The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter Two - No Choice-2



"You do?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes," he said. "I am wondering, however, if there is any way I can persuade you otherwise? You see, as much as you are internally trying to deny it, you and I are mates. This means, from my end, that I have a duty to both protect and provide for you. I cannot do that while you are here and I am there. As an Alpha, I also have obligations to my people which I cannot abandon by staying here. So... I am asking you to willingly come with me tomorrow when I leave." "And if I don't come willingly?" I asked slowly.

"You'll come involuntarily."

"As in...?"

"I'll pick you up and put you on the plane myself," He said.

Well damn.

"It's your choice, of course, which method you prefer," he added.

"This is unbelievable," I said walking away.

He began to follow me closely. "Is that a yes?"

"I haven't decided," I mumbled.

Adam and I returned to our respective groups shortly and everyone turned to stare at us as I walked over to Vega. Adam made his way over to the blond man, who was standing alone and silently watching everyone else. "What did he say to you?" She asked excitedly.

I sighed, kicking the dirt with my boots. "He wants me to go home with him tomorrow."

She gasped and smiled. "Are you going to?"

"I don't really have much of a choice," I groaned.

She gasped. "He's walking over here."

I looked up from the ground to see him walking over to us and Mr. Chandler spoke up.

"Alpha Superior Deveraux, if you need someplace to stay tonight, you are more than welcome to stay with my family and I."

"I have somewhere to stay, thank you, though," Adam said. He turned to me. "Follow me."

He began to walk away and I ran after him.

"Wait!" I yelled.noveldrama

He stopped and turned to me.

"I'm not staying with you tonight," I said.

"Are you forgetting what your father told you?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "I'm staying with Vega."

Before he could say anything, I continued. "I need the time to say goodbye."

He thought about it for a moment and nodded. "I'll pick you up in the morning."

I nodded and turned back to walk away.


I looked back at him.

"Don't do anything stupid before then," he warned, adding a wink.

The ride home was silent.

I knew my dad was mad at me, but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. It wasn't like I could help the fact that I had found a mate in a man who was an Alpha Superior and basically a king among our people. I tried not to think about that last part too hard.

We dropped my dad back off at his firm. He said nothing as he slammed the door after he got out. I watched him stomp over to his car angrily as we pulled away.

"Are you okay back there, Evie?" Mr. Chandler asked.

"Yeah," I said softly. "I'm fine."

I caught his eye in the rearview mirror and caught his sympathetic gaze. Vega put her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"Things are going to be better for you now," she said. I just shook my head.

I wasn't so sure about that.

When we pulled into the Chandlers driveway, Mrs. Chandler came running out in her dressing gown.

"You couldn't have at least called?" She asked, her hands on her hips.

Mr. Chandler smiled. "There isn't much service in The Valley, honey. Besides, I think you needed to hear this in person. Why don't we make some tea for Vega and Evie. They need to warm up." She nodded and took Vega and I inside with her hands around our shoulders.

We had all sat down next to the fireplace with steaming cups of tea before Mrs. Chandler began prodding for answers.

"Well...? What happened?" She asked.

Mr. Chandler looked at me. "We met some, uh, interesting people tonight. Don't you agree, Evie?"

Vega nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows. I just stared down into my cup of tea.

"I'm not getting it, people," Mrs. Chandler said. "What happened?"

Mr. Chandler began to tell her the story. When he got to the part where we met Adam, he stopped and looked at me. "And... He's my mate," I sighed.

I hated how good it felt to say that.

Mrs. Chandler gasped and Mr. Chandler hushed her. "You're going to wake up the boys and it's almost midnight," he said.

She put her hand up to silence him, all the while still looking at me.

"Darling that's wonderful," she said smiling. "Aren't you happy?"

It was my turn to shrug. "I guess so."


"He's making me leave with him tomorrow," I said.

Her smile fell. "Can't you ask him for more time?"

"He has to get back to his pack," I said shaking my head. "There really isn't a way out of this. I tried telling him I had school, but... It didn't really work."

"Well, you wanted to take classes online anyway," she reasoned. "Although I don't appreciate how selfish he's being, taking you away from people who love you so suddenly and all." I smiled.

At least someone would miss me.

As we headed to bed, I opened the door to the guest bedroom, a place I slept frequently. Vega stopped me from walking in.

"Do you wanna sleep downstairs in the living room like we used to?" She asked.

I smiled. "Sure."

We headed downstairs, made our spots on the couches, and laid down, watching the fire die.

"I'll miss you," she said, finally.

"I'll miss you too."

"Do you think you'll ever come back?" She asked..

I rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. "I certainly hope so. You have to come and visit me, though. Wherever I end up going..."

"I will," she assured me. "How do you think your mom took the news?"

I sighed. "There's no telling."

It was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. "I have a feeling that things will be great for you with him."

I swallowed hard.

I certainly hope so.

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