The Dracones

Chapter Seven

An hour later she comes back in and removes a couple of dead ones and places them in a separate jar. She then removes the live ones and puts them in the original water-filled jar they came in.

She notices my curious look and smiles at me. “Leaches,” she explains while she goes and sits on the bed that’s across from me. “Thank you for your help. If you hadn’t have gotten to him, he’d have been dead by the time I got here. Where did you learn how to stall poison?”

I shrug. “You learn a lot about poisons in my line of work. Plus, you get a lot of snake bites in the north.”

“What would be your line of work?” She seems interested in my voice. Maybe they’ve never heard a northern accent. I’m still having a hard time getting past their southern ones.

I sigh. “I work for the Wolves. Basically, it’s an independent workforce that works to protect the Northern Districts.”

She processes that and smiles at me. “That’s...interesting. My name is Freiah.”

“Katarina,” I say with a genuine smile. It’s hard to resist her honey-toned voice. “But everyone calls me Kit for short.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kit. I can tell you’ll make an excellent Dracones.” She sees my face grimace before I can stop it. Freiah frowns. “You don’t know how big of an honor this is, do you?”

A small smile touches my lips as I shake my head. “I’m from the north. I don’t know anything about dragons or have even seen one up close until today. This is all foreign to me. I apologize if I come off as a rude or disconcerted person. I just don’t know what is happening.”

She smiles, making her eyes crinkle. “That’s okay. I understand. I do not know you or your customs as well, so I cannot expect you to know mine. I can offer help, and answer some questions if you have them.”

I laugh as I give a genuine smile. I like her. “Well, I am confused on some parts.”

She leans in closer to me, her elbows resting on her knees. “I figured. I won’t answer any questions on the Dracones. Those are for Tray to solve.”

I nod. “Fair enough. Okay, who are the guys trying to kill me?”

She sets the jars down. “They are of the Adversantem. They are here to kill you and Trayvon.”


“Because you are of the Dracones. Legend has it, that when the Dracones fall they shall rise to power. Since our oldest member of the Dracones died last week, his heir was to be chosen to take his place. However, since he held no heir, someone was chosen by him from the other world that falls just short of death’s curtain. Alienis was already picked to be the new Dracones’s dragon. He saw his rider in a vision. He saw you. That is how Trayvon found you.”

I have a feeling for this answer. “Is the man that died named Nylarth?”

Her eyes widened. “How did you know?”

“A dragon told me.” I sigh. Well, there goes my chance of getting my revenge or finding out why he picked me out of the thousands of people in this world. “Do you know why he chose someone outside of his city or country even?”

She shakes her head. “That I do not know. We were all surprised a Northerner was chosen. Though I suspect not nearly surprised as you.” I couldn’t agree more. “Tell me, how is it that Tray convinced you to come.”

I hold up the chains. “He didn’t. He and someone else attacked my camp as my partner and I slept. Trayvon drugged me. I just woke up about eight hours ago.”

Her brow furrows. “Eight? Is that why you guys were late?”

I blush a little. “Well, it took him some time to track me down after I escaped.”

She grins. “Is that how he got that black eye?”

I shake my head. “That was when he attacked my camp. The bruise on his chest is from when I escaped.” She looks at his chest. There is a perfect imprint of my foot on his sternum. I kicked him harder than I thought.

Freiah starts laughing. “Finally, someone who can best him.” She looks at me. “We’ll get along greatly. I’ll go get us some food since you must be starving.” She locks the door behind her. Yeah like I’m going anywhere.

Five minutes later Trayvon wakes up. I just watch as his brimstone eyes slowly harden. I think to myself; what has made him so jaded? There is something in his hard face that is vulnerable, I just don’t know what. He has a story that is horrifying. Something tells me that is why he seems cold, even though he acts warm and friendly with his fellow Southerners.

His eyes landed on me when he meant them to go to the window. He grins. “You didn’t have to wait for me.”

I roll my eyes. “They’re too scared of me.” I hold up the chains. “Apparently they thought you could defend them in your sleep better than they could themselves.” I grin as he laughs. “Are you alright? Freiah says you were infected with something called Grazing.” She didn’t. I, however, know my poisons, but I have a feeling I don’t want to show that card yet.

He nods. “Just fine.” Before he can say anything more Freiah comes in with two people. The tall skinny bald one is carrying clothes; the other is there for aide. They both stare at me as Freiah blows past them and checks on Trayvon.

She smiles at him. “Glad to see you survived.”

He grins at her. “Thanks for saving my hide again.”

She laughs. “I didn’t save you. Kit did.”

He looks at me with surprised eyes. “She did? How?”

“According to Jerald, she sucked the poison out.”

He looks at me and looks me over again. “How did I taste?” Immediately he goes red as I and everyone else laughs.

I smile. “Salty.” I wink at him, easing some of his discomfort. Now we both seem weird. “If you were referring to the taste of the poison it was mint.”

Freiah grins. “Alright, well I’m going to take Kit to get changed. She has to have been in those clothes for days. Shame on you for treating her like a rabid dog Tray.” She looks at the aides, still balking at me. Trayvon is staring at her in delighted amusement.

Freiah takes the keys from the frozen aides and kicks them out. “Get out. All three of ya.” She says as she pushes Trayvon out the door. He laughs and starts to leave. He comes back and grabs the aides by the back of their shirt collars and drags them out. He snaps her a salute as he closes and locks the doors.

Freiah smiles at me as I wonder what just happened. How can this small little girl have so much power? She unlocks the brace around my neck first. Air hits my abused neck, causing a sharp sting all around my neck.

She frowns as she touches it, making me wince. “What happened?”

“It’s probably from when the guy grabbed the neck chain and threw me on the ground,” I answer with a grimace as she prods it some more with her cold hand.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Well, it looks awful.” She then proceeds to take off my manacles. I gasp in relief as they fall off. Some skin has been rubbed raw and bruise marks are starting to appear on my inner wrists. More than likely from the pressure they received when I was strangling that one guy. She frowns but has me stand. She comes up to my chest. I’m a total height of five foot eight. I’ve noticed that Northerners are taller than Southerners.

After this, she leads me to an adjoined room. It has a box in the middle. Overhead is a piece of metal with holes in it. I give it a curious look. What is this thing? She tells me to go into the box. Reluctantly I do.

“Now remove your clothes.” She says as she pulls a piece of string.

I raise my eyebrow. “Why?”

Freiah giggles. “To get cleaned silly. Please tell me you have showers in the north?”

I shake my head. “We have bathhouses. What is a shower?”

She laughs. “Hot water pours from the pipe over your head. It cleans you quickly and you use less water. The used water flows into a pipe under you and goes into the ground outside. The water is also scented so you smell extra nice.”

That sounds weird to me. I shrug. “I’ll give it a try.” I remove my corset first, sighing in relief as my ribs expand. Then I bend down and unlace my brown knee-high boots. My feet are grateful as I set them on the cold stone. Finally, I remove my dress, and then slip off my underwear. She takes my dirty clothes and folds them before setting them on the ground.

Freiah pulls a second string as I pull my hair loose. I yelp and jump back as water pours on my head. Freiah laughs as I blush; feeling foolish. I step underneath the water flow once again. She hands me a sharp metal tool used for shaving. I lather myself in soap and proceed to carefully remove the hair for my legs and underarms. Once that is done I hand her the razor back. She hands me a brush in its place. I brush my hair. It took forever since it’s wet and severely tangled. Once it is smooth she hands me a bottle with scented liquid stuff.

“What is this?” I ask as I sniff it. It smells of lavender.

“Hair soap. Brielle just discovered it. It works wonders. Just lather and rinse.”

I nod and pour some onto my hand. Ever so carefully I rub it into my hair. It feels wonderful as bubbles begin to form in my hair. Once my hair is completely covered I return under the shower and wash it out. She yanks on the cord, ceasing the water flow. Freiah then hands me a cloth to dry off with. I do just that and then use a second one to dry my hair.

Once I untangle my hair again Freiah hands me a piece of clothing. It looks like the top part of a corset but with straps. I give her a confused look. She grins. “It’s a breastband. It’s like a corset, but without it’s restrictiveness on the waist.”

I raise my eyebrow as I study it. It looks fragile. I pull it over my head and let the band settle under my breasts, while the cloth shields and holds them back. It feels odd, but my waist is not complaining since it shall be allowed to breathe.

Freiah hands me a pair of thin, brown, cut-off pants. I pull them on. They stop at just above my midthigh.

She frowns. “The waistline is right, just not the length. I’ll have Brielle fix that.” She hands me a white top. I pull it on. Its neckline plummets to just above the breastband. A band pulls the bottom of the shirt against my body when it gets to my waist. There is a string that weaves up my shirt. Freiah pulls it, pulling the cloth together, covering up the breastband, then ties it off in a neat bow.

“You can wear your boots. Brielle is currently out of sandals so those will have to do for now.” She hands them to me. I lace them up. My body sighs in relief at some familiarity. Also, the knives that have been stitched to the inside of the boots provided me with some more comfort.

Freiah smiles up at me. “You look amazing. Go look in the mirror so you can see yourself.” She leads me to a curtain. She pulls it back, revealing a walled mirror. I stare at myself. The shirt hides my hourglass body but still gives a subtle hint of it. The shorts, as Freiah, calls them, hide the top part of my legs and butt. Built-up muscles in my legs are clear as they remain taunt, though my body is relaxed. My boots cover my calves, but you can still see the curve of my thick muscles. My arms are firm and look to be in perfect shape for fighting.

My neck is long, but a clear, dark circular impression is on it from the previous abuse it had received. Ebony hair flows in soft waves to the small of my back in a triangular fashion. Thick eyelashes frame violet eyes, drawing wondering eyes immediately to them. Pale pink lips rest against pale skin, making them appear darker than what they are. An oval face with a strong chin and high cheekbones make up my feminine face as thin eyebrows imply delicacy. I pull my hair back to keep it from getting in my way. This only highlights my face. I sigh. I don’t like sticking out.

Freiah grins. “The wonders of a fresh shower never cease to amaze me. Now let’s go get you something to eat.” She takes my hand and leads me out of the room. My hand looks like snow resting against sand compared to hers. I definitely stick out.

She sticks a key in the hole and unlocks it without much of a hitch. The dark halls are deserted as we turn left once we leave the room. The smell of food makes my empty stomach churn to life. How long did Trayvon keep me asleep?

She pushes open a wooden door. Sunlight blinds me for a split second as I hear someone gasp. That gasp is followed by dead silence as all chatter ceases. When my eyes adjust about a hundred faces are staring at me. Torches are attached to the walls, providing light when it is dark. Four long wooden tables are laid out vertically on the floor. One is horizontal and short. It hosts about ten people. The ten people are old and leathered. They’re looking at me with curious eyes instead of weary ones.

Trayvon stands up with a hard mask in place. He walks forward with his shoulders up a bit as all eyes follow him. Trayvon looks at me. After about three seconds he speaks. “I’m glad to see you’re alright, and I thank you for saving my life.”

I just nod as I blush a little. Everyone is staring at me. I’m used to being the wolf in the night. The observer. Not the prey.

“Alienis wants you to meet the other dragons. I’ll take you there. Freiah can bring us some food.” He grins at me. “Do I need to chain you up again?”

I roll my eyes and take a step back as I assume we’re turning around. He grins and motions for me to follow him. He turns and starts walking back the way he had come. Reluctantly I follow. I keep my head held high as I feel their eyes burning holes into my skin. They’re more afraid of me than I am of them. I keep telling myself this, but I know that’s just not true.

Trayvon falls back to stand by my side as we exit the open ceiling dining hall through the tunnel behind the horizontal table. He has a huge smile on his face though, and I wonder why. Something’s going to happen, isn’t it?

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