time I had other memories here like my first kiss with the Alpha.

I moved towards the gate and once I was close enough, I noticed that the gate had been left slightly open and my heart constricted in its cage.

Everything in me, screamed at me to go and get the Alpha or at least call someone else and I moved to do exactly that but something caught my attention and it stopped me in my tracks.

Just further from the gate I could see what looked like a familiar band laying on the ground and it looked like the shiny pink material of what resembled a scrunchie.

My legs seemed to move by themselves and soon I was outside the gate. The moment I picked it up, I immediately recognized the item and where I had initially seen it from.

It was Emilia’s.

I frowned at the realization. It could only mean that Emilia had been out here again and it confirmed that she wasn’t only coming into the garden at odd hours but she was also going into the woods.

What could she be looking for out here? And was this hairband enough for me to report her to the Alpha. I wasn’t sure if there were other maids that had the exact same band but I couldn’t be sure.

I slipped the hairband into the pocket of my uniform then entered into the garden again, making sure to lock the door properly, before going back to my abandoned baskets of vegetables.

“I was about to come and get you myself, you took forever.” Christie complained the moment that I slipped back into the kitchen.

There were three other maids in the kitchen, hurdled together in one corner and talking in whispers and their presence made me uncomfortable.

The only maid that I was actually ever comfortable in her presence was Christie, asides her the rest of them were not people I would ever enjoy sitting besides and having conversations with. Maybe I was being biased though.

“I’m sorry about that. I got caught up.” I responded and Christie only eyed me in suspicion but she remained quiet.

“Mommy!” That loud happy squeak could only come from one person and I turned towards the sound with a wide smile on my face.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

That smile was wiped off my face the moment I looked to see Jessy nestled in Cullen’s hands with a large cookie in her hands.

“Hi.” Cullen said softly, giving me a wave with his free hands and that was when I realized that I had been watching him without saying a word for a while now.

I forced the smile back onto my face and returned the small wave that he had given. Watching Jessy carefully as the innocent child continued to munch the cookies in her hands while she remained oblivious to the tension that she was creating in the room.

“Some?” Jessy suddenly asked, shoving the cookie in front of the Beta’s face.

Who in turned laughed, a loud deep bellied sound that was warming to the ears before he was shaking his head.

“No Jessy, that is yours. I told you.” Cullen responded and I smiled the moment Jessy smiled.

I watched silently as Cullen’s eyes roamed around the kitchen and for a moment it felt like the Beta shuffled in discomfort.

The girls at the other end of the room were now silent and had their eyes trained on us, especially Jessy in the Beta’s arms.

Zoe who had also just entered the kitchen and was getting a glass of water had distractingly let the water overflow in the cup as she also had her eyes trained in our direction.

Even Christie that was busy by the stove, preparing dinner kept sneaking glances at us at intervals and with the realization that the entire kitchen had their attention on us, I also shuffled in discomfort.

The only oblivious person in the room was of course my child that was currently only focused on her cookie.

“Can I talk to you for a second in the living area Freya?” Cullen asked, his voice dropping a few tones.

It didn’t exactly matter if he whispered. We were all werewolves in the space and since there was no other noise except the one that came from the boiling on the stove, it wasn’t hard to guess that the entire kitchen could hear him.

I nodded my head in response and the Beta turned around to leave the kitchen with me following closely behind him.

The moment we got into the living area it felt as if I could breathe better and I didn’t even realize the tension that had previously been in the kitchen until I was out of it. Cullen cleared his throat to get my attention and I gave it to him.

“Umm so, the Solace is coming up next month.” Cullen paused and just watched my face. As though expecting a reaction.

I had heard of the Solace before. It was an event that could only be celebrated in the Alpha King’s pack but other packs were usually invited to the celebrations.

Of course, lowly omegas like myself were never given an invitation and so I had no idea what even took place there. I had only heard the stories.

“I was thinking, if you would be willing to come with me for the festival. It’s usually very fun and I think Jessy will have the time her life.” Cullen assured and I perked at the offer.

I didn’t think I was ever going to get an invitation to something as big as this, ever, but here it was! But just as soon as the excitement came, so also did doubt settle in.

I was a maid here, and the mansion had strict rules when it concerned the maids leaving, expect they had permission from the Alpha and it had to be really important before they could get it. Not for trivial matters like wanting to attend the festival.

“I would love to, but I don’t think the Alpha would exactly approve of myself and Jessy leaving the house for the festival.” I replied.

“Leave Greyson to me. I wanted to be sure that you were interested in attending the festival before I actually spoke to him about it, but I’m sure there will be no problem.” Cullen assured and I smiled in response.

“Okay, that’s fi-” I had been about to respond when I heard the throat clearing that came from the grand stairs.

My head whipped in the direction of the sound at the same time that Cullen’s did and I realized for the first time how close we were standing to each other.

I took a step back and when I looked to the grand stairs, I came face to face with what seemed to be the coldest and angriest version of the Alpha that I had ever seen.

His eyes looked like they were trained on me and I squirmed from his angry gaze, averting my eyes and looking to the floor.

“Freya return back to your duties.” The Alpha instructed, in that cold voice of his that I absolutely detested.

And I moved to do as told.

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