Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 0057 ASHANTI’S POV. “I can’t have you…” That phrase now lives rent free in my head. I’m trying to decode its meaning. I’m trying to understand what made Delta Kyle say that, but nothing makes sense. I would ask Tessa, but knowing how her mind works, she’ll only try to romanticise the phrase, so I’d rather keep it to myself. Maybe it was a slip of the tongue. Maybe I heard wrong. Either way, I should better stop thinking about a phrase which definitely has no meaning and find a way to satisfy this hunger in my stomach and the thirst in my throat. I can only do that by going to the cafeteria to have dinner and that makes my mood turn sour because of the mockery I’m going to be getting from the girls the moment I walk in. I should have said yes to Delta Kyle when he offered to buy me dinner. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid Ashanti! “What the hell is wrong with me?” I mumble in frustration as I make my way to the cafeteria. My intestines are at war with each other. I’m so thirsty, I could dry up a waterfall right now. As expected, all eyes are on me as I walk in, but their reactions are different. I imagined they’d throw scornful words at me or even try to hit me, but everyone bursts into laughter, some even point at me as I go over to take my food. “She definitely has no idea what’s going on.” I overhear one of them telling another. “She’s going to be shocked when they come for her.” “Serves her right. She deserves to be treated like the whore she is!” I ignore them as best as I can as I get my food. Tessa is nowhere to be found, meaning she hasn’t come to have dinner yet. The mockery and laughter goes on as I sit down to eat my food. This is the last time I’ll reject any offer concerning food made to me by Delta Kyle or anyone. Being around these girls during meal time is depressing. I look around at their laughing faces and I can’t help but feel it’s not about the boyfriend issue.

“She’s going to be shocked when they come for her.” That’s the statement one of them made a while ago. Was she referring to me? If she was, who’s going to come for me? And why? I have a bad feeling about this. “Yo Ashanti!” One girl calls, but I don’t turn to look at her. The next thing I hear is the sound of chairs screeching on the floor and footsteps approaching my table.

They are coming for me. I take a scoop of my soup and drink half the litre of water in front of me so that even if my dinner ends. right now, I must have quenched my thirst. “Boyfriend snatcher.” A familiar voice calls. The girl pulls the chair across from me and sits on it. I back away when she leans closer to me. “Was it good? I mean sex with your sister’s boyfriend.” My eyes meet hers. I roll them and look back at my plate, completely ignoring her. “Her guilt makes her beyond speechless.” “Did he **k you well? Is that why you went back for more?” She sneers. I keep ignoring as I ride on with my meal despite the anger that’s boiling in my heart. I have my left hand planted between my thighs and right hand grabbing my spoon tighter than it should because I’m trying to curb my anger. If I let it out, I’ll deform this girl’s face with a punch and that will mean more trouble for me. She’s not worth it. I meet her gaze again and this time around, I smile.. “No comment.” She bursts into a loud hysterical laughter. “Of course you have nothing to say. You…” “Ashanti!” An angry voice calls my name. Only one person in this entire pack calls me with such anger and indignation and that person is no other than Alina. I turn to look in the direction of the voice, expecting to see Alina marching towards, but to my greatest shock, it’s Ma’am Lisa and she’s fuming.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ma’am Lisa.” I call silently, rising to my feet. She’s still angrily walking towards me and when she’s finally close, she raises her hand in the air and gives me a hard smack on my right cheek. The impact of the smack tilts my head to the left and my hair scatters all over my face, darkening my view, but I quickly push the hair strands away from my face and look at her in bewilderment. “How dare you!” She sneers. Her chest is rising and falling significantly as she lets out short, fast, heavy breaths. Her eyes turned yellow. She’s p**d. What the hell have I done this time around? “Ma’am Lisa…” “How dare you try to downgrade me in the eyes of the Beta!” “Ma’am Lisa I have no idea what you are talking about.” Immediately, a girl walks over to the table with a medium sized box in her hand. It’s the same box I delivered at the Beta’s chambers a while ago. She empties the contents of the box on the table and my breath seizes when I see what spills out from it. D**s of different sizes ranging from small to enormous. Vibrators of different types and colours. Packs and packs of condoms.

Lubricants. Every kinky s**y you can ever imagine. My soul walks out of my body, leaving my flesh to deal with the problem on its own. My face goes pale as I look back at Lisa who is fuming at me. “I swear I had no idea these were the contents of the box.” I’m shaking my head and my hands. before her. The girls are giggling among each other and I’m not surprised. They are definitely enjoying the show. “You dare try to lie your way out of this? Did you or did you not deliver this package at the Beta’s chambers in my name?”

“I did but… but… Wendy…” My eyes fly around, searching for Wendy but she’s nowhere to be found. “Wendy brought it to me this evening and told me you said to deliver it at the Beta’s chambers. I swear that’s what happened.” My lips are trembling as I narrate to her what happened. My nervous system is about to crash like a faulty plane. My heart is beating so fast, I wonder why it’s still working. This is not good. “Ma’am Lisa you have to believe me.” I’m on my feet as I beg her. “Please I had nothing to do with this.” “Quit with the lies telling young lady! Now, not only have you messed with me, but with the Beta too. You are in big trouble. Follow me. You have to explain yourself to the Beta right now!” Hot tears run down my cheeks as she grabs my wrist and starts pulling me out of the cafeteria. The girls erupt in loud laughter as I’m being dragged out and my eyes meet with Rhea’s. She’s sitting on the same table with Alina and they both high five each. other and wave goodbye to me. “She’s going to be shocked when they come for her.” Now that statement makes sense to me. This was their plan. They set me up.

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