The House Mate (Roommates, #3)

Chapter 43 Addison


Light streamed in, and I let my eyes flutter open with a sigh.

I’d been in the middle of the best dream. Max and Dylan and I were at the beach making a sand castle together. It was a beautiful breezy day, and I felt the most perfect sense of calm.

Now, in the harsh light of day, that sense of calm was fading fast. I peeked to my left to see the other side of the bed empty, save for a note on the pillow.

I rolled over and breathed in the scent of Max’s pillow as I snagged the note and unfolded it. My lips split into a grin at the sloppy writing.

It’s a beautiful morning and we were starving so we walked over to the bakery to get chocolate croissants. Daddy said you looked too pretty to wake up, but we’re gonna bring you one back, so don’t eat.



A rush of emotion welled up and I slumped back against the mattress with a groan. Last night had been amazing. The thought of Max’s magical hands all over me made my thighs quiver. But there was no denying that it had only made me even more afraid of what was to come. I knew I was going to have to respond to his proposal one way or another, and soon. I’d managed to avoid it last night, but I doubted we’d get through another day without it coming up. Especially after the intimacy of last night.

I glanced at the clock and a sudden wave of panic washed over me. Dylan and Max would probably be back any minute. So I did the only thing that made sense. I threw on a pair of flip-flops, brushed my teeth, and ran.

An hour later, I was sitting across from Lara in what used to be our favorite coffee shop as she stared at me from across the table, something akin to horror in her eyes.

“Did you at least text him and let him know you were leaving?”

I fidgeted, tracing shapes into the foam of my latte as I shook my head. “No, not yet.”

“But you said the note he left said they’d be back shortly and were bringing you breakfast. Don’t you think he might wonder where you went?”

She wasn’t being mean, exactly, but I couldn’t help getting defensive.

“I guess so, but I wasn’t really thinking about that. I just knew I needed to get out of there, fast.” I groaned and bent to bury my face in my hands. “Lara, I swear, it felt like the walls were closing in on me.”

“Because of the proposal?” she asked, her tone gentling.

“No.” At least, not entirely. “I know that I want to be with Max and Dylan. I’ve never wanted anything more. But when I think of Greg, I can’t help but question my own judgment. What if I say yes, and this all turns out the same way?”

“By the same way, I’m guessing you don’t mean by Max telling you he’s gay, after all?” she probed, pausing to take a sip of her macchiato.

I almost laughed out loud at that, but the sheer vastness of my freak-out held me back. “No, Max is definitely straight. I mean, what if he decides I’m not what he wants, after all?”

Lara shook her head firmly. “You know, the other day when you told me that you weren’t sure he wanted to be exclusive and all that, I was nervous for you. But now? Girl, I am all about it. You know why?”Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

I shook my head slowly.

“Because he asked you to marry him. He wants to commit to you. Surely he wouldn’t do that if he wasn’t sure what he wanted. Heck, from what you said, he didn’t even ask the mother of his child to marry him. Seems like a pretty big step for a guy who hates the idea of commitment.” She threw her hands up. “And as far as Greg comparisons, let me ask you this. Has Max asked you to give up your career dreams to support his?”

I tugged absently on my bottom lip and shook my head.

“Has he asked you to give up your time or your money to invest into his business? Or told you that spending time with your friends when you could be working on said business meant you didn’t care about him?”

“No.” In fact, Max encouraged me to take time off from caring for Dylan to get some “me” time and meet up with Lara at least once a week. And when we’d talked about the fact that I hadn’t gotten my degree, he’d encouraged me to go back to school if I wanted.

“So, Greg asked for everything. What has Max asked for?”

When she said it like that, the comparison between the two seemed silly.

“Just my love,” I admitted softly.

“As it should be,” she said with a smug nod.

I drank down the rest of my latte, my heart pumping as hope began to spread through my chest.

“Well?” Lara demanded, glaring at me. “What the hell are you waiting for? Get your ass back there and get that big sexy man to put a ring on it before I try to steal him from you.”

I stood and wrapped her in a weepy bear hug. “Thank you. You always manage to get me back on track when I’m spinning off the rails. Love you, Lara.”

She pulled back and gave me a laughing shove. “Sushi’s on you next week. Now, go! My break’s over and I need to get back to work.”

The trip back home was interminable, and I considered calling Max and telling him everything I was feeling over the phone. Instead, I stuffed it into the center console and recited the words in my head, determined not to screw it all up this time like I had when he’d first asked me and I went totally tongue-tied.

• • •

When I walked in the door an hour later, the sound of Max singing Dylan’s favorite song in his rusty baritone rang in my ears, and a feeling of pure joy washed over me. If I could just do this the right way, this could be my life.

I stepped into the living room, and Max turned to face me from the spot where he and Dylan were sitting on the floor.

“Hey,” he said, his tone guarded. “We were getting a little worried, but I didn’t want to bug you if you just wanted to get a little space. Everything okay?”

Greg would never have cared or worried about bugging me or about me needing space. If he wanted something or needed me, that was all that had ever mattered. The fact that Max had clearly wondered where I’d gone but had considered my needs before his made me even more sure. I wanted so badly to rush over there and wipe away the worry lines bisecting his forehead, but I stopped a few feet away, blowing Dylan a kiss as she burst into giggles.

“Everything is perfect. Or it was, at least,” I said, shrugging. “Until I nearly screwed it up by being a chicken. I love you. I love Dylan, and I don’t know why I even hesitated. Ask me again, Max,” I murmured, nerves bouncing around in my stomach like Pop Rocks. “Please.”

My fears that he would hesitate or flat-out refuse disappeared as his jaw tensed with determination and his eyes blazed with passion. He rose onto one knee and slowly reached into his pants pocket.

“I’m sure glad you came back, because while Dylan and I were out getting croissants, we passed a jewelry store, and she wouldn’t be deterred.” He tugged a box free and opened it with a click. I stared down in awe at a stunning diamond solitaire winking up at me. It was simply perfect.

“Addison, since the day we met, you’ve blown me away. From your wit and humor, to the sweet way you interact with Dylan-” The baby cooed and looked up from the blocks she’d been playing with to give Addison a grin. “From the way you attack life and make me want to be a better man, to the way you’ve rocked my socks off in bed. I can’t imagine anything that would make me happier than if you would agree to be my wife.”

Sincerity shone from his face as he gazed up at me, and I didn’t waste a second. I dropped to my knees beside him and shoved him back onto the rug, peppering his face with kisses.

“Yes! Yes, yes, yes!” Dylan squealed, scuttling over to join me, slobbering wet baby kisses all over Max’s face.

“Assin!” she hollered, clapping her hands as we all laughed.

Max gripped the nape of my neck and dragged me close for a second, peering deep into my eyes. “I love you so much.” He took my hand and slid the ring onto my finger with a satisfied nod. “And now you’re mine, forever and ever.”

I stared down at the ring, the sense of rightness settling over me almost overwhelming. “And you’re mine.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he murmured, trailing his hand over my cheek gently.

“Well, I mean, you are mine, but I meant it in a more immediate sense,” I said, happiness bubbling over into a fit of giggles.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, cocking his head suspiciously.

“It means it’s game night, buddy. And I’m the master of ceremonies. Better make sure you drink a lot of water and maybe do some carb loading.” I patted his cheek and then stood, lifting Dylan into my arms. “You’re going to need your strength.”

I sashayed away, adding a little swing to my hips as I went into the kitchen in search of chocolate croissants.

“Addison?” Max called, his voice laced with laughter. “Should I be afraid?”

“Oh yeaaaah.”

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