Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 0070 ASHANTI’S POV Alpha Reagan is kissing me. He has stolen my breath away. Completely. Totally. I am a leaf waiting to be blown away by the least breeze that will blow. He’s on my body, his chest is pressed against my breasts in the most gentle way, his left hand slicked around my neck, holding my head in position while his right palm is flattened on the bed to support his weight so he doesn’t crush me with his body. He’s kissing me like his life depends on it and I’m kissing him back with all my might. His tongue is digging deep into my mouth, exploring every inch of it. His lips are gliding over mine in fluid motion, claiming me. It’s like he’s sending me a message. Telling me I belong to him. My eyes are closed as I savour every inch of his kiss. This kiss is everything. It’s electrifying, satisfying and perfect. I’ve never shared anything like this with anybody. Not even with Conrad. I can’t breathe. My breath hitches in my throat when his lips leave mind and he plants a wet kiss on my neck. I moan. Chapter 0070 “Ashanti.” His low and husky voice calls my name. My eyes snap open and meet with his. They are a dark shade of brown, somewhere between chocolate and brown. I drown in their charm. “Alpha Reagan.” I reply with a raspy voice. He gives me a tender look that makes my body heat up. I admit with shame that right now I’m aroused. I am h**y and I want him to take off my clothes and f**k me. I long to be held in his big hands, for his lips to kiss every freaking part of body. I long for his **k to thrust in and out of me. I long for him to make me c**m.

Fire consumes me as he rakes his eyes over my body. The desire I see in them only makes me hotter and I almost tell him to do it. The words are on the tip of my tongue. I only have to open my mouth and they’ll be out, but I hold myself back. Disappointment washes over me when he lifts his body off of mine and lays on the bed next to me. I abruptly turn to face him. “Is something wrong?” I ask, worried. He calmly shakes his head as he looks at me. My eyes follow him as he rises to sit upright. I do same. “Then why did you stop?” “Because I remembered something.” My brows furrow. “What did you remember?” “That I picked out a movie for us to watch tonight.” The sudden change of subject throws my mind in a +15 BONOS Chapter 0070 frenzy. My brows furrow even more as I tilt my head to the side, giving him a shocking gaze. “What?” “Yeah. I uh…” He glides over to the edge of the bed and steps down. I’m still in shock when he turns to look at me. “Do you watch horror?” He asks out of nowhere. He really is changing the topic. Embarrassment envelopes me like a piece of paper. My face turns red with shame. I can’t believe he made me harbour all those dirty thoughts about him, only to crush them like this. I’m lucky I did not tell him what was on my mind. I would have embarrassed myself big time. “Alpha Reagan. I… I’m sorry to say this but, I don’t understand what’s going on.” “What don’t you understand about me picking out a movie for us?” “I… I thought we were going to have sex.” I finally let out the words. He rakes his fingers through his hair and exhales heavily. I’m looking up at him like an idiot. “Ashanti, I didn’t invite you over to have sex with you.” You’ve got to be kidding me! “What?” I croak. “I mean, I thought that’s what you do with all the girls you invite over. Why then. did

you invite me?” Chapter 0070 “To spend quality time with you.” “Quality time with me?” I cannot believe what I’m hearing. “Yeah.” He puts on his flip-flops and gestures me to rise from the bed. “Come check out the movies I picked for us.” Then he walks to the sitting area where the TV is stationed. Right now I want to crawl into a hole and die! Talk about crushing one’s expectations. He invited me over to watch movies with him. To f**g watch movies with him! He should’ve said so earlier. He should not have kissed me and gotten me aroused only to leave me like this. What the hell! “Are you okay?” He asks when I join him and I want, to scream “No” to his face. Even smack him. I want to ask him to take me back to that bed and f**k me, but I know better than to say of those things. Shame and regret will really stab me with thirty swords if I dare. So I flash him a tight smile and nod. “I’m perfect.” I mumble and lower myself on the sofa by his side, and watch in awe as he manipulates the TV with the remote control. Goosebumps appear all over my body when he holds my arms and gently pulls me into his hold.

We’re like a highschool couple on their first date. He wasn’t playing. We spend the rest of the night watching horror movies and nothing else.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

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