The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0560

There's a happy buzz in the magic classroom for perhaps the first time ever, with mom swinging her legs as she sits on the desk and Cora leaning against it next to her.

We all turn when our final student arrives at the door.

"Hello, enemies," Tony says, laughing as he leans against the door frame, his arms crossed casually across his chest.

I laugh even as mom jumps down off the desk, laughing and moving quickly to Tony's side, taking him by the hand and pulling him into the room as she shuts the door behind him.

"Tony, we really are sorry," Rafe says, looking up into his face quickly as Tony comes more completely into the room, walking for his usual desk. "We tried but..."

"It's cool," Tony says, flashing Rafe a grin and giving Jackson a nod. "I'm not taking it personally. It will just stink to have to take you all out, one by one." He flashes us a wink.

"And how would you do that?" Rafe asks, turning towards him with interest as the rest of us do the same. "Ambassadors are only sent into the Games with a six-shot handgun. You think that's going to be enough?" He raises his eyebrow, not letting Tony in on the fact that Ben has already let us in on the secret that Tony is categorically not on the Ambassador track.

"Oh, I'm sure I can make something work," Tony says, giving us an easy smile that crinkles his eyes, which clearly states - to me at least - that he sees the question beneath the surface and has no intention of letting us in on his secret, whatever it is.

But still, the way Rafe continues to bristle a bit at Tony gets under my skin. Why doesn't he just believe me and mom when we tell him that Tony's all right?

"We'll make it worth your while," I say, turning my best Princess smile on Tony, attempting to communicate that I'm on his side and willing to joke around even if Rafe is not. "If you take care of Luca and manage to murder Wright within the first five minutes."

"Oh yeah?" Tony asks, grinning at me.

"I'd owe you a personal favor," I say, laughing and pressing a hand to my heart, giving him a little bow. "Which, from a princess, is always worth having."

"Can I hear about what that favor might be worth if I traded it in for cash?" he asks, one eyebrow raised, making me grin.

"All right, enough of this sporty talk," Cora says with a sigh, making us all turn to her as mom boosts herself On the desk and smiles at

back up

her sister. "Let's leave all this distasteful discussion of murder aside and get to what really matters."

"Yes, let's talk about me," mom says, flicking her hair back over her shoulder, smug.

“Or,” Cora says with half a sigh, sending a little glare mom's way, “developing magical skills.”

"Or that," mom says with a contented sigh, smiling around at all of us.


"We'll break into smaller groups in a minute,” Cora-says, looking around at us with interest, "but first, since Tony and Ariel have already presented their magic to the group," she says, "we thought

perhaps... Jesse and Jackson? Might?"

Both Jesse and Jackson go tense in their seats as we all turn our heads to look between them, to gauge their reactions.

Jackson is the first to clear his throat. “Um, well,” he says, holding a hand out in front of him. “There's not much to...prove. My magic is incredibly useful, but much less visually impressive than the other three."


I mean, we've felt it, though," I say, turning my head to look up into Jackson's face. "Me and Jesse and Rafe. Do you want to try it with the others?" raise my eyebrows at him and Jackson just looks at me, his eyes narrowing a little, clearly not wanting to. I laugh a bit, reaching out to give him a shove on the arm. “Oh, come on, Jacks," I say, grinning at him. “It will be worth it to know if you can pass your energy to others, won't it?"

He sighs, shaking his head at me. “Why, so I can power the entire military force of Moon Valley if necessary?” he asks.

"Or, you know,” I say, giving him a happy smile and tapping a finger in the air. "Just give us all our morning jolt."

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