The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 30


I just finished up my call with the elders as I let out a deep sigh and rubbed my palms up and down my face. I was f*****g exhausted..but there was no way I could sleep now. Not when Rowan is missing and Mila is on the verge of a mental breakdown.

The Elders sent a few warriors over to Howling Cave, Ozzy’s supposed pack, and we had a few of our men checking it out as well.. It’s not looking too good. So far from what we have gathered..Alpha Ozzy obviously isn’t who he said he was, but the question that we have now is what happened to the real Alpha Ozzy? Because the man I spoke to over the phone months they somehow sounded similar..they were in no way the same man. Elder Nicolas believes Ozzy infiltrated Howling Cave and killed the real Alpha..taking his identity. It would explain why the pack was afraid of him and didn’t speak without permission.

“F**k.” I cursed before slamming my hand down on the desk. How did this did we walk right into this man’s trap. I felt like an i***t and now my brother was paying the price for my mistake.

‘Blake, we have a situation. We need you in the interrogation room’s Mila.’

Tristan linked me hastily and I sprung to my feet, racing out the door and trying to get there as fast as possible. Oh goddess..what is wrong with Mila?! Don’t tell can’t be that.

My mind went to the worst-case scenario…if they kill Rowan then there is a high chance Mila won’t survive it..her heart won’t be able to handle their bond breaking.

s**t, please don’t be that..please no. I raced pasts the guards as they let me through without hesitation and I could smell the b***d from here.

I slid in front of the glass room, my chest rising and falling erratically as I tried to piece together what my eyes were seeing..There was b***d everywhere, splattered against the walls and windows. Then I saw Tristan and Sadie standing near Mila as she was hovering over Chloe’s limp body.

Then my eyes were drawn to Mila’s hands hanging limp at the side of her body. They were dripping b***d and my protective big brother instincts kicked in and I was in the room in no time, gripping Mila’s shoulders.

“Did she hurt you? Are you okay?” I asked worriedly before turning her around and studying her carefully from head to toe.

“She didn’t know where he was.” She gritted through her teeth, the anger filling her tone making my eyes snap up and meeting her gaze. I swear I almost stumbled backwards..Mila’s eyes were glowing really f*****g glowing!

“’s okay, we will find him.” I whispered, my hands rubbing up and down her arms as I tried to calm her down. I had never seen her this mad ever..not even with the Marcus stuff..this..this I couldn’t even explain.

‘She has been standing here for twenty minutes just glaring at Chloe’s dead body..I think she is in shock. She wouldn’t respond to us.’

Tristan linked, glancing towards Mila as I began to pull her towards me.

“Hey, come’s okay.” I whispered, pressing her against my chest as I wrapped my large hands around her small body.

The heat radiating off of her was unlike anything I had ever was almost as if the rage was bubbling to the surface and causing her skin to boil.

“I don’t think I can do this his way Blake.” She whispered against my shoulder.

“I can’t wait..I can’t just stand here while he is being tortured or hurt..whatever the hell they are doing to him. I just can’t do it..I can’t..I can’t.” She began to cry, her fist beating against my chest and hurting like hell. Damn, why was she so strong..f**k, Sadie needs to chill on the workouts she is giving her or something.

“Shhh, I know..I know this is hard..but Mila..if we walk into another trap or don’t do this right then it could end up even worse. Rowan is strong, Bain is still feel the bond right? you know he is still there..” I asked, feeling her head nod up and down as she began to calm..her skin was no longer burning and her eyes had a soft glow. I don’t know what the f**k is happening right now but I had a weird gut feeling that I just prevented something catastrophic. Why do I feel that way?

“Just take a deep breath Mil, we are in this together.” I breathed with her, listening to my own advice as the room began to calm.

“Sadie, do you mind taking her to go get cleaned up? Then why don’t we all have dinner together.” I offered, seeing Sadie nod tightly as she took Mila’s hand and began walking a quiet Mila out. It kills me to see her like this..

After they both left, I turned my gaze to a bloody Chloe. It looked like her throat was slashed and her eyes were left wide open..which was creepy as f**k.

‘I have never seen Mila like that.’

Tristan linked, making me turn towards him as I slid my hands into my pockets.

‘Something inside of her is the power radiating off of was unlike anything I have ever seen.’

He admitted, making my stomach knot as I walked towards the door.

‘She will he okay, she is just struggling right now.’

I didn’t know what the f**k to say..but I was scared as hell for what could happen..the worst was hanging over our heads and I was trying to ignore it the best I could.

‘If we don’t find him Blake..I think Mila won’t just die..’

Now this made my head snap up as I tried to understand what he meant by that.

‘What do you mean?’

Did Tristan know something I didn’t? Is there something more to Mila that I was left out of?

‘I think she would burn this whole world to the ground..and there will be nothing to stop it.’

His voice was serious and the words he spoke caused a shiver to crawl up my spine.

‘What is she?’

I asked quietly..even though we were speaking in our still felt taboo to voice it even in my mind.

‘Something greater than we probably even know.’

Tristan’s light green eyes flashed as he looked back towards Chloe once more.

‘But something I do know..we need to protect her with our matter what.’

What he said spoke volumes to me because I felt that too..since the moment I met that girl in the hospital, I felt the need to protect her. I thought it was because she was my brother’s mate and our future Luna, but could it be more than that? Could Mila be more than anyone realizes?

“Come on, we better go get ready for dinner. You look like shit.” I said, trying to lighten the mood as I with patted Tristan on the back, making him growl in annoyance. I just wanted to have some type of normalcy for one damn minute and I know Tristan won’t disappoint.

“I’ve been in the interrogation room for a few hours..what’s your excuse?” He quipped making me laugh for the first time today.noveldrama

“Guess I just woke up like this.” I added, not denying I look and feel just as horrible as Tristan looks.

We walked out of the room and into the hallway, letting the warriors through to clean up this mess when we both received a linked that made my f*****g jaw drop..

‘Beta, Gamma, we just got a phone call..It’s Alpha Ozzy and he is asking to speak to the Luna.’

f**k, it can’t be that easy..can it? Tristan and I both took off running, heading towards the main house as we rushed into the living room.

We went towards my dad’s office where I could hear some yelling and shouting then a loud roar.

“Tell me where my f*****g son is right now!” Dad shouted while I could here mom crying hysterically. we quickly raced into the room as Tristan wrapped his arms around my mom tightly, pulling her to his chest.

Then I walked up to my dad, giving him a worried look as he clenched his jaw before putting the call on speaker phone so we could all hear it.

“Well, now I know where he gets his temper from.” Ozzy laughed, making my dad even more furious as he was about to start shouting again. I quickly lifted my hand up, making my dad stop before he could even behind.

“Ozzy, what is it that you want.” I said firmly, hearing a soft chuckle on the other line.

“Ah, the trusting one. I was hoping to talk to you.” Ozzy said, making my own anger boil up for a moment.

“I already told your old man. I want Amelia. I want her alone and then I will give back your precious Alpha.” He said arrogantly, making my dad run his hands through hisnl hair in frustration.

“Rowan would never agree to that.” I said, knowing Rowan would kill us if we did anything like that.

“I don’t think Rowan is in any position to be making any decisions right now..It’s time to make it for him. Do you want your brother, or do you want me to kill him and you lose both. That simple…I guess considering you killed my’s only fair.” He said nonchalantly like Chloe’s death was nothing. It really must not of affected him at all considering he was still alive and had this smug a*s attitude.

“Why do you want Mila? Is it for money? For our territory? Why? I don’t f*****g get it!” I asked, not understanding any of this in the slightest.

My dad began to write something down, flashing it to me as I saw Tristan linking with someone.

‘Tristan is having the call traced, keep him on the line.’

The paper read and I nodded my head slightly.

“Why do I want her? Because she is mine..I don’t need any of your useless shit..I want my Amelia and that’s final. I will call back in two days..better have your decision by then. Goodbye..Oh, and tell Amelia I will be seeing her soon.” and with that he hung up, making my dad throw a glass against the wall, shattering it completely.

“He was using a burner phone..untraceable..” Tristan gritted through his teeth and now we were back to square one..what the hell are we going to do..the sad thing is..I know without a doubt Mila would trade herself in a heartbeat..but that alone would kill Rowan..Either way we are f*****g screwed.

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