The love of a Mr. CEO


TAKE THAT YOU CRAZY SHE-DEVIL!!! I screamed as I jump kicked the crazy women running at me with a pair of tweezers. As my foot was about to collide with the women’s face I here my alarm ring informing me that it was all a dream.

The annoying ringing continued for another minute before I grabbed a pillow and threw it towards the direction the sound was coming from. This effectively silenced the ringing and a smile stretched across my face as I tried to get back to beating the lights out of the crazy women. After 5 minutes of unsuccessfully trying to go back to sleep I decide to wake up, scratching the bird’s nest I call my hair in the process. I look around my room to find my alarm clock by my door instead of on my night stand where it belongs.

“Amelia Winters scores 3 points for getting the ball into the goal!” I exclaim to myself with a frighteningly large grin on my face. After my little victory I actually look at the time and freak out when it says 9:30am.

“Shit” I say as I very ungracefully get out of bed tangling the sheets around my legs in the process. I fall head first on the floor and just lay there as I recover from my clumsy yet very painful fall. I quickly get up remembering I have a job interview at the biggest industry in America and I’m already running late. Way to make an impression Amelia.

Running to the bathroom I take the quickest shower in the world and get dressed in a white blouse and a black pencil skirt keeping it classy but still business appropriate. I make sure to unbutton the top two buttons and put on black heals. Once I’m dressed I quickly put my annoyingly long brown hair into a slick ponytail and add some pearl earrings. I put on some light makeup consisting of eyeliner with a slight wing to make my green eyes pop and a little tinted lip gloss.

Once I’m completely ready I take another glance at my clock to see its almost 10 o’clock. Grabbing my phone and my purse I race down the stairs and out the door at a speed that would put speedy Gonzalez to shame.

“Enough of the immature comments Amelia, you’re about to be unemployed if you don’t hurry your ass to Stone Industry” I scowled myself as I get in my car and sped down the road in a quest to get to my interview on time and hopefully get the job. After 10 minutes of driving I finally pull into the parking lot of a huge building. I shake off my shocked face and kill the engine while getting out of the car. Running in heels is not in my expertise so you can probably guess I tripped again wasting another minute.

“Double shit” I say to myself as I take my heels off and run inside the building to the receptionist’s desk.

“Amelia Winters, job interview with Mr. Stone” I quickly exclaim out of breath. The lady behind the desk looks at me as if I just escaped a mental institution but calls what I’m assuming is Mr. Stone to confirm my appointment.

“Mr. Stone has been waiting for you for almost 15 minutes so you better hope he’s not furious, patience isn’t his strongest attribute.” The lady says almost apologetically. I quickly thank her and run to the elevator pressing the button and rushing inside. Not knowing what floor his office is on I press the top floor praying that I’m right. Thirty seconds later the doors open and I rush out putting my heals on at the same time. I stumble across a door with “Do not disturb” written on it and assume it’s Mr. Stone’s office.

Knocking three times I wait until I hear a come in before entering the office. Walking in, I don’t look up until I’m right in front of his desk. I gasp at the sight in front of me, my eyes widen as I take a moment to ogle at this gorgeous hunk sitting behind the table. He had dark brown hair slightly spiked and his eyes where to die for. A mixture of hazel and gold stared back at me as I made my way down his face. Chiseled jaw with the perfect amount of facial hair and perfectly plump pink lips met my eyes. I hear him clear his throat before I snap out of my daze to see him slightly smirking.

“You’re late” his husky voice says.

“Thanks for pointing out the obvious” I respond instantly regretting it once I see his expression darken.

“You showed up to this industry looking for a job and if you expect to get it, I suggest you refrain from your childish comments Ms. Winters.” He bites back making me slightly cringe bringing a look of satisfaction and amusement to Mr. Stone’s face.

“I’m sorry Mr. Stone I slept in and had trouble getting here on time but I promise it won’t happen again.” I quickly rush out to hopefully make him like me. He slightly nods and pulls out a file with what I assume is my records. After a couple of awkward minutes of him looking through my records and me chewing on my bottom lip he glances up with a look of impress.

“Well Ms. Winters from your records I can see that your expertise level in the business industry is remarkable.”

I blushed furiously before I replied back with a small thank you.

“You got the job but if I see you’re late one more time you’re fired. Do I make myself clear?” He asks me in a voice full of authority. I quickly nod my head with a smile and wait for his next words. He continues to stare at me and all I can do is look around his office waiting for the awkward silence to be broken.

His office is huge with a large window that took up the whole wall to my right. His desk was a light brown wooden texture with a laptop, lamp and a stack of files. The walls were a light shade of grey with a seating area behind me with a black table in the center. The office was well put together and it screamed dark and mysterious.

I look back to see my new boss still staring at me intensely with is golden eyes which made me a bit uncomfortable. Not being able to hold back a comment I ask

“Sir, you’ve been staring at me for a couple minutes, is there something on my face?”

“No, I just never expected you to be so beautiful and alluring.” He replies slickly with a smirk. My face probably resembled a tomato from how hard I was blushing. His smirk widens at that and I can’t help but want to wipe that sexy smirk off his face.

“Well being the CEO of a massive company I would’ve assumed you’d know it’s not polite to stare…. Guess not” I bite back with a smirk of my own. He clearly wasn’t expecting that so his smirk slipped from his face making mine get bigger.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well being an employee in my company I’d assume you’d know that your job could easily be given to someone else.” He snaps back. My smirk falls and a look of panic crosses my face at his words. He obviously saw my expression because the smirk I’m starting to really hate was back on his face. He dismisses our conversation as he starts to get up nodding at me to follow. He opened a door I didn’t notice was in his office that connected to another office but a tad bit smaller. On the table there was a list with a bunch of companies and numbers along with a stack of files and a computer.

“I need you to call these companies and arrange a meeting for tomorrow at 2pm. Then I want you to put these files of Stone Industry’s finances in the computer onto one document. After you print copies of the document, set it on my desk and then you’re free to go.” He tells me looking back making sure I heard everything.

“Sure thing Mr. Stone I’ll get right on it.” I say as I walk past him and sit behind my desk picking up the phone. He watches me for a couple moments before he nods and walks back to his office shutting the door on the way out. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and get to work.

It takes me a couple hours to arrange the meeting, and the documents. Glancing at the time I see it’s 4:30pm when I finished. Satisfied with the work I accomplished I gather my things and make my way back into Mr. Stone’s office to drop off the copies. Knocking on the door, I wait a couple moments before I enter to see him staring intently at his laptop. I wait for him to glance up and slowly walk over to his desk. I put the copies on his desk and he grabs them looking at them to check for any mistakes. I wait nervously for him to say something, when he doesn’t respond after a few minutes I ask

“Is there something wrong with the copies Mr. Stone?”

He glances up at me “No, I was just making sure everything was correct. I wasn’t expecting you to finish the documents so quickly but good job today, you’re free to go.” He responds with a curt nod. Turing around my heel gets stuck on the leg of the desk making me fall forward. Accepting my embarrassment, I don’t try and prevent the fall but am later confused when my face doesn’t meet the wooden floor. Instead I feel strong arms grasp my waist leaving a trail of heat in the process. Opening my eyes I come face to face with Mr. Stone and take a moment to stare at him yet again. His eyes were so alluring they kept drawing me in making me loose my train of thought. This stare off went on for a couple of seconds before I snapped out of it getting out of his arms.

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