The Genius Delta

Chapter 1 - Silvercloud

Chapter 1 - Silvercloud

I am not the nine-to-five, five-day, forty-hour-work-week kind of guy. I don’t have the attention span for

something, so mind-numbing. I prefer the Netherlands’ thirty-hour work week at best. This is why my

company runs on a four-day work week with varied hours; no one is expected to work more than thirty

hours. People are a lot happier with it.

They also like that we have a hybrid work situation for some positions. Any position where they would

be building or using chemicals has to be done at the office, but for many departments, they can

telecommute. I telecommute as often as possible. While my office is excellent, and we have many labs

for various research, I still prefer to stay in my bunker lab and fiddle with tech at my leisure between

tasks for the pack.

Another reason I don’t go to the office often, I like to keep my identity a secret. Since the Kinsley

brothers helped me launch Silvercloud Industrial under their company umbrella, we’ve kept my given

name and face out of the public. The only person at the office who knows who I am is my assistant

Shikoba, who isn’t telling anyone my secret because I’m awesome.

Okay, seriously, she’s just super loyal, and it helps that I gave her this job and made sure our company

insurance has covered every medical expense for her transition from a man to a woman. I trust

Shikoba a lot. She’s like my John. Everything goes through her before it comes to me, and nobody gets

past her to see me. And in the last four years, Silvercloud has been up and running, and she’s been my

assistant no one has. I occasionally come to the office, but anyone who sees me thinks I’m goofy

Jonny Weaver.

When I come into the office, people are always surprised and nervous that I’m still employed. I may

have had a couple of incidents that resulted in the fire department coming and the building being

evacuated. But I haven’t blown the building up, so don’t look at me all judgmental like the Kinsley

brothers. Besides, my company’s office is very well insured, at John’s insistence.

Strangely enough, insurance is why I’m not in my bunker lab. Shikoba sent me paperwork to sign off on

increasing the coverage I have on the Silvercloud headquarters as per a request from one John Kinsley

Jr. When I asked her why there was a request, she was as baffled as me and asked if I had plans to Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

spend more time at the office soon. Even my PA is concerned I’ll blow the office up with one of my

inventions. But I have no plans to spend time at the office. I have plenty of space and tools at my

disposal in my lab.

“Jonathan, get your feet off my desk.” John sighed as he walked into his office at Kinsley Industrial’s


I smiled brightly at the eldest Kinsley brother. He’s usually the more put-together of the pair. Always in a

nice suit and clean shave. Or almost always. This morning is different. Sure he’s still in a suit, but it’s

wrinkled, and I would bet money that the weird purple goop on his tie is baby food. He also has subtle

dark circles under his eyes and a five o’clock shadow at eight am. Oh, the joys of parenthood. Better

him than me.

“You might want to swap your tie. It looks like little AJ left some of his breakfast on you. That or you’re

so tired that you dribbled yogurt on yourself.” I taunted, pointing at his tie.

“I’d ask who had you awake all night, but I would only assume it’s AJ. Farah is too sweet to be

disruptive. And it can’t be Sarael. You look drained-tired, not oversexed tired.” I chuckled as he dumped

me out of his chair and pulled a new tie from his desk.

John shook his head at me as he took off his stained tie and expertly tied the clean one. I still don’t

know how he does that. I’ve seen him tie a tie many times, and he’s shown me how to do it for myself,

but I create a jumbled, knotted mess, and he growls in frustration. In the rare instances that I’m

expected to wear a tie, I have him tie it. I could loosen but not untie my ties, but where’s the fun in that?

“Guess I picked a bad day to drop in.”I sighed, getting to my feet and dusting off my jeans. “Are you

good? Need me to get you some coffee? Maybe an IV drip of it? Or tell your assistant not to disturb you

for four hours so you can take a nap?” I offered, gesturing with my thumb toward his office door.

“I’m fine. Michele will bring me my coffee shortly. She usually does.” John waved dismissively at me as

he sat down and booted up his computer.

“I can handle my work day without a nap, thank you. Amal was just a little extra crank last night as he

has a tooth coming in.” John sighed.

“Now, why don’t you explain why you’re in my office and how you got past security? You don’t work

here and aren’t authorized to access any part of the building.” He frowned, checking to see if I had a

badge or a visitor badge.

“John, did you forget who I am?” I teased, holding my hand to my heart. “I’m offended you would think

it’s outside my capabilities to bypass every security measure in place. I did, after all, design your

security system.”

“Jonathan, I am not in the mood for games or a bigger headache. So save us both the time and energy

to tell me why you’re here.” He sighed, rubbing his temples.

“Fine. I’ll put you out of your misery. I want to know why you submitted for additional insurance on

Silvercloud HQ. Aren’t my premiums high enough?” I asked. “You had Shikoba worried that I planned

to spend more time at the office.”

A tiny upturn of his lips told me he was at least amused. “You forgot. You promised my niece you

wouldn’t forget, and you’ve already forgotten.” He sighed.

I furrowed my brow as I stroked my beard. Yes, I know I’m an anomaly. I’m of indigenous descent and

have a full beard. It was not easy to grow. This took me years to cultivate. I was tired of people thinking

I was too young to be the pack Delta and figured a beard would make a better impression when I had

to meet other pack leaders. And now I at least don’t look like the baby face of our quartet.

“What did I promise Isis?” I pondered aloud.

“Persephone Fayte.” John gave me his stern big brother look.

I raised my eyebrow, still not understanding what he was getting at. I could see the frustration growing

in his eyes. It appears I’ve awoken the beast as Irving’s eye color started to bleed into John’s.

‘Can we not piss our Beta off so early in the morning?’ Jaci sighed.

“You do know who that is, correct?” John frowned.

“Yes, of course, I know who it is. Persephone is Darren’s aunt-in-law. Right? The sister of the Incubi

Luna. What about her?” I nodded, knowing who she was but what I would have promised Isis about

that involved her.

“She and her little sister Delilah are coming to Bloodmoon for the summer, possibly longer.” John

sighed and dug a bottle of aspirin from his drawer out.

“Persephone is going to be a summer intern at Silvercloud. Isis asked you to look out for her. I’ve

assigned Scott to watch after Delilah while she attends a botany program at the college.” He explained.

I groaned and slapped my hand to my forehead. How the hell did I forget that the Faytes were coming?

The better question is, how did I forget one of them would be working for me?

This does explain why John wanted to change the insurance on the building. While I’ve not heard of

her blowing anything up, Kurt told me something about her being a girl version of me, and that

comparison alone should strike fear into a Kinsley’s heart.

“Okay, now it makes so much more sense.” I nodded. “I’ll sign off on it today. When do the Faytes

arrive? And you said they are staying in Bloodmoon, not Silverclaw?”

“Alpha Alec feels it’s safer for his mate’s sisters to stay in Bloodmoon. We are a long-established pack.”

John shrugged. “But from what I know, Kurt is dropping Persephone off for work, at least her first day.

After that, I will expect you to do it.”

“But…” I started to protest.

The last thing I need is an intern to know who I am. I don’t go into the office much, and if she’s staying

in Bloodmoon, she’s bound to hear someone call me Silvercloud. Not to mention the amount of my free

time for testing and building in my bunker driving her to and from the office would take up.

“No buts. The Fayte sisters are priority visitors to our pack. Alpha Alec and Luna Crista are entrusting

us with their safety. Scott tried to gripe about what he called babysitting, and I’ll tell you what Logan told

him. If you want to know what babysitting is, you can watch all four heirs for the summer.” John left me

no room to argue.

“Am I clear? Or do you want to be responsible for Roselyn, Farah, Connor, and Amal all summer?” He

arched an eyebrow.

“No,” I grumbled. “Not that I don’t like the tykes. I do. In small doses.” I tried to recover from possibly

offending John. “And if I got stuck watching the heirs, I’d have to deal with Hana.” I wrinkled my nose.

I would love to forget about Princess Hana Kinsley. Every eligible male in the pack would, but me more

than the rest. She turned sixteen last month and is disappointed, to say the least, that not a damn soul

stepped forward to claim her as their mate. Sure I feel empathy for her. I truly do. But she’s fixated on

me being her mate since before puberty, and I don’t want to deal with her shit all summer.

“Watch it.” John glared. “Hana is emotional right now. We all know she had her heart set on finding a

mate. And me finding Sarael did not help her wishful thinking of a human and werewolf mating.” He


“I know she had her heart set on a mate. I was her prime suspect. Which, thank fuck, I’m not. I’m not

looking to have a mate right now, and no offense to you, Logan, or Hana, but she’s the last person I’d

want as my mate.” I shuddered, remembering how she jumped me on her birthday to see if I was lying

about not scenting her.

“That’s enough,” John growled. “And Hana won’t be an issue soon. She plans to travel with some of the

others this summer to other packs in hopes she has a mate outside of Bloodmoon.” He shrugged.

“Oh, thank the Goddess.” I sighed in relief. “I mean for her. May she find a mate at the gatherings.” I

quickly recovered.

“Mhmm. You can go now. I have a business to run, and so do you.” John waved a dismissive hand.

“I’ll leave you to it.” I need to research Persephone Fayte if I’m going to babysit her all summer. “See ya

back at the pack.” I mock saluted as I exited his office.

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