“Stop looking Bibi.” Laura whispered to me, but I couldn’t help it. I was suprised whenever I had the opportunity to look at him. Suprised at how sad he always looked these days. Most of all, suprised about his actual feelings towards Laura. “Christ! Bibi that’s embarrassing.” Laura whispered once more and I rolled my eyes.

“For God’s sake, he doesn’t even notice I’m looking. He’s so caught up in his thoughts, that he doesn’t.”

“Hmmm.” Laura mumbled, looking at the meal in front of her. It had been a month since she had stopped working under Ricardo and so far, she had given the man such a tough time. Initially, I was very pleased she was finally standing up to him and putting him in his place, until he had asked to privately speak with me yesterday, and I reluctantly agreed.

It’s safe to say that after our conversation, my heart melted a bit. I wasn’t commending him for all the wrong things he had done to Laura, but then, I could clearly see the love for her in his eyes. The man was undoubtedly in love with my friend. Had actually been for years, but had a wrong way of handling it. Now, Laura couldn’t even stand the sight of him anymore. I didn’t blame her though. That would have been anyone’s reaction to all of that. But I also noticed that beneath all the anger and alleged hatred she felt for him, there was softness. Whenever Laura spoke about him, her eyes held a lot of emotions. Some of those emotions weren’t ones I recognized as anger or hate. I knew Laura fancied Ricardo too, but didn’t realize it yet. I guess a whole lot of emotions were coming at her at once, and she couldn’t really say which was which. The most prevalent emotion was clearly anger, and she that was what she had decided to act on squarely.

For the past month since she had been reallocated a new duty post and started working in Federico’s unit, it was safe to say that they were getting closer.

“So you were at Federico’s yesterday?” I asked, and she looked up at me in suprise.

“I was just about to tell you. How did you know?”

“Well, I do not follow him on Instagram, but a lot of the employees here do. He had posted you on his story last night. At this rate, I feel you both may have started dating in the imaginations of the workers, before you really start dating in reality.” I chuckled and she tried to join in. “Are you okay?”

“Well….” She sighed, looking at the tables besides ours, to be sure no one was listening in on our conversation. “Federico is a really sweet guy. He is caring and truly loving. But then, I don’t just seem to like him that way…..” She trailed off, eyeing me closely to see if I understood what she was trying to say. And I did.

“Then stop leading him on.” I muttered. “It’s really painful to be deceived by someone you love.”

“But I’m not deceiving him!” She yelled, before looking around us and giving a weird smile to the workers who looked at her. “Sorry.” She muttered, then turned to me. “I’m not leading him on.” She whispered. “I already told him I didn’t feel that way about him, and he insisted he was patient enough to wait for my feelings to grow.”

“Ohhh…” I released a deep breathe.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Laura.” Laura and I both looked up to see Federico smiling at us. Thankfully, he didn’t look like he had heard a word we spoke before he showed up.

“Rico.” She smiled at him and put her small hand into his large palm that he held out to her. “How are you?”

“Just as fine as I was last night.” He grinned and she smiled shyly. Wait a minute!! Did something happen between them last night? I was still thinking to myself when he stretched out his other hand and arranged some scattered hairs behind her ear. Jeezzz… this man was the extremely cheesy type. Everyone in the company would definitely think they were dating already. “You wore your lenses today?” He asked in suprise and she giggled.

“For the very first time. Does it look good?” She asked.

“Totally.” I replied before he could. When I had learned Federico had gotten Laura a pair of contact lenses and a blue light protection glass, I felt he was really thoughtful. Just then, my eyes locked with Ricardo’s and for a moment, I could swear I saw tears in his eyes. The next second, he stood up from where he had been sitting and walked out of the cafteria. Shoot me.

For some reason, I was felt extremely sorry for him. Poor Ricardo. Not only had Laura literally banned him from coming anywhere close to her, his mom had been silent on him for weeks now. I didn’t pay so much attention to Laura and Federico’s conversation from then onwards, as I patiently waited for Federico to leave us. After a few talks between them, he finally gave me a wave and walked away.

“Do you actually hate Ricardo now?” I suddenly asked, making her frown slightly.

“Do you actually hate Manuel now?” She replied in a sarcastic tone, making me burst out in laughter.

“Christ! I never realized you were so impossible Laura. Where has this stubborn and spirited woman been all along?”

“She had been supressed beneath Ricardo.” She spat dryly, making me sigh.

“Laura, you have every right to be mad. But then, I wouldn’t be your friend if I don’t tell you what’s best for you.”

“And what’s best for me?” She calmly asked, looking down at the remaining food she was unable to finish.

“You have to let go. Don’t let your rage swallow you. I know that after years of being oppressed by him, and finally feeling that freedom and confidence that comes with standing up for yourself, you are careful and scared to not want to lose it. To not want to suddenly seem weak and go back to being oppressed again. And this is coming from a girl like you, who suffered from bullying. Ricardo is your family. I’m not asking you to run into his arms, but forgive him atleast. I’m sure you haven’t even listened to all the explanations he has to give you yet. All you just know is how much of a dickhead he has been to you, without knowing his reason behind such actions.”

“Have you been speaking to Ricardo?” She looked at me in an accusatory manner. Disappointment written all over her features.

“Yes. Once. Yesterday.” I sighed, expecting her to lash out towards me. “Buttt…. before you start to yell at me, I want you to know that there is no valid reason as to why anyone should be bullied. I just feel you would be able to find the closure you need when you both talk. There’s a lot of decisions you have to make regarding your family. Are you really keen on moving out and leaving Madame Beatriz alone? You told me about her intent to adopt you. You’d only be breaking her heart if you really go. And you’d also make it difficult for her to forgive Ricardo.”

“I know.” She swallowed, trying to fight back the tears that were brimming in her eyes. “It’s all so much to take in at once. Her adoption plans, Ricardo’s unexpected kiss, leaving his side as his personal assistant, Federico. My life is…. it’s all happening so fast and I can’t think straight. But why would he kiss me?”

“You mean Ricardo?”

“Who else ever has?” She rolled her eyes, chuckling.

“But….” I paused, trying to tidy my thoughts. “But you have kissed Federico right?” I asked, unsure. She shyly shook her head ‘no’ and I released a sigh.

“He had wanted to last night, but I just… it just wasn’t working on my part.”

“Lauraaa….. You really do have a lot on your mind. And in regards to your question, Ricardo certainly kissed you because he likes you. He loves you. You never really gave him the opportunity to let you know why.”

“That’s preposterous. Was that what he told you yesterday? Infact, what did you both speak about?”

“I’m sorry love, but I can’t tell. It is not in my place to say anything to you, after you had gone a whole month without speaking to him. Also, there are probably a lot more he would want to say to your face, asides the things he told me. Ricardo is slowly finding his way back to being a good man. Atleast, our discussion yesterday assured me of that. Your silence and distance would only make things worse for him. All he just wants now, is to know that you have forgiven him. And I’m sure you would need the closure that comes with speaking to him too. You can’t just decide to leave their house and detach yourself from his family. Asides him, the rest of his family has always cared for you. Would you seriously throw all that away?”

“Bianca I…”

“I’m not asking you to speak with him immediately. Take your time. But you have to talk with him eventually.” I was glad when she meekly nodded at me and held my hand over the table. I was thankful she wasn’t taking my words wrongly.

“How’s Anthonio?” She suddenly asked, making me blush furiously.

“He’s good!” I grinned. In all honesty, I was really happy. I had contacted him the very day I had gotten back home from Moscow and apparently, he had been trying to get across to me all those weeks. He had even gone as far as randomly visiting my boss and asking about me, only to be told that I had traveled on a business trip. I was grateful that my boss had refrained from telling him the actual truth. I know it’s just been a month, but I’ve been really happy. Things were going on a bit too fast between us, but I didn’t mind. One thing I had come to realize with Anthonio, was the fact that he was a man that knew what he wanted. He wasn’t going to play with my heart, so I ought to do the same. I wanted to just start afresh with him, and forget that I had spent 3 whole weeks on an island with his cousin who disvirgined me.

Arrggghh!! It sounded more complicated than I would have liked, but there was nothing I could do about it. Anthonio had spiked my interest and I couldn’t push him away just because I had a tryst with his cousin that was currently planning on getting married. His cousin who hadn’t made a move to reach out to me for over a month. He probably wouldn’t even remember my name anymore, so why should I care?

“You seem really happy Bibi, and I’m glad.” She smiled sadly. Why did I see a ‘but’ coming next? “But….” Oh God, I was right after all.

“But what now?” I sighed.

“You realize the family tie between those two, right? Bianca, they are cousins! And I just hope you aren’t trying to get over Manuel by using Anthonio?”

“What am I supposed to do, Laura? Keep pining over a man that may be way above my league, but undeserving of me?”

“God! Bibi that’s not what I’m trying to say.” She squeezed my hand that was still holding hers. “All I’m saying is that…. Are you sure you really want Anthonio? He seems like someone who is quite intentional about you. Atleast, from the little I can see, he truly cares about you. It would be wrong to toy with his feelings, simply because you are trying to get over his cousin.”

“That is the point Laura! I never for once believed I was going to be able to start getting over Manuel so soon. But Anthonio seems to be making that possible. Atleast these days I can go a whole day, and think about Manuel only once. Before, it used be at every hour of the day.” I chuckled. “And I’m sorry if I sound selfish, but I wouldn’t push away the only man that made it possible. Moreover, I would seem more weak and stupid to keep loving Manuel even after all that happened between us. I know I have not completely gotten over him, but I’m getting there. And that’s only because of Anthonio’s presence. Moreover, my parents really seem to like him as well.”

“What?” Laura whispered, looking at me in disbelief and excitement. “He met your parents already? And you didn’t tell me? When was that? You both are yet to officially start dating.”

“It was just yesterday.” I chuckled. “As usual, he had picked me from work and taken me home. So papa insisted on meeting this particular cab driver I had been consistently using for a couple of weeks now.” I chuckled and Laura joined in. “Papa invited him for dinner, which he obliged. He spoke with my parents, and I was proud Laura. Anthonio is such a soft spoken and wise man. My papa liked him immediately. Mama did too, but she wasn’t as excited as papa.”

“Hmmm. I hope your mama is truly cool with you and Anthonio. She seems to me like the kind that would be happier.”

“You’re right Laura. I could see she was happy, but truly not as much as I had expected, considering Anthonio is the first man I have ever brought home. She probably still can’t believe how much I’ve grown.” I chuckled. That was probably it.

“Maybe.” Laura smiled. “I hope you and Anthonio make things official soon. He makes you happy and that is all that matters.”

“Hmmm.” I smiled, before looking at my wristwatch. “I think I have to head back to the office now.” I sighed. “Remember that meeting I have to attend with my boss today?”

“Yeah, you mentioned.” Laura nodded. “What is it even about?”

“I’m not sure. He hasn’t really said much about it, but I guess I would know in due time.” I stood up from my seat, Laura doing the same. We both walked out of the cafteria, waving at each other as we made our separate ways to our offices. The moment I got in, my boss was stepping out of his office with a file in his hands.

“Perfect! You’re back already. Let’s go.” He said.

“Okay sir. For the meeting?” I asked, trying to be sure, and he nodded. I quickly rushed to my desk where I picked up my bag, phone, and notepad. “We’re good.” I grinned and he smiled back. Ever since I returned from Moscow, my relationship with my boss had gotten more informal. We normally had other conversations that didn’t neccesarily relate to work, and he smiled at me more often.

Another good thing was the fact that within the past month, he had personally introduced me to a few men and women in the high places. I knew that he wasn’t just doing that because he felt like it, but I didn’t question him though.

We had gotten into his car that afternoon, and the driver took us to a grand looking hotel. On the highest floor of the building was written ‘RUSSO’ in such bold letters. These people were extremely rich.

“Who are we here to see?” I asked the moment we alighted the car and he flashed me another smile.

“You finally ask. We are here to see my Nonno.”

“What?” I choked out, my body running cold. What did he just say? I was coming to see the actual head of Russo, and I was so unprepared?!!

“God, you should have told me.” I sighed, looking at my dress. That was a reflex action.

“Calm down Bianca. You are fine.” He muttered.

“But what’s happening? Why am I going to see your grandpapa?” I asked, truly at loss.

“Do you remember the conversation we both had before traveling for the ANAN conference?”

“What about?”

“You having potentials, and me wanting to help you harness them?”

“Yes?” I replied, not sure where this was headed.

“Well, we just started your journey to greatness.” He grinned. I could collapse the next minute. It was really happening!

“And you didn’t inform me on time.” I cried out, making him laugh.

“Bianca don’t be a baby. Come on. My Nonna is not a busy man, but doesn’t like to waste his time either.” He said and started walking ahead of me. I diligently followed behind.

“But I thought your Nonno lived in Sicily?”

“Yeah. He does live in Sicily, but comes down to Milan every once in a while.” He nodded. “Currently, he is around to take care of a few businesses. So I said to myself, what better time than now, to introduce you both and get your new project running.”

“Wait!” I raised my hand and he turned to look at me. “Does this mean that I stop being your assistant?” To be honest, I was a bit bothered. I had grown too accustomed to working for my boss and now, it was weird to suddenly stop working for him.

“But Bianca, that was the initial plan, not so? To bring out those potentials in you. You are worth more than being an assistant. But not to worry though. You wouldn’t stop working for me until the project is in full motion. You would also be needing my guide through it all as well, so it’s as good as still being your boss.”

“That sounds much better.” I sighed as we stepped into the elevator together. By the time we had gotten to the roof top, I inhaled deeply and stood beside as my boss pressed the door bell. After a while, an elderly looking lady opened the door and greeted us.

“Welcome sir, madam. Please come in.” She ushered us in and we sat on one of the long sofas. We had waited for a few minutes before by boss excused himself to use the restroom. He hadn’t been gone for up to 30 seconds when an advanced aged man walked up to me. I hadn’t even noticed his presence until I heard him clear his throat. It was then that I looked up at him. He seemed to have been suprised for a moment.

“Bellissima.” He smiled so warmly. “What is your name?” It was then that I suddenly realized who he most certainly was. He oozed of power and wealth.

“Good afternoon sir. My name is Bianca.” I rushed out, standing up in show of respect. Why did he have to show up now of all times, when his grandson wasn’t here? I was extremely tensed.

“Hmmm.” He nodded, taking a seat on the sofa and signaling me to join him. “Bianca you are beautiful. And you have an eyes that is quite familiar to me.” He said, looking lost in his thoughts for a moment. His eyes were sad and it made me bad for him.

“Really?” I smiled, trying to influence his mood, and it seemed to work.

“I like your smile too.” He added. “I suppose you are here to see Alexander’s Nonno huh?” Wait…. He wasn’t Mr Russo? Then who was he?

“What do you do for Alexander?”

“I am his personal assistant.” I managed a smile, gradually getting used to his presence.

“He sings quite the praises about you to his Nonno. I hope you won’t disappoint.”

“He does?” I asked in suprise and he nodded.

“Yes, he does.”

“Then who are you?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound to forward or rude. He was about answering my question when he got interrupted.

“Ahhh!!” I looked up to see my boss walking towards us and smiling. “Bianca, I can see you have gotten…”

“Alexander, my boy.” He interjected Alexander. “Your personal assistant is really pretty. It’s my first time seeing such a hair colour. I’m sure your Nonno would like her.”

“My Nonno?” My boss asked, looking a bit confused.

“But of course. Isn’t he the one you have brought her to meet?” It took a while for my boss to reply.

“Yes, he is.”

“I thought as much!” He grinned. “He is currently not around.” Ohhh. So I probably may not be able to see him today then. “Not to worry dear, he would return soon. By the way, my name is Emilio. I’m a friend of Alexander’s Nonno.” Emilio? Why did that name sound….? That was it! Emilio Russo. Emilio Russo is the name of Mr Alexander’s Nonno.

“You both bear the same name?” I asked.

“Yes, we do. He is Emilio Russo, and I’m Emilio Powers. I own Powers oil and gas.” Really? I had seen a few paper works about Powers on my boss’s desk before. Though I’ve never really handled any of it. So he was the CEO of Powers? Nice. “So my dear miss, would you love me to keep you company until my friend returns?”

“Absolutely.” I smiled, already liking the jolly old man.

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