The Dark Side Of Fate

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Chapter 162 – End Book 1 – ~Tamia~

The hall was silent after Neil’s punishment was explained. I knew it was horrific, and Leo looked at me, knowing I was the one that must have told Sylvester about the silver bath. I smiled and looked away.

I watched them take Neil away and felt nothing for the bastard. He was a silent devil, and he had wasted lives. Iris was in jail because of him, and she will be there for the better part of her lifetime.

Sylvester and I had decided all those that acted in a way that cost lives would have to die while the schemers that did not kill or cause anyone’s death would be sentenced to a long jail time. Because of this decision. We were clear on who would die and live long enough to get a second chance.

Ramsey was brought before us, and I could see the resignation in his eyes. He knew precisely what would happen.

“Ramsey Richford, your actions almost created a war in our world. It pitted the south and east against the north, and it would have been explosive had it not been for the peaceful nature of Leonardo Abert.

The stunt you pulled with the help of your daughter cost lives. I am disappointed in you because you have done this in the past. As head alpha of the east, you made innocent pack members pay for your crime. This shows me that you will do it again if given an opportunity.

You teamed up with the enemy to overthrow my father and failed. Then you did it again to try to overthrow me. I will not allow you to remain on the surface of this earth because I know if given the opportunity, you will do it again.

I hereby sentence you to death by hanging in broad daylight under the sun. The noose will remain on your neck until no more life is left in you. While your life force seeps away slowly, I hope you have the

heart to repent and maybe find favour in the eyes of the goddess,” I said, and everyone knew how excruciating that would be.

It was still quicker than what would happen to Larry. Larry’s punishment was worse because he would beg for death, but it would never come. It was a very terrible thing.

Ramsey apologised for his crimes, accepted the punishment, and then looked at me.

“Your Majesty, I have wronged you the most. I want to plead for your forgiveness. First, I took your parents from you at a young age and helped my daughter ruin your marriage and home. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me one day,” He said with his head bowed, and even though tears welled up in my eyes from the memories that flashed in my mind, I held them. Never again would I shed a tear for the things in my past. My future was bright now. There was no looking back.

Ramsey apologised to Leo, and I knew it was hard for Leo to look at him.

Ramsey was taken away, and finally, Amanda was brought before the council. Sylvester had kept her for last because he wanted me to sentence her.

“This is where I will hand over to my queen,” Sylvester said calmly, and Amanda began to laugh.

She knew exactly what would happen.

The enforcer with her slapped her for being disrespectful.

She looked pathetic.

I guessed she wasn’t Luna material once; little did I know I was right. She wasn’t looking pretty anymore. The scorn and rage on her face marred her beauty.

I looked at Vino in his box, and I could see his heart was still broken. Unlike Leo, Vino really cared for her. Too bad she was too greedy to realise what she already had.

I still did not understand her reasons, but I guess I would not understand everything.

I looked at her and realised there was no soul in her eyes. She was evil. Jenny did a good job grooming her.

“Amanda, it is sad to see that even amidst your shame, you are still unrepentant. Your eyes remain cold and unremorseful. You have cost lives and destroyed lives.

You tried to kill the only man that ever truly loved you while you were carrying his babies,” I said, and people gasped.

“You destroyed my home and almost ruined my ex-husband. You walked a dangerous path and destroyed everything to achieve nothing.

Today, your beautiful daughters will lose their mother because she did not love them enough to stay out of trouble and do the right thing.

I have thought of your punishment for so long, searching my mind for the best way to handle it.

I did not want to destroy you because I knew Jenny Lawrence misled you but seeing you today, I know you will never change. Your heart is cold, and you are selfish. It would be wicked to keep you alive. You do not deserve to walk on this earth, nor do you deserve to breathe the air we breathe. Just like your mentors and your false King, you will be snuffed out of the world most painfully.

You have inflicted physical and emotional pain on people without remorse; you have lied, cheated, and schemed your way through.

I will give you ample time to reflect on your crimes and seek forgiveness.

You will be locked away from everyone. You will spend at least one hour every two days in a silver bath to feel the pain you inflicted on others. You will be fed only once a week to understand the troubles your actions brought upon the families that were displaced due to your actions.

This will be done until your body can no longer handle the pain.

When that time comes, just like you did to Annika, your cousin and Vino, your mate, you will be fed silver in small amounts until your entire system shuts down and life leaves your body. I hope you realise the evil you have done and repent before you take your last breath,” I said, and people were shocked.

I looked at Vino, and he bowed his head. No matter how angry he was, he still cared for her, but I knew what I had done was for the best. Amanda couldn’t love anyone other than herself and her selfish ambitions.

Amanda was carried away while we discussed other trivial matters about the prisoners.

Sylvester told them the yardstick for the crime. All lesser participants were to be sentenced to jail, while those that fought -revolted or actively caused harm were to be beheaded.

We did not have much space in our prisons and could not start building another prison because of them.

Killing most offenders by beheading was the fastest way to reduce the prison population.

We eventually agreed, and everyone was free to leave.

Things had gone better than we had hoped. No crime could be pinned on Stephanie, so Sylvester did not need to sentence her, and Vino was pitied instead of hated.

No one asked for justice where he was concerned, so he was a free man too. It was now time to get back to our lives and live them the best way we could, free of trouble.

Leo came to say hello and told me he would return to the east that day. I hoped he and Devin would hang out with us a bit but duty called.

I was glad to finally see the light in Leo’s eyes. I was satisfied that he had indeed moved on, and I prayed that the goddess would bless him because he was too young and kind to live the rest of his days alone.

We left the hall and returned to the estate happy.

Marcel’s mother tried to visit the estate two days after the hearing but was denied entrance. Lucas wasn’t ready to face her yet, so Avery told me that Marcel asked his mother to give his father time.

It was sad to learn that the allegations against her weren’t entirely true, but she claimed to sleep with Maurice once, which was a mistake. Nonetheless, Lucas still needed time before he could speak to her.

Four Months Later.

I was in the delivery room in the estate. Sylvester sat beside me, holding my hands while I squeezed with all my might through the contractions. When Linda went into labour, I felt sorry for her and believed I had prepared myself for this, but I was wrong.

The fact that I was told not to push until I was fully dilated frustrated me the most.

“We will almost be done, darling,” Sylvester said, squeezing my hand.

I could see the worry in his eyes. He kissed my hand several times and looked at the doctor.

I knew he was linking him and did not want me to know. It was okay. As long as my twins came out alive and well, I would be happy.

Linda followed the trend and had triplets. Two boys and a girl, and they were gorgeous. They named them Lilly, Miles and Oliver.

I was eager to find out what I would be having and, likewise, Avery too. When we did our ultrasound, I found out that I was having twins, and Avery had one healthy baby.

Both of us were taken by the news, and we could not wait to welcome our bundles of joy into the world.

“I will need you to push now,” the doctor finally told me, just like Linda told me to do. I waited for the following contractions and began to push.

It didn’t take long before my babies came out. They were healthy and well.

“Congratulations, you have a boy and a girl,” The doctor said, and Sylvester kissed my clammy forehead and then kissed my lips.

“Thank you, darling, for completing my life,” he said, and I could not speak because I was feeling emotional about his action.

He looked at the babies where they kept them, ready to clean them, and I could see the joy in his eyes. I was glad everything had worked out for us.

I was cleaned, and then the doctor said I could return to my room, so they could clean the delivery room.

Sylvester carried me to our bedroom. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The bed had been made, and two temporary cots were placed in the room.

“The doctor said you will bathe later; you just need to rest. My mother will come with our babies,” He assured me, tucking me into the bed, but I did not want to sleep until I saw my twins.

Stephanie, Avery, Katya and Nicole finally came to the room with my babies. They were all smiles. They came to congratulate Sylvester and me. I could see pure joy in Stephanie’s eyes. She was happy to finally have the grandma status.

The men came to congratulate Sylvester. Even though Stephanie was hoping we would have a huge party to announce the birth of the babies, Sylvester and I refused. We wanted peace, and she soon caved and let the matter rest.

Sylvester and I named them Liam and Harper. Two months after the birth of my twins, Avery gave birth to her son, Marvin, and it was a full house. We had never been so happy in our lives. Although we knew there was more to come, this was the beginning of a new phase for us, and we embraced it.

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