The Dark Side Of Fate

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Chapter 134 – ~Tamia~

Morning came, and we went for breakfast. Everyone was present. There was an awkwardness in the atmosphere even though not everyone present knew of Amanda’s treachery, the ones that knew made it radiate into the atmosphere.

I noticed Jake was not around, and when I asked about him, Stephanie said he had gone to Lucland to see his son. His daughter was still locked up in the Estate, but I doubted we would yield anything important. As things were, all that mattered was Amanda, the Volkov guy, and the person supporting him.

None of the people we had locked up presently could give us useful information. Amanda and the Volkov handled the information so well that no one would be useful if caught.

Amanda might not be the mastermind, but she was his tool, the one he sent and the only one that had direct contact with him and knew who he was. She was all we needed, so I will be satisfied with having an eye on her until they meet and we swoop in.

“How did the questioning go?” Stephanie asked. I wondered why she decided to have breakfast with us instead of David and his family.

“We are still trying to get as much information as possible from the prisoners,” Sylvester said to stop others from telling her what was really going on, and she smiled at him.

“Your Majesty,” she teased and looked at Dominic,

“Your Eminence,” she teased him too, but both Sylvester and Dominic had false smiles on their faces. No one could miss it. They sucked at acting, and Stephanie caught on.

“What’s with the two of you? You should be in celebratory mode,” she said, surprised by their mood. Sylvester nodded at her.

“We can’t celebrate when the king is still at large, and some people are missing,” he said, and Stephanie nodded.

“Still, you got some victory; you should be proud of yourselves. Now you have the power to deal with them as you see fit without that corrupt council getting involved. It is a huge improvement,” She said, and they nodded.

“Anyway, we are almost done with the wedding plans for the blue moon. I wanted to know if you all will be going on honeymoons before we start implementing the plan,” She asked, and Sylvester nodded.

“Yes, I will be taking a short holiday with my wife,” He said. The others agreed to do the same, and Stephanie nodded.

“I will look for the perfect spot. Fit for Royalty,” she said. There was genuine joy in her eyes. I wondered what would happen if she found out the truth.

After breakfast, Sylvester went to speak to his friends while Avery and I joined Linda in her wing.

The Gamma wing was stunning, and I noticed that Linda had made plenty of modifications to the place. She had always been the type to own a place thoroughly, and this was her own wing.

We entered her bedroom and sat in the living section of the room.

“What is this I hear about that snake?” Linda asked about Amanda and then served us juice.

“I was surprised too. ” Avery said.

“What are we going to do? We let the ring leader go,” Linda said, and I nodded.

“I still can’t wrap my head around it,” I confessed.

I had maintained a strong facade to lend Sylvester strength, but the truth of the situation was that Amanda outsmarted us, and it did not sit well with me at all.

“She wasn’t dumb after all, cunning bitch,” Avery said, giving Amanda a promotion.

“I used to think she was dumb, but after Theo told me what she managed to pull off, I have to give it to her; she is smart,” Linda said, and I stood up and began to pace.

“Crying, trying to look weak, begging and pretending to be desperate, pretending to care about Leo,” Avery said, describing Amanda’s behaviour.

“I know you might find this offensive, Tamia, but I do not feel sorry for Leo. He made his bed with thorns; he should lie on it, but damn to set her father up and ask her cousin to swallow poison while she roams free is cold. There was no way she did all this for love, that selfish bitch.” Linda said, and I nodded.

“I think she did,” I said, and Linda shook her head.

“No, Tamia, she is incapable of love,” She argued, and I shook my head.

“On the contrary. She is capable of it, and it is the dangerous kind. Being pregnant while planning an uprising isn’t easy, but she wanted to tie herself to the man. That was why she transferred her bond and got pregnant by him too. She did it all to keep him. Call it what you must, but it is an act of desperation. A way of holding on to something you believe might slip away. If anything, I believe he is using her,” I said, and Avery asked me to elaborate; I told them the same things I said to Sylvester, and they understood that aspect.

“Well, she is out of our reach now,” Linda said, and I shook my head.

“Not really. I have a Kappa on her trail. I did not want her out of sight, so I had someone watch her from the moment she left.” I said, and Linda beamed at me.

“Brilliant,” She said happily, and I nodded.

“How did you know to do that?” Avery asked, and I smiled.

“Her weird conversation with Annika, the fact that she gave me the drive instead of Leo and that every one was uneasy about releasing her. It was enough for me to double-check. I needed to make sure,” I said, and Avery smiled.

“Very well. Send reinforcements and have them drag her ass back here,” Avery said, and I shook my head at the same time Linda said no.

“Why not?” Avery asked, and Linda spoke before me.

“The snake is home free; she is bound to slip up,” She said, and I chuckled because Linda was right.

“Think of it this way: She believes she has fooled everyone and is free. She will try to meet her lover or mate, whatever the douchebag is to her. Once she does, we will know who he is and catch him.

If what Tamia suspects about their relationship is true, then to him, she is dispensable. If we catch her, he would just go into hiding, and she might be too stupid to want to give him up.

We need her to reach out to him and then go for both of them together,” she said, and I smiled at Linda because she understood why I had not moved to arrest Amanda.

“Then send that Kappa reinforcements. It wasn’t difficult for Liam to know he was being followed,” Avery pointed out, and I nodded.

“We had amateurs following him because of the impromptu situation; in his case, he knew he had been made, and his associates were also hunting him. It is a different scenario, but I will send Levi for good measure. They are good at their job,” I said.

Just then, my phone rang, and Wilson was on the line. I answered immediately.

“Your Majesty,” he said, addressing me by my future title, and I could not believe it had happened. Everything seemed unreal, but it had happened, and that is where we are now.

“Yes, Wilson,” I said.

“Amanda Richford checked into a hotel in Cain, and Jacob Mikhailov just joined her,” He said, and I was on alert.

“Send reinforcement to the Kappa. I want a minute-by-minute detailing of their meeting, discussions and behaviour towards each other, now,” I said. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Okay, I will have the Kappa contact you after their meeting. I will also deploy two men there.” He said.

“No, send Levi,” I said and hung up.

“So?” Avery asked, eager to hear what was happening.

“Amanda is in Cain, and Jacob Mikhailov just joined her at the hotel.”

“Do you think he is the one?” Avery asked eagerly, and I shook my head.

“I am not sure. I doubt he it, but we could never tell. The Kappa on her has been asked to stay on her and watch them. If they end up fucking, then we will move in on the bastard. If not, we will wait for them to finish the meeting, and when they are far apart, arrest the bastard. We do not want him roaming about the place freely.” I said, and they agreed.

We talked about our wedding and what we would wear on that day. And even though we tried to make it sound as if that was the only thing that mattered, the situation with Amanda loomed at the back of our minds, reducing the joy and enthusiasm that we were supposed to feel. We did not know what to do about it.

Three hours later, a call came in from a number on Cains Island. I answered immediately.

“Your Majesty, this is Kappa Hendrix,” the voice said, and I was attentive.

“Jacob visited Amanda’s hotel room in the morning, and they had breakfast in the restaurant. They were having an argument at the time, and he left in anger,” he said, which was too vague for me. I need more detail.

“Details,” I said.

“The man was complaining about his fugitive status, wanting to know what the king would do about it. Miss Richford said she was waiting for instructions from the king and could not do anything about his situation. But the man wouldn’t have it. He threw a fit of anger, causing a scene at the restaurant, and management had to walk him out. I want to know if I should follow him or remain on target?” he asked me, and that was an easy pick.

“Remain on target,” I said.

“We will be sending you a partner. You are only to report what you see, Kappa, do not engage or jeopardise the mission,” I warned him before hanging up.

I told Avery and Linda what I had learned.

“That is some progress; at least, we know where Mikhailov is and what Ramsey told Sylvester checks out. Whether we liked it or not, we all had a tinge of doubt because the information came from Ramsey.

He might have as well cooked it up to get even with his daughter for ratting him out.

This proves her involvement with the whole uprising bullshit and with the king directly,” Avery said. I smiled, feeling a bit relieved that we had an eye on her and she wasn’t a free bird.

After that call, the three of us decided to shop in town. We wanted to buy clothes for the inauguration, which was now in four days and also give the tailor the contract of having something ready for our blue moon ceremony.

Although we had a lot of issues to deal with, life was still passing by, and we could not allow Amanda and her king to stop us from living it.

I was proud of how far we had all come, and becoming actual Royalty was a considerable step up.

I planned on enjoying every moment and supporting the man I love through this huge milestone and remarkable transition.

It was truly great because Sylvester had peacefully achieved the one thing Maurice wanted but did not know how to do.

Leo had come through for him, and I was grateful to my ex for his loyalty.

On our way out, Stephanie stopped us, but when I told her what we were planning to do, she decided to take the whole gang along and soon what was meant to be an outing that consisted of my friends and I, Katya, Nicole and Stephanie became a part of it and just as expected, Stephanie took charge. We let her and tried to rest our minds. As long as we had an eye on that bitch, Amanda, she was still a mouse in our maze.

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