The Lycan King’s Breeder

Took it

Chapter 18: Avalyn’s POV

Her elegant dress made low kissing sounds as she moved closer to me. Each step drained me of a pant of blood.

She got to my bed and sat down graciously. I pushed down the urge to shift further into the bed. This woman scared me in every way. I felt like I was looking at death when I was in her presence.

“Avalyn, I believe we started on the wrong foot,” she said with her voice ever so smooth and soothing -but not in a good way.

I opened my mouth to speak but it closed up again like a fish out of water. What response should I give a queen that wanted nothing more but to kill me?

Her blue eyes pierced into mine and I could feel a shilling cold spread down my body as I stared back at her.

She brought her hand together on her lap and let out a soft sigh -ever so graciously.

“You are only a simple human girl…” She began. “I should not have scared you, the way I did the last time for that might affect your hormones, and getting pregnant might become a problem…”

I blinked hard as my brain tried to process what she was saying. Was she apologizing or was she putting me in my place?

I swallowed the saliva that had gathered in my mouth and tried to keep my body as still as possible as she spoke.

“My husband, the King, is getting stressed out. I would not want him to get frustrated with you… Do you understand what I am trying to say?” She asked and I felt like a gazelle caught under the headlight of a truck.

“Umm-umm…” I mumbled like a controlled machine.

She adjusted her position on the bed and her beautiful dark dress protested lazily. “You need to get pregnant as soon as possible. The King needs an heir. The pack is troubled. There is no time,” she said.

Again, I gulped down my saliva and tried not to stare directly into her eyes.

She pulled her hands to her face and observed the filed nails. They looked like painted claws. Pretty on the surface but dangerously sharp.

“I am happy Sara and that girl… Have taken their time to clean you up. The king is easily turned off by pests,” She said and I fought back the urge to look down at myself.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Did I look dirty? I just took a bath…

Her piercing eyes moved to my hair and then lingered over my body like an examination. “I must admit, you are bearable. As long as you don’t do anything human-related… He won’t hurt you…”

Anything Human related? What did that even mean?

The thoughts were all over my head but I dared not even open my mouth to question her.

“Your task is to get pregnant fast. Do you understand, Avalyn?” She asked.

This time, I felt the air in the room shift and my throat constricted in fear. I opened my mouth to speak but my teeth chattered as the cold air hit my very bone.

“Umm…” I mumbled.

She corked her head to the side and her eyes turned into slits. An involuntary hiccup escaped my lips and I quickly covered my mouth.

“Human girl, use your words when I ask a question…” She whispered in a voice so cold my ears hurt.

“Y-yes… I understand…” I stuttered.

Her face brightened up into a smile and before I could comprehend the shift in her mood, she clapped her hands and the room burst open. This time I couldn’t stop my body from scampering further into the bed.

Two maids came into the room, each holding a box in their hand. They stepped toward her and bowed their heads at her.

“Avalyn, I brought you gifts for your womb…” She said and the maids as if in synchrony moved toward me and placed the boxes on the bed.

They turned and bowed their heads at her once again, before exiting the room, leaving me with the ice queen.

She sat there just watching me like a cat observing a scared little mouse before pouncing on them. My heart was beating so fast I feared she could hear them.

Who was I kidding, she could hear me -werewolves had the hearing of elephants.

Could she read my mind too?

My face turned pale at the thought and my eyes almost fell out of their sockets when she smiled that cruel evil smile she possessed.

The kissing sounds of the fabric of her dress filled the room before I saw her get on her feet. “I shall be leaving now, if there is anything at all that you need, do not hesitate to tell me,” she said and then flashed me a tight-lipped smile before turning graciously away from me.

The door opened for her and I thought it was one of her maids that did it before I heard Dawn’s voice.

“Apologies my Queen, I didn’t know you were here…” She said with her head lowered.

She stared at her with her icy blue eyes from head to toe before she turned away.

“Luna…” I heard someone else’s voice and I strained my neck to see who it was but the maids were covering him up.

“Beta,” the queen replied and I could have sworn I heard her hiss before she walked away.

Her maids followed behind her and Dawn slowly got into the room.

“Are you okay?” Dawn asked the moment she stepped in.

I still didn’t feel comfortable enough to speak because there was someone outside with her. Before I could ask, his shadow filled the room and my brain chose that moment to recognize his voice. It was Greg.

“Hello, Mr. Greg,” I said, relaxing my hold on the bed sheet -I didn’t even realize I was holding onto it until he stepped in.

His face pinched into a frown and from the corners of my eyes, I saw Dawn struggle to keep a straight face.

“How are you feeling?” He asked instead -the look on his face earlier didn’t imply this sort of question.

I opened my mouth to speak but my eyes fall on the boxes the Queen’s maids placed on my bed earlier.

“I… Umm… I am fine,” I squeaked as I wondered what they were.

He noticed what I was staring at and stepped forward to it. He picked one up and read its content.

His face slowly turned dark as he read the content again. “Dawn,” he thundered and she stepped forward at once.

“Yes, Beta!” She squeaked seeing the seriousness on his face.

He passed the boxes to her. “Go to Sara and make sure she approves of any drug or supplement that comes to Avalyn. Understood?”

“Yes, I do!” She nodded before turning away to leave.

A cloud of confusion sat on my face as I wondered what was going on. The queen brought those boxes. She claimed they were gifts for my womb and Greg sent them to Sara… Could he do that?

Wasn’t the Queen like the second in command around here? Besides, I didn’t want to get into trouble with her. What if she came back and asked for the boxes? What would I tell her then?

“Mr. Greg,” I started but paused as his face pinched into another frown. But I swallowed my fears and continued. “Dawn will bring back those boxes, right?”

His eyes narrowed and he looked deep into my eyes.

“If Sara finds it bad for your intake, then you won’t be seeing them again.”

My heart jumped to my throat as I realized this was going to be a problem. “But, what… What-If she comes and asks about it?” I stammered.

On one end, I didn’t want to anger him and on the other, I also didn’t want to anger the Queen.

“Tell her that I took it away,” He growled.

My body trembled at the tone of his voice. He noticed this and let out a sigh. He walked closer to the bed and sat down on the edge.

“Avalyn, you don’t have to worry about the Luna. She knows she shouldn’t bring anything that can jeopardize your health without consulting Sara…” He explained.

But what if she had already consulted Sara? I thought but I dared not ask this.

Greg let out another sigh and turned to look into space. “I see you have settled in well in your new room…”

I nodded but then remembered that he wasn’t looking in my direction. So I replied with words. “Yes, I have. Thank you.”

Then he turned to me with a small smile. “Dawn tells me you love reading?”

My cheeks heated and I dropped my head to my fingers as I started pulling at them. “Yes, I do.”

“You have permission to go to the library whenever you want but make sure you are always with Dawn not alone, understood?”

My eyes flashed to meet him and my face broke into an excited smile. I couldn’t wait to go there.

“Yes! I do. Thank you so much!”

“As for the garden, the King doesn’t want you stepping out yet. Until he finds you worthy,” he said and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I could almost forget the king even existed until someone brought him up like right now.

Greg got up after that and headed to the door. “I should return to work now. Dawn will be back soon. Make sure you get enough rest,” he said.

“Thank you Mr. Greg for everything…”

He paused at the door. His shoulders were tense and I became confused. Did he just have a problem with my gratitude or was there something wrong?

Maybe werewolves weren’t fond of apologies or thank you. Dawn had also complained about it.

Suddenly he left the doorknob and turned to me. “Avalyn,” he called and I perked up.

“Yes…” My heart skipped another beat at his tone as I wondered what he wanted to say.

“Do not call me Mr. Greg. Just Greg is fine…” He said with a tight smile on his lips.

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