The King And The Rejected She-wolf

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 – The Elders


After my picnic with Laura, she goes to take a nap. And I go into my office to do some work. Sitting in

my chair, 1 smile at the thought of Laura helping my mom, with the plans for the upcoming event. From

what I got to hear she had thought about a lot of ideas. Usually, at this time of the year, we celebrate

the end of summer and that winter is coming, only the year we have the Eclipse so we also celebrate


I hear the bell going but I know my mom is here, so I let her open today.

‘Liam, some of the elders are here. They want to speak with you.” Mom reaches me through the


‘Okay, can you show them here to my office, please?’

‘Of course.’ She ends the link. And it doesn’t take long before she knocks on the door. And in comes 3


Jackson, Andrew, and Sanderson all three bow for me and I nod my head briefly. The Elder Council is

the one who together with me, makes sure our laws are followed. They don’t live here but have their

own lands, with members being their high guards and of course their families.

“My King.” Andrews and I remember he is currently the head of the council.

“Andrews, it’s has been a long time, what brings the council here.”

‘We need to speak with his highness,” Andrew speaks in a clear voice.

“Alright sit down gentlemen. My mother will be here in a sec, with tea, coffee, or whatever you should

want.” I tell them. They sit down and not long after my mother comes in with everything. When she

leaves again I thank her and look at them again.

“So tell me, what can I help you with?” Elder Jackson clears his throat.

“We have heard rumors, that you are having a serious relationship with someone.” They look at me and

I smile.

“Yes, I am, but why is that of any concern.”

“We also heard that this she-wolf is pregnant with another wolf’s pups.”

“Yes, this is also true.”

“My king, We can not let a she-wolf like her become our queen. It is just not acceptable. You can not

Mate or mark a woman like that. It is just not acceptable.” Elder Sanderson says looking at me. Now I

know why they are here, I am starting to get annoyed. But before I can say anything Elder Jackson


“Of course, we do not expect you to be alone for the rest of your life. And we would have come sooner

if we knew his highness was ready to move on from losing your fated mate. But we have a solution, my

granddaughter has come of age. And when she did she found herself being fated to be a simple

servant. S o of course she rejected him. That means my granddaughter is ready for a mate and would

be a better option for you, your Highness.” I can’t believe my ears right now. They want me to take this

granddaughter of his. Mate and mark her, make her queen. 1

“No,” I say without blinking. There is no fucking way I will do this.

“But your highness. We need a queen. And she will be perfect.”

“I said no. I will not take some random girl, make her my mate is queen.”

“‘This pregnant she-wolf cannot be either.” Elder Sanderson says. Andrews has so far not said a word.

” have never said or indicated that I will mark Laura. BUT if she and I, later on, should decide we want

to b e each other’s chosen mate. Then that is our decision and no one else. And no I do not care that

she is pregnant. She is the most genuinely caring, and sweetest woman I have ever met. Even before

our relationship started, she has cared for, and helped my packmembers, all from helping the elder

wolves to

taking care of and relieving the families by being with the pups, after our rouge attack, so they could

take – care of their injured family. I would be lucky if she would be by my side. But again. She has

never said or

done anything that shows that being queen is what she wants. It’s the opposite actually. So NO, I will

not take this random she-wolf and make her queen, all because she felt she was too important to be

mated with what you call a servant. That right there shows me she is NOT worthy to be anywhere the

crown.” la m furious. They might be the Elders but I am still the one with the last word.

“So you want to make a she-wolf queen and risk her bastard pup will try to take the crown.“ I can’t help

but laugh.

“If Laura in the future wants to be my chosen mate, then yes. I know very well that I need an heir. And I

would be lucky if she would be the mother. Both I and she knows her unborn son will never be king.

And she has no desire for him to be so.” They all look at me and I look back at them, Andrews nods his Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

head, something tells me he is only here because the council put pressure on him.

“Do you think we can meet this she-wolf?” He asks softly

“I don’t know if she is sleeping, she is in the last month of her pregnancy. Let me try to link her, but

YOU d o NOT pester her with questions about becoming queen. We have never even talked about it.”

He nods. I sigh and try as gently as possible to push at her mindlink, and I feel her response.



I was waking up from my nap, laying in bed, and relaxed when I felt Liam gently pushing on the



‘Did I wake you beautiful?’

No, I was awake.’

‘Oh, good. Laura, I am in my office with 3 Elders from the council. It seems someone told them I am in

a relationship. And they want to meet you.’ I sit up shocked.

‘But why:

‘To satisfy their curiosity I guess. And probably ask you a few questions.

‘Oh, Okay. Give me 5 minutes I need to get dressed.”

‘Take your time beautiful don’t rush.’

He closes the mindlink and I rush to my closet. I know that if they know about Kim and me already, they

most likely also know I am pregnant. I choose a blue long-lose dress that doesn’t make my belly so

obvious, I braid my long hair, hanging it over my shoulder, and make my way down to Liam’s office,

before I can knock I hear Liam’s voice.

“Just come in Laura.” I open the door and slowly make my way inside. When Liam sees me he stands

up and walks over to me.

“Are you okay Laura, you look pale.” I bet I do. I am nervous but also one of the twins decided just this

moment to kick my insides.

“Yes, sorry,” I say softly trying to keep the pain out of my voice. But Liam looks at me and I can see he

has guessed the reason and he smiles a little.

“Come sit down, maybe they will stop kicking.” I smile a little. But stop when he leads me to his chair.

“But this is yours.

“And all other seats are taken. Just sit down. I am not having you stand up fighting the pain from your

pups kicking.” I notice one of the elders raise an eyebrow another just looking at me but the last one is

smiling. After sitting down the elder that was smiling stand up and walks over to the table with

refreshments and come back with a glass of water.

“Here you go, dear.” He hands me the water. And smile.

“Thank you Elder.” I realize I don’t know their names.

“My name is Elder Andrews, this is Elder Jackson and Elder Sanderson.” He tells me clearly sensing

my distress.

“Thank you, Elder Andrews. My Name is Laura Perl.” He nods

“You are not originally from this pack are you?” He asks me still sounding friendly.

“No sir. I was born and raised in the Midnight Pack.”

“Can you tell us h you left?” He asks. I look up at Liam and he nods his head.

“Yes sir. I was raised by my father and his fated mate after my mother died. As it is with most wolves,

they don’t care much if their mate has another child. My father however never showed more love to my

half-sister, than he did me and always treated me well.

Midnight Pack still follows some traditions, one of them being when the need Alpha turns 20 he gets to

see all unmated she-wolves outside the packhouse. To either find his fated mate or choose one.” I see

the surprise in Elder Andrews’s eyes but continue.

“The Alpha and I found out we were fated mates. He brought me inside the packhouse and to his room

where we mated, though he didn’t mark me. Said he wanted us to know each other better. About a

week o r so after I started to get heavy pain in my stomach and chest. After about 2-3 weeks with the

pain coming and going, I went to the doctor. And found out that I was pregnant. Being happy that I

could give my mate his heir, I went home, on my way back the pain started again and got worse the

closer I got.

When I got home I went to see my mate, wanting to him happy. But when I got to his office I found him

creating, with my younger half-sister. I tried to turn around to leave, but he commanded me to stop and

watch him finish. When he was done he rejected me. Telling me my sister was better in bed. And then

released his command. I turned and ran. My wolf took over and she kept running. Until she exhausted

herself and we passed out. Next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital here at The Royal Moon Pack.” |

finish my story,

“I found her. On my routine run. Barely breathing so I rushed her to the hospital. I brought her here, so

she could recover and I would help her to either go home or move on to another Pack. She became a

friend, m y mother loves her. And I vowed her into the pack. And slowly we have become more than

friends.” Liam tells them. Andrews nods,

“First, I am sorry for the pain you must have been through. Secondly, do your old mate know about

your pups?” He asks me,

“No. I mean I didn’t tell him. But the pack doctor knew, so I don’t know if she told him.” He nods.

“Legally he doesn’t have any claim as he rejected you before they were born. But this is an Alpha we

talk about, and you are most likely carrying his heir.”

“I know. And do I see him again I won’t lie to him? But I won’t let him take my son. If my son wants to

know him when he gets older, that will be his choice, and I won’t stand in his way.” I tell him and he


“If I may. I want to say, I am not with Liam because of who he is. But he has truly helped me heal. This

entire pack has. And it has become my home. I will care for your pack and my home just as they

always showed me kindness. And I would care for Liam, even if he had been an Omega.” I tell them

and I now see one of the other elders smile too.

“Thank you miss Perl. I think that was all your highness.” Elder Andrews says to Liam and that is when

I realize that I didn’t use his rightful title. I blush and look down, feeling bad.

“We will leave and go back home. Thank you for seeing us. And also thank you to you miss Perl. I wish

you good luck with your pups.” I look up and bow my head for them before Liam shows them out.

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